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Everything posted by bull463

  1. I would check for power where it goes into the seat also power going out of the switch Bull463
  2. Today christy and I will be heading to the airport for our trip to St martine. Its been a couple of years so its time to go back. It should be a great week. We have no plans other than to lay on the beach. Bull463
  3. Very Very nice looks great. Bull463
  4. Happy birthday big guy bull463:cool10:
  5. My most fun car that got lots of looks 1974 VW Thing with gas heater Bull463
  6. Christy and I were not able to be there this year. But whatever the problem we have your back. call if you guys need something. Bull463
  7. Good job Wes. Nice looking car and in my favorite color too. Bull463
  8. Hi All Happy Thanksging to you all. Yea I know its 6 am but Ive been at work for a hour so far. Im heading to my sisters after work for dinner Christy will be having dinner with her mom as she has to work tonight. Its a crazy fun life. I hope all of you are having a great day.
  9. Im back to work. The surgery went well and now back to the grind. I will never do workman's comp again. They wasted more of my time than I can tell you cost me at least a extra 40 days before i could jump through their hoops. but its good to be back. Bull463
  10. Have fun on the break. Bull463
  11. Thank You Karl Bull463
  12. So let me tell you why you should trike Toms bike. You could drive it and leave him home to clean.........
  13. well im back home all is well. missed a pain pill and found out not to do that again lots of pain. But doc said went well Im just a little goofy good drugs.lol Bull463
  14. Well after a long wait I will be getting my knee surgery today. I hope to back to work soon after. Christy is getting tired of me. lol Bull463:stickinouttounge:
  15. We would love to come but we also will be in the big easy. You guys have fun. Bull463
  16. Sorry to hear Bob. They really do become a member of the family. Bull463
  17. Thanks Jim I totally agree with you and Big Tom. I have not commented on some of the post.[ At least I havent posted my comments ] But some of them have left a sore spot on me. Nope don't have a venture anymore . Came across a good deal and took it . If that makes me a bad guy well Ive got big shoulders so im a bad guy. I would love to meet other riders at the next rally. Bull463
  18. I think its a great idea. I always like to meet other riders. Big Tom let me know if I can help with some of the games. Bull463
  19. On our trip to MD this year I had raised the windshield before we left. As soon as we got on the interstate Christy told me she was getting a lot more wind. At the next stop I lowered it back down and she told me she was getting less wind . I have a show chrome standard windshield. Just my 2 cents. Bull463
  20. Happy birthday big guy Bull463:cool10:
  21. :rotf:I love it when they call .I get to use all my people skills. Bull463
  22. Glad to hear you guys made it ok. Just one more story to tell the grandkids when they are older the things you did for them. Bull463:cool10:
  23. Hi All First off Thanks Freebird and Eileen great time as always. Christy and I got home about 330 this afternoon. We did have a little scare in Pa, I was behind a car and a piece of metal came out from under the car. It was about a foot off the ground when the bike hit it it went off to the right side of the bike and hit Christy in the leg she is ok but has a bruise on her leg. The metal looked like a heat shield or something. Thank God it turned out well the bike has some paint scratches and some nicks in the safety chrome. Just glad we didn't go down at 70 mph. Bull463
  24. Happy Birthday Taters:cool10: Bull463 and Christy
  25. A island far far away? How ya going to ride a bike from there?? Water wings????????? Bull463
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