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  • Name
    Braundon Frederick Reinhold


  • Location
    Casper Wyoming


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1993 Yamaha Venture Royal XVZ13DEC
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  1. Update, My Son sent the tires here to Oregon so I will change them out before the trip. I'll still do 20 /26 across Oregon then hit the super slab in Boise, ride that up to Pocatello then back on 26 for the rest of the trip to Casper. I'll take pictures that's some pretty country I haven't seen in 30 years. At least it was before the fires. Thanks again Puc. Respectfully, Braun
  2. Great all I need to do now is try to apply the 2% rule and figure out how to download them from my phone LOL. Thank you again Puc. Respectfully Braun.
  3. Thank you Puc, I ordered Skinko's (actually my Son bought them for me) front and rear and will install them when I get to Wyoming before my next ride to warmer climates before the snow flies. I don't mind riding a 4 to 500 pound bike in the snow but attempting it on this heavy old girl doesn't appeal to me. Maybe after I ride it for a couple years I'll give it a go, but I'm definitely not 19 anymore and picking 850 plus pounds up on a slick surface is beyond my ability now. Maybe if I was lucky enough to find a tree or strong post I could I could get it up with a block and tackle using the post as a gin pole.Back in another life time I spent 16 years in the circus and put up many rigging's outdoors using that method. Thank you for your insight and sharing your experience with me. I do have tools, tire repair kit, electric pump, but no tire spoons yet. To break this heavy duty tire down I would need Semi truck spoons and plenty of soap, plus a little either to get it seated on the rim before I attempted to pump air into it. I'm going to ride 20 / 26 the whole trip from Oregon, That way I can hold my speed down to 55 or 60 and not heat my old tires up as much. I figure it will take me two days and I have food and water for 4 so that should be fine. I have a 12 x 14 tarp to rig as a tent over the bike and me if I need to sit out a thunderstorm. It will be an adventure I'll keep you folks posted if you're interested. Would I post that in the watering hole? or somewhere else. Respectfully, Braun
  4. Wow Freebird, that's a pretty ride and it looks comfortable to boot. I'll be interested how you take to a trike, I'm 77 and will probably follow the same path in another 5 to 10 years provided the Good Lord leaves me vertical and breathing that long. Best wishes to you and your Better half. Stay safe and Ride safe.!!
  5. I waited to long to add the rest of the information so I'll try it this way. Front Tire is Dunlop D404F 120/90-18 MC 65 H: Rear tire is. Shinko SR 777 HD 140/90 B16 MC 77 H. I plan to match up the new rear tire to the front so I'll see how that works out. Thanks again, Braun. Thank you for that information RDawson, the combination that's on the bike now handle ok so based on your experience I'll put another Shinko 777 on it. later when I get back from my trip I'll buy one for the front. Thank you Sir for your input. Respectfully, Braun
  6. I waited to long to add the rest of the information so I'll try it this way. Front Tire is Dunlop D404F 120/90-18 MC 65 H: Rear tire is. Shinko SR 777 HD 140/90 B16 MC 77 H. I plan to match up the new rear tire to the front so I'll see how that works out. Thanks again, Braun.
  7. Hello Gentlemen and Ladies, this 93 Royal venture is my first experience with these particular motorcycles. My front tire looks almost new it still has the whiskers, good tread, and no weather checks in the side wall. The rear tire has plenty of tread left but is weather checked so I don't trust it (blowouts are the pits). The tire that's currently on the bike is 140/B 16 made in Korea; That leads to my question what is the best tire for year round riding on the venture, I'm sure collectively you folks have figured out what works the best. Thank you for your help with this old dinosaur. Respectfully, Braun.
  8. OK problem solved, I gave her a shot of joy juice (either) and now it spins fine with the plugs installed, it even fired for a bit. I need to pull the carbs again and go through them 100 % this time. I did a hap hazard job the last time. Cutting corners will bite you every time LOL. Thanks again guys. Respectfully Braun.
  9. Hello Marcarl, The new problem. My starter spins great with the plugs moved. Install any one of the four plugs and the starter hits the compression stroke and stops I fried one brand new starter doing a compression check. all 4 Cylinders are between 140 and 150. Whats puzzling is it was running before the first starter fried (bearing and bushing died and grounded the armature against the stator magnets. I put a 32 mm socket on the flywheel and turned the engine over with a 10 inch ratchet. On each cylinder you needed to put some muscle behind it to pop it over. If you or any of the other guys have any insight to this puzzle please let me know, this is my first experience with the V4 and it's been and interesting education thus far. Thank you all again for your help and patience. Respectfully, Braun.
  10. Than you for the schematic that tells me to hook the brown wire to battery constant voltage I'll tie into the 40 amp main breaker / fuse. I'll let you know how it worked out. That will get the bike running while I'm looking for the correct RR. Thank you again for your time and patience.

    Respectfully, Braun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Braun


      Yes Sir, you're 100% correct I was thinking one thing and writing something else, chock it up to CRS or a Senior Moment LOL. I will tie into the fuse block and ziptie the wire in place, it will be easy to remove it after I order the correct RR. I found one in England for 40 bucks. Thank you for your help Saddlebum, if I hooked it direct I would always have  dead battery and probably shorten the life of the RR, then possibly trash the new stator. 

      I don't know if you tried this when removing the carb set: I disconnected the throttle cables at the control unit from the handlebar and the cruise control cables. That was much easier than trying to get them off at the carb attach point on the bike. Reassembling it isn't hard it just requires patience Thank you again for your help and patience. Hopefully I'll get the old girl running in a day or two.



    3. saddlebum


      I pull the carb part way out and with the aid of needle nose pliers simply disconnect and then finish removing carb. Going in just the reverse. Pretty easy if you hold your  tongue the correct side of your mouth.

    4. Braun


      Hi Saddlebum, I couldn't function without needle nose piers, there is just no room for monkey paws especially on the bike LOL 

  11. Thank you Saddlebum, My 93 has the stator cooling assy installed from the factory. My RR is not equipped with the brown wire nor is my wiring harness. So that means I bought the wrong one on ebay. That's my own ignorance as this is my first experience with a Venture Royal (silly me). Based on what you just educated me on the brown wire, I have two choices: !. rig a temporary wire up to the ignition switch (until I can get the correct one ordered) or ; 2. just buy the correct one and be done with it, might as well go with the later because I should really change out the flywheel. I just bought the bike from a guy and it's registration is expired, I'm currently in Oregon and want to ride the bike home to Wyoming before the snow flies. I'm getting a little cramped for time on that, I want to get the old girl running and get it registered and new plates at home, then head back to a milder climate to finish repairing Her. I will replace the flywheel with the magnets and hopefully with an unmolested stainless splash plate, but was hoping to cut corners to save time. On the other hand I don't need to be repairing it alongside the road between here and there. Thank you Sir for you help and education I really appreciate it, Thank you again. Respectfully; Braun.
  12. Hello Gentlemen, I have a fried coil set on my stator, I ordered an new one plus R/R from ebay. The one I have on the bike is the newer or upgraded version, without the brown battery sensing wire. The one that came in the mail has the brown wire. My question is: Can I use this new R/R with the brown wire, or do I need to buy the correct R/R? Flywheel magnets are chipped, someone before me dug the stainless cover over the magnets, that aids in oil cooling the stator. out of the flywheel. Some of the magnets are chipped on the outer edge, and one is cracked through the center, across the rotation angle. Can I get buy with this flywheel (short term) or do I need to replace it now. I would appreciate input from one of you guys with more experience on the Venture, thank you for your help and patience with an old dinosaur. Respectfully; Braun.
  13. Hello Puc, Would you be able to tell me what other flywheel magnetos will interchange with my 1993 Venture Royal? Mine is in pretty sad shape. Thank you Sir.


  14. Good Morning Freebird, I'm trying to load some pictures from my phone to the computer so I can share them here. I could sure use some advice and or instruction to make that happen. I apologize for being a dinosaur, and failing to apply the two percent rule. But at the moment this task appears to be two percent smarter than I am. Thank you Sir, or any f you guys that see this, for your help and patience.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Braun


      Thank you Firebird, I'll try that. May I pick your brain a little further? I'm looking for a Flywheel magneto assy for my 93. Do you or anybody else know what other models will work, because I've been on the computer all day looking for one.

      Thank you for your patience


    3. Freebird


      Personally, I don't.  if you post your question In the first gen tech talk area, I'm sure that somebody can help though.

    4. Braun


      Thank you again, I just found one in Texas @ 



  15. Side Bar; I did buy a set of vacuum guages to sync the carbs later. I need to hook all 4 to a common vacuum source so I can caiibrate them to all read the same first. I also replaced the gaskets on the valve covers that were puking oil. The last guy used red silicone instead of grey, so I'm in the process of changing all the gaskets. I also bought a complete set of Stainless socket head bolts for the engine. Some of the mild steel bolts I've come across were a real bear to get out without making a mess of things. But carefully welding a nut on them and gently heating the aluminum with a propane torch while tapping on the bolt with a small hammer worked. The biggest thing this poor old girl needs, is some TLC by somebody that cares. I'll send some pictures when I get them loaded into the computer. Anyway thanks again Guys. Braun.
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