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Everything posted by bigbob

  1. bigbob


    Brian,They tell me that down the road I might be going to the Wascanna Rehab center. Should have lots time to get together then Bob
  2. bigbob


    Thats OK Russ cause all you would of saw is a big guy sleeping.
  3. bigbob


    came home today. First I want to thank everyone who sent their prayers and encouragement my way (need all the help I can get) also to those near and far who came to see me. You don't know how much that boosted my moral. Again thank you from the bottom of my heart. Tomorow I have two Dr. appointements in Regina. One is to remove that hardware that is screwed to my arm, other is an exam of my eye. Going to be a long day. So long for now; Bigbob
  4. I used RUGLIDE on my tire alot of it .Top bead took about 75# bottom took 100 plus on second try. Sure like the ride of the BFG 155 T/A See you guys i PIP Bob
  5. Just got back from my road test after instaling A BFG T/A radial 155 R15 this afternoon. Did about 100 miles, sure like it so far, especialy the ride. Sure glad I took time to grease the drive shaft, splines, drive pins,etc. don't plan on taking the backend apart for a long time. Will have a better idea about it after I get back from PIP at the end of the mounth Good luck ,Bigbob
  6. I have an 04 SRV That I had radio problems with. Both times it was the radio controler on left handlebar. First time in 04 agin on the way to Kitchener going to the rally. Hope it's the last time this happens as this is my last year on warranty. Ride safe; Bob
  7. Hi.rafig. Had similar problems with mine .Changing the controler on left handle bar fixed it. Thank god for warranty cause it is one expensive piece. Good luck. Bigbob
  8. Hi Ken: Would you be interested in selling your o ld controller? If you are I'm interested in buying it. How much Would like for it? Ride safe. Bigbob
  9. Hi Larry; I would like to but I'm not very good at explaining myself on a keyboard. Ride safe. Bob.
  10. Hi Roadkill: PM me your phone no. and a time that is best to get a hold of you I will try to explain how to do it. Ride safe: Bigbob.
  11. Good place. Bigbob
  12. Mine did a similar thing and was a connection under the passenger seat. Hope this helps. Ride safe: Bigbob.
  13. To me it sounds like you didn't get the shaft in the yoke. Bigbob
  14. Mine was the same. Took them off & installed air horns, end of problems. Ride safe Bigbob
  15. Going to be 42 Oct 15
  16. Looking for someone to share a KOA cabin .Anyone??? Or maybe a motel that is closeby. Thanks in advance: Bigbob
  17. I too have gout for many years and also use Allopurinol works wonders. Only thing once you start useing it than start again because it will triger an attact.Don'task me how I know this. Bigbob
  18. Disconnect electric horns and install air horns . Thats what I did. If your squelch is turned up to much it it will pickup your horns. Ride safe: Bigbob.
  19. Cut mine off the first week after I got the bike. Riding around town one day,I went to stop at a stop sign to find my shoe laces tangled on the heel end,just about went down, poped the clutch,turned on the gas took off. Thats when it got cut off. Anybody want to buy an almost new heel end shifter reeeel cheeeap ????? Ride safe: Bigbob
  20. To remove mine I drilled a 5/16 hole in the centre of the head this will cut the head off, then I used a pair of visegrip on the stud to turn them off. Hope this makes sence to you. Ride safe: Bigbob
  21. My trailer is in v.good mechcanical shape. I do inspect often, and before every trip, But please tell me how to inspect a 1" grade 8 bolt inside a sivel hitch short of taking it apart. Last thing you would expect to snap is a 1" bolt on a light camper trailer hitch. Bob
  22. Had a swivel hitch. The bolt doing the swivel broke. Will not use one again. Bigbob
  23. Coming from a 1500 GW with linked brakes that I only locked up once in 100,000 miles in a PANIC STOP to a non linked RSV I squealed the back tire way to often. SCARRY. Think I will try that new valve setup. Ride safe: Bigbob
  24. Rick: To help lift the bike off the side stand use your left leg to push on the side of the bike. Will make it A lot easier. I can stand my bike up without using my hands, no problem. If I can get to go to V.I.P I will show how. Unless we get a lot of rain that weekend doesn't look good right now. Will have to see what happens, Good luck for now. Bigbob P.S. Glad we were able to get together with you and Marilyn in Brandon . Had A realy nice visit.
  25. :canada: [q uote=Mean Dog;70032]Hey Don, I just installed mine from Diamond R last week and they didn't appear to be stainess steel to me. I could possibly be wrong but they looked like reqular carbon steel so I painted them. Dog To see if it's stainless steel, use a magnet. The better the stainless steel the less the magnetic pull. Bigbob. :canada:
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