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Everything posted by bigbob

  1. Thanks Jerry for the headsup,exactly what I was looking for. Sure hope I vin the bid. Ride safe. Bob
  2. Thanks Rick,wish I would of seen that last spring would of made my life a lot easer. That is a real good deal, but it's to late now. Take care in the SNOW, Bob
  3. Summer of 2004 #3?? Ride safe Bob
  4. Hi lobo; I think I have what you are looking for. You can have it for for the postage And a donation for whatever you feel it's worth to VentureRiders. I'm leaving tomorow for about 1½ weeks If you still want it then let me know and we can talk about it. Ride safe; Bob
  5. I ordered my riding suit from them , they had free shipping to Canada also. First time I see a US store ship free to Canada. Ride safe Bob
  6. The right outside lane is cement. Ride safe, Bob
  7. Think I will keep pulling my trailer. Bob
  8. Good morning Garry; When I was shopping for a new bike I looked at the 950T but went with the 1300 instead because the 1300 is watercooled,has counted ballencers, twin disk brakes in front and more power. Love my 1300T, got close to 1000 Kls on it so far. Too bad yamaha can't make the venture hande like the 1300. Just my 2 cents Don't know if I will be fit to make the ride to PIP yet. hope so. Ride safe Bob.
  9. Hi Brain, had a great time thanks for planing it. Bob
  10. When I was pulling my trailer with my RSV I had the same problem never worried about it
  11. bigbob

    First ride

    Hi Brian. For sure I plan on being there. Where are we meeting and what time?
  12. since my crash in Aug. 29- 08. Got me a 2009 V star Tourer last monday. Looked at for a whole week before getting enought nerve to get on and try it. This morning was a super nice day, so I put on a heavey pair of wool sockes cause I was getting cold feet. After1/2 a block I was good to go. Went for a 120 mile ride, man did that feel good. Suppose to rain all next week. Now that I know that I can handle it can't wait to go again. Ride safe Bob.:big-grin-emoticon:
  13. Ken happy to help out, will mail tomorow
  14. I have one you can have. PM send me your mailing address anI will mail it to you at no cost , just hit the donate button for what ever you feel that it's worth. Ride safe Bigbob
  15. I give up. I think i'll go clean my driveway.
  16. Just turned 65 last month, will be going to a smaller bike.
  17. bigbob

    big bob

    Hi don. Thanks for the thougths, i'm coming along slowley getting a little stronger bit by bit. I hope that by the time all the snow melts to be ready to ride. Can't wait for that to happen, still 2 feet of it in my front yard. Hope to see all you guys on the road this summer. Ride safe,Bob
  18. bigbob

    tracking Lowell

    Yes Squidley you are 100% right on that. I had the pleasure of spending some time with him at the 08 rally in Kitchener last year, then riding with him for 1 1/2 days a real blast.Thanks Lowell. Ride safe, Bob
  19. Hang in there Pete, by spring you will be riding again. Bob.
  20. Hey russ; You have that 100% right, made lots of miles with that couple and have to agree.
  21. I tried my Nuvi 250w on my SRV Windshield but found it vibrated too much to keep the screan lined up in view. Have a good one; Bigbob
  22. to you too Lowell Sorry I didn't wake up when you came to see me in Grand forks. When I was told you had stoped by it was a great feeling. Hope to run in to you again some day. Have a good one, Bigbob
  23. A GPS gives you speed and a lot more. Just a thought. Ride safe , Bob
  24. bigbob


    Dan, I don't know why,You would think that being a zombee for 2weeks plus I would be good for awhile. Bob
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