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Everything posted by bigbob

  1. I'm game most any weekend, let me know when & where, Bob
  2. Had one for 6 months 2010 R/T couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
  3. Is it possible to remove the stand without moving the shift rod?? On a trike it's only dead weight. Thanks for now Bob
  4. When I first got my venture I had the same problem. I fixed it by cutting the heel part of the shifter off. Ride safe Bob
  5. bigbob

    Old bike

    He said it has oil injection so it must be a two stroke. will get more info and get back to you. thanks for now, Bob
  6. bigbob

    Old bike

    Question for Cowpuc or anyone else. Got a lead on a Suzuki RV 125cc year ??? Guy tells it is a rare bike. It is street legal with h.lite sig lites brake lite. 5 speed trans. with 2 speed gear box, motor was done a few years ago. New piston rings all brg. gaskets. Had it running 2 years ago. Thinking of buying it to resell. How much should pay for it to make a profit? Or am I wasting my time?? Ride safe, Bob PS was always stored inside, looks good.
  7. Wishing you all the luck for a cure. Bob
  8. Hi. Steve, I'm game just post a place and date Bob
  9. Brian, I have a foam pad for the bottom of side bags from my 1st venture that you can have. Don't know what side if they are different. I can bring it when we meet for the CB ant. Let me know Bob
  10. If you have to trailer your bike, you will have a problem, found my seat laying loose on the trailer deck. Lucky it never blew off. could of been expensive.
  11. I know that would kill me, but I'd die happy with a big grin on my face Bob
  12. Have agree with you on a good guy, turn that David & Ruth Hannigan are orginally from Saskatoon Sk. Leon (dealer)& David are longtime friends, before they moved to Toronto Ont. then to Murry Ky. in 1992 Got to get out and make some miles now. P.I.P. at end of the month to start with. Ride safe Bob
  13. Went to pickup my trike today from dealer in Saskatoon Sk. 750 km.(466miles) round trip. At first they only wanted to try another seal. The dealer went to bat for me and got me a complete new diff. I'm very happy about that,hope this is the end of my oil leak problems. Keeping fingers crossed. Thanks for all the tips from everyone. Bob
  14. Thank you for your kind offer but it's just too far. Ride safe Bob
  15. I wish I could I could do the factory thing, but at 1608 miles it's not going to happen. Will give my dealer a chance, will see where this goes for now. Thanks for the tip,Bob
  16. If you want to send me your Email add. I could send them to you to post on here, as I don't have a clue on how to do that. Bob
  17. Think I will wait and see what the dealer comes out with. Being an "old" auto mechanic myself I think he did a good job the first time. Something else causing this problem what I don't know what. It's doing the same thing as the first seal. Good for few miles than keeps getting worst. Will see what happens next. Later Bob
  18. The guy that did the last seal is a long time auto-teck. He showed me the seal & yoke he was going to install, all looked good. The seal he took out seamed to be quite loose on the yoke seams like something is wearing the seal lip. At first it just leaked a little, the longer i drove it the more it leaked. At the end before changing it the whole back end underneath was dripping oil "big mess". Thinking of trying to get a complete diff. Don't know if that is going happen. My nearest dealer is about 4 hrs. from me, get pretty expensive, time, gas, meals motels,just to try eazy fixes. Keep the ideas coming need all the help I can get.for now Thanks for now Bob
  19. We installed a new seal & new yoke on the pinion. Bob
  20. Does anyone else with a Hannigan kit having trouble with a leaking pinion seal I have a 2012 kit that leaked last year A dealer installed a new seal & yoke. Was good for the rest of the season. Last week I took a peek under the diff. and it's leaking again. I only have a little over 20,000 Kms (12,000 miles) on the kit. Any ideas??? Love my trike Bob
  21. Scott; get to an eye doctor as soon as possible, when my rt. went blank on a friday I called the eye specialist he told me to get to the hospital next day (sat). started treatment same day. He got most of my vision back in that eye. I had a retinal detachment. Take care Bob
  22. rear fender rear shock rear brake caliper old triple tree rear crash guard Bob
  23. Hi. Steve, take a good look at your rear shock Bob
  24. Those bolts are "12 point head" and are VERY HARD
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