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About Rickstir51

  • Birthday 07/10/1956

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Animas, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 midnight venture
  1. found a different dealer but they are not open today calling first thing in the morning
  2. Yamaha customer service called they are going to get it taken care of. thanks for all the help will let you know how it turns out
  3. that's the conclusion I came up with. called the local stealer and he told me that it is not cover under warranty the it is considered general maintenance and want to charge me 400+ to fix it.
  4. ok put everything back together turned the key to the on position fuel pump clicks for a few seconds then stops. left the key on for about 15 minutes on fuel out the hoses then started the bike and in just a few seconds fuel starts dripping out of the left hose. turned the bike off and left the key in the on position dripping stopped after a short time. waited for ten minutes and started the bike again after a few seconds fuel started dripping out the left hose again.
  5. ok pulled the tank and traced the vent hoses the one on the left [has the most fuel coming out of it] goes to the right bank of carbs. The hose on the right [ has very little fuel coming out] goes to the left bank of carbs took the covers off both sides the left has a lot of fuel residue and the right has very little fuel residue. the hoses are connected to a tube that connects the two carbs together on each side.
  6. I'm currently on a road trip from New Mexico to wahoo NE. and when I last stopped for gas I noticed a plate sized circle of fluid on the ground jusy below the raditor at first I thought oh no a radiator leak but after looking closer found out it was fuel couldn't find any leaks so I continued on to my final stop after I arrived and said hello to family I went to move the bike to a better location and there was the plate sized circle of fuel. This morning took off the lower fairing and found that fuel had come out of both hoses by the air filters. is this something I should be concerned about or do I have a major problem. I want to get this taken care of before I head back next week.
  7. just one word AWESOME
  8. just do like I did ask what the lowest interest rate they will give you if you "opt out" that way you can pay off the credit card with out canceling and does not give you a bad mark on your credit report. The only bad thing is you can use it anymore unless you renegotiate with them.
  9. I'll take 2
  10. United States Air Force (Retired) Medically retired with 3 days till I put on Tech sergeant Staff sergeant (E-5) Crew Chief C-130 Currently Audio/video tech Playas Training and Research Center
  11. check out cheapcycleparts.com they usually have the parts i need and service is good and delivery is fast:thumbsup:
  12. Been a member of the MRCA for about 2 years the magazine alone is worth the money as for the free stuff most is just junk
  13. My vote would be for Ft. Collins.
  14. starting my 2 week vacation riding from New mexico going to Ohio and Michigan to see family and friends
  15. only one word AWESOME
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