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Everything posted by bnice273

  1. It was getting dark when I noticed it. It was coming from the back of the motor. I could not see exactly and I will not be able to get to it until probably in the next week or so hopefully. Once I get a chance to look at it I will get in touch and let you know where it is coming from. Is the water hose at the back of the motor. Thank you for your help and I will call when I get a chance.
  2. Hello to all. I am in a great need for some help. I live in NC and with the cold weather we have had and me starting a new job I have not had alot of time to ride my bike. I have a 2000 MM and I went out to start it up and I was letting it run since it has been cold. I went out to check on it and noticed a large cloud of smoke coming from underneath the motor and then I looked under the motor and noticed water pouring out of the bottom. I was wondering if anyone on here would have suggestions as to what the problem is. Thank you in advance for the help that I will receive with this issue. Hopefully it will not cost me alot of
  3. bnice273


    Thanks for the replies. DO any of you know if the seats for the royal star will fit a venture. I was looking at them and to me they basically look like a venture minus the trunk. It looks like the previous owner put a different style seat because it does not curve in the back like the original venture seats curve. I am trying to figure out if a royal star seat will fit.
  4. bnice273


    I have a 2000 mm and it looks like the person that had it before me changed the seats out. Does anyone know where I can get a set of the pillow top seats or a website that I cn go to besides corbin that sell the seats that fit the ventures.
  5. Does anyone know where I can get the pillow top seats that come on the newer model ventures?
  6. I have a 2000 mm and i was wondering if there was anyway to extend the rear brake lever forward. Thanks in advance for the replies and help.
  7. Thank you again for the responses. Like I said this is the first venture I have owned and wanted to make sure it was working as it should.
  8. thank you for the info. on the cruise it will cutoff and i have to push the resume button. is the cruise set up like in a car where if it drops below the set speed it will accerlate to the set speed. Because if so when mines drop it does not accerlate back to the set speed. it is like the cruise cuts completly off and i have to push the resume button.
  9. I have a question. I brought a 2000 venture mm and i was wondering if the speedometer is suppose to move like a speedometer in a car because mines sticks as I am accelerating and then when I let off the throttle it jumps to the speed I am going. The cruise control also wont stay engaged if the speed drops going up hill. I need to know if anyone else has experienced this problem and how they resolved it. Thanks for the help in advance.
  10. How do you get in touch with Rick Butler?
  11. How far is the ride going to be? I have never did a poker run. What does this ride entail?
  12. Same here where is it located on the shirt?
  13. done deal
  14. I agree with this article 100%. I wish the sheriff here would do that and our workload would probably decrease alot. I wish more sheriffs would take his stand on things.
  15. Make sure to keep an eye on the master cylinder to make sure the brake fluid does not overflow.
  16. I don't know alot about motorcycle capliers but if they are set up the same way as car brake capliers then take a c clamp and the old pad and tighten the c clamp until the piston is level with the caplier.
  17. I do not post alot on here but i am glad to hear that your wife is doing better. The lord is always watching over all of us. he knows what is best for us. I hope she continues to improve.
  18. I am an LEO in Greensboro,NC. Just passed my 9 year mark march of this year. Looking to buy a venture within the next year or so.
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