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Personal Information

  • Name
    Gary Caswell


  • Location
    Van Buren, AR, United States


  • City
    Van Buren


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Horses, bike rides, camping, travel
  • Bike Year and Model
    '08 Goldwing / '89 Venture Royale
  1. Hey Guys, Local shop said when you get any reading on the stator at the plug on any of the three white wires with meter to ground, stator is bad. Well I pulled cover off and yes stator has about a 3 inch burned area on it. NOW I cant get the cover to go back on. front has bolts lined up, back where the wires come out, is 1/2 hole to high. I have pryed, twisted, pulled partially back off, banged, Etc. Even pulled completely back off a dozen times. Any ideas???? THANKS!!!
  2. When I turned on the key, volt was about 12. When started, longer it ran, started moving down slowly. Proably because I wasn't driving at highway speed,so it didn't need as much spark just at idle. Any suggestions are appreciated!!! Gary C
  3. Hey Guys! Thanks My problem is when I rode my bike to town, on way back the volt meter went from normal reading of 14-15 down into the yellow, when it hit yellow I couldn't rev it enough to keep running and died. First time I jumped it and got it to my son's house. A few days later, it started and I headed to shop, on way to shop it started building back up on volt meter. So I came home. I am truck driver so when I got back home in about a week, I took her to town again. This time same, way in, ran great, way home didn't make it. Won't jump, so called wrecker. Tested Rectifier with my meter on 200, 2k, 20 k, NO reading. After reading your posts, I tested to battery ground, still no reading from rectifier. Tested stator at same plug, on same readings, to ground, all three prongs read .99 - 100. When I did an Ohm test not to ground but to just the three prongs themselves, on 200 I got .12, .23 .34. Just by only testing ohms thru the rectifier itself. Will start bike and see what volt meter reads now, just for the fun of it. Thanks
  4. Hello, just tested my Rectifier and Ohm meter showed no reading. Manual said it should read .36 - .48 Ohms.....Checked leads on different contacts and still no reading. Where is the best place to buy Shindengen SH545-12 Rectifier or what is the best way to upgrade this system. Thanks Gary C Arkansas
  5. Hello, I thought I saved to my CP the Car Tire threads, but I guess not. Have an '89 venture with Avon's, not happy with them. running 120/901-18 65H on front and 140/90-16 71 H on rear. Looking for a thread to best CT tire, conversion chart from MC size to CT sizes, ETC. Any help is appreciated!! Thankx, Gary C
  6. Hey guys! I need a memory jogger, what is the E1 all about? I remember something about the control mod, where is it located? Thankx Gary C Arkansas
  7. Yes, mine is 4 wire. Want to pull the lites off this feed but will do later. Thanks again for the advice! Gary C
  8. Sorry, it is an '89 1st Gen
  9. Has anyone ever tested their starter button ONCE you get to it? Can't find anything online about how to do it. Thankx Gary C
  10. Hey guys, hope you all had a great week! Did all the testing of components, cleaning cable ends, ETC, we discussed earlier last week. Everything checked out! I tested the battery with a standard auto battery load tester, it tested good. SO, after everything else checked out, I took the battery to a friend that has a truck shop and put a 24 volt load test on it, the meter dropped to BAD in 2 seconds. He thought it was a intermittent short in the battery and it took the extra heat to finally burn it into?.?.?... What ever, I put in a Odessey PC 680 and it fired off like new again! Drove all over town and made several stops, NO problems!! Battery Outfitters in Rogers, Arkansas is a dealer if anyone close to them ($95 out the door). Most dealers charge about $121 delivered to your door. Thanks again for all the help on my problem!!! Gary C Ft Smith, Ark area
  11. Start in Clarksville or Russellvile, Ark. Hwy 123 from Clarksville / hwy7 from Russellville, to Mt Judea, Hwy 374 W, to Hwy 7 S 2 mls to Cliff House Inn / Resturant (good food), back Hwy 7 N to Jasper, thru town, get fuel, Hwy 74 W, Hwy 21 S into Clarksville. About 200 mls. I live in the Ft Smith area and it is 350 mls from my house round trip. #2 - Conway, work the back roads to Hot Springs (many different routes), to Hwy 270 W, thru town, past curvey curvies to Mc Clardys BBQ (GOOD) on left. Then back into town, go see the E Mountain Tower, then ride the W mountain road (if you have time), back toward Hwy 7, but trn L on Cedar (before hwy 7), R on Cedarglades, R on Hwy 277 (about 4 mls R on 194 ?/first blacktop), then L Hwy 7 to Russellville. In Dardanelle take Hwy 155 to the top of Mt Nebo. In Russellville N of High School on Hwy 7 truck & off I 40 X 81 N side eat at CJ's drive in, they make their own fries and cut their own meat!!!!!!! #3 - Old Hwy 71 from Alma, to Brentwood, trn R on Hwy 74 Follow it E till you have to come home (it goes most of the way across the state, so drop down to I 40 and roll back home. OR jump onto Hwy 16 back W into Fayettville. Eat at any of Quideos Pizzaiers. One N of Mall by Sigler Music, one W of in Tonitown. GREAT home made pastas!!! #4 - TO Many to mention!!! Hwy 59, Hwy 21, Hwy 16, and on goes the list. But go S Hwy 71 from Ft Smith, to Y City, L on Hwy 270, R on Hwy 27, L on Hwy 278 into Old Washington ( first state capital ), spend some time back in history, then back W on Hwy 278, to Hwy 71 N back to Ft Smith
  12. Thankx Mbrood! Dj, the cables have been cleaned with sandpaper, battery spray cleaner, etc. They shine like polished chrome. Will check out the relay, then ??
  13. Hey, guys, the manual says to pull the R side faring to get to the relay, I don't see anything that looks like a relay. Can someone tell me where that crazy relay is located? When I push the starter button I hear a repeated clicking (solenoid ?), but starter doesn't do a thing. Battery tests out high side on green scale, after a 45 sec load test it is about 80% on green scale. :think: Monday I went into work early to run some erronds, first 2 times it started like NEW, then it just clicked once and nothing, 4th time I tried to start it, I had to push. Last 2 times it pulled the volt meter down to O, even without hitting the starter button, the meter stayed on O ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I don't get off work again until next Thursday so may not reply till weekend or Thurs. Thankx, Gary C
  14. Hello, Thankx for the info, the bike starts like a new one, except every 2nd or 3rd time . When it pulls down, the volt meter reads about 5, have tested battery- good full 12 volts, charging sys at about 14 V. Have cleaned the battery post and cables on top, not at starter yet. Will do that and check the relay (solenoid) in a few days when I get other projects finished. (Honey do's before turkey day). Will also tackle (clean) the starter switch when I start the project. Thankx again Guys!!! Some good advice. Gary C
  15. Thankx, Skydoc and Atlanta Dragonslayer!!!!!! Will give the starter a look at in the NEAR future, sounds like the place to start. Good batt, cables not heating up, will check relay at same time. Take care and God bless. Ever in Ft Smith, Ark lets riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddde! Gary C:cool10:
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