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Everything posted by BIG TOM

  1. do you really have to ask....those are TATERS bloomers...
  2. And so it starts...
  3. EEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR..........SURRRRRRRRRRRRRRE they do.!!! p.s. they will put more images in your head...Heading out in 5 minutes...
  4. Rally goers, Don't forget that members receive a 15% discount on all Items purchased @ Pioneer motorsports. See you there...!
  5. NO....Read his last post....Just trying to help you out ol pal ol buddy of mine...te he he he he......!
  6. I noticed that your BEST FRIEND is throwing you to the wolves..Last week is was Tom, don't pick on BEN, this week he can't wait to get rid of you so he can take naps and help himself to your prize. WOW !!
  7. That gator hasn't lost in the last 6 yrs. now.. Why do you think we can't get any newbies to attend...?
  8. I did not mention the HOT SEX AROUND THE CAMPFIRE to any of the newbies......because you know I don't go for that sort of thing..To each their own....
  9. RDAWSON.... Saturday is the best day of the Rally.. Spragues ride, 4 man ski race, games, BBQ, band @ 7pm, ice cream truck, Buffalo Bodners free famous dogs and slime sauce, ACHOLOL,and more ACHOLOL, Big big big story telling around the campfire. and alligator wrestling for newbies..Don't worry about a place to sleep, we'll take care of that. You have to spend Saturday with us...Joining us Friday and not staying for Saturday is like hours of foreplay without having sex......whoop...! did I say that ?
  10. And you have no Idea about the RULE that the rally doesn't begin until my underwear are hung out .. you have a lot to learn GRASSHOPPER ! The band always hates playing with my underwear hanging over their heads.
  11. Name two ! p.s. You do know that we have new members coming to the rally who we can pick on..
  12. this reminds me of a story of someone who was challenged to wear a thong to MD one year....DOH !!!! I should have never brought that up, forgot there are pictures !
  13. You hear them too ? I knew it...
  14. You guys and gals have fun and ride safely.....
  15. You can't do that to me. I'm to impotent, I mean Important (the voices in my head tell me that over and over).. I would SUE this RALLY committee and take it all the way to the Supreme court.. WAIT, that would mean I'D be named it the suit.....Never mind.....I'll be good, besides I have to go feed the unicorns now.
  16. Is that a FAT shot ? Hey , I'm big boned....and you know how sensitive I am. YOU BIG BULLY !
  17. Please, please, please have a safe ride to the rally. Watch out for the IDIOTS on the road. We all want you to have a memorable trip and fun time here. See you all soon !
  18. Then maybe I won "A NEW CAR" YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA Is that what I won ?????
  19. Don't you guys ever read the posts in the rally section ? We are having a buffet style dinner on Friday.. Whoever comes in late , will eat last... Won't be me, I'll be HANGRY by 6pm. LETS EAT !
  20. Great, you will be glad you did....
  21. I think Frogger isn't going to tell us what we won..... but wait,.... she told you what you won...WHAT DO YOU HAVE ON HER FOR HER TO SPILL THE BEANS ????????????????? Amy, did I or Taters win the all expense paid vacation to Hawaii ???
  22. I would like that flag holder......
  23. I would check with them. I don't see why not, but I can't speak for them. thanks for asking
  24. Tiger Lilly and Stargazer Lilley will be collecting Toys as by Bongobobny last request at the WNY rally . If you are coming to the rally and wish to donate, please do. Toys for Solders donate these toys to enlisted solders families who are separated and are struggling during the up and coming holiday season. Footballs, soccer balls, coloring books and crayons, etc. are gratefully needed. Any toy suited for a 5 yr. old will be gratefully accepted. THANK YOU Tiger Lilly and Star Gazer for your effort in doing this...This group has so many great members..
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