Marcarl and Starfan.... OMG..! Do I have to separate you guys already, The rally hasn't even begun yet.... Marcarl, remember Jonas is bringing his boyfriend (not that there is anything wrong with that) and maybe....just maybe... he (Jonas) wants to show Kristjian the finer side of Yorkshire NY.... Now with that said, just be happy for Jonas and his new bow....It take all types in this world and we should be more tolerant of the oddballs in it.......errrr ........I mean tolerant of the life decisions of some.. With that said, at least you wont have to listen to all that strange noise coming from the next room.... After the last visit to my home two years , I think Jonas is afraid of the dark because I would often find him asleep in Kristjians bed the morning even though they had separate rooms... I really do think Jonas is not as manly a viking as he wants us all to believe. just saying..........P.S. I knew where he was staying this year...