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Everything posted by BIG TOM

  1. I got a text this morning from Frogger, Becky has informed her that Bongo took a turn for the worse....Bob was placed in an induced coma because he had trouble breathing and his right lung was full of fluid and needed to be drained..He is now in ICU and is not doing so well. PLEASE keep up the prayers.
  2. Are you agreeing with me ? Holy smokes Badman.....Do you owe me money or something that I forgot about ?
  3. Bob is doing good and in good spirits...they drained his lungs of fluid and catheterized him because his bladder was backing up. He hopes to be coming home soon with O2 and catheter in place...This info was received from frogger and motorcycle tom who went to see him tonight and asked me to keep everyone informed..
  4. Just received notice that Bongobobny is in Roswell hospital in Buffalo NY with pneumonia and is not doing so well....Please keep him in your prayers......(rm. # 512a) From what I understand, he has been there since Saturday. Frogger and Motorcycletom will be visiting him tonight and so I hope to have an update on his condition shortly...
  5. Got word this morning that Bob is in the hospital since Saturday with pneumonia .. He sure can use an extra dose of prayers.. Please spend a moment and ask for some healing for our good friend.
  6. You should be in politics.......you sure can turn things around for your own benefit....lol...still love ya brother
  7. If I remember, the USA team was infiltrated by a Canadian posing as an American just because he didn't want to be humiliated by losing with the Canadian team... If you remember , he is "NOT SO ANGRY" anymore... We gave him a sense of pride and accomplishment ...... You are welcome for us releasing his pent up anger and not taking it back to Canada and using it on your fellow citizens...
  8. Still time to sign up to attend this rally....Join in the fun and fellowship. C'mon down and watch the USA 4 man summer ski team beat the Canadians again...We are un defeated in this event.....Our team have been training for months and WILL NOT BE BEATEN....USA.....USA....USA !!!!
  9. Yes sir, that's the only way to eat steak....
  10. And then she is gone again..........
  11. I may show up this year !!!!!
  12. No they don't sell wings and yes it is still being held @ PIONEER MOTORSPORTS in Chaffee NY
  13. NOW, NOW, NOW, Ben... that isn't nice......true, but not nice to say...
  14. ICE CREAM capabilities ???????????? I don't play with Rookies when it comes to eating ICE CREAM....STAY ON THE PORCH PUPPY....!!!!!!
  15. HEY PUC, How come you're not signed up for the WNY rally...??? You don't like us up here in WNY ?
  16. Don't matter how you get there ......just have to get there....
  17. HOLD ON GUYS.....! I have to get my popcorn out of the microwave.........................................................................................................................................................ok, continue with the bantering and character assaults...p.s. saddlebum, see what you started....!!!!
  18. Canadians ?......PHOOEY...! You can't arrest them because they are "SUBJECTS OF THE QUEEN"...... or so I've been told........lol
  19. Looking forward to seeing you again...Big news to be announced at the rally this year....
  20. It wouldn't be a rally without you there...Sending good vibes and love my brother...
  21. And the penalty I hear is ....."DEATH by being flogged with pussy willows" so I believe there will be cats involved....sort of....lol
  22. Back in my day....children were "SEEN BUT NOT HEARD"...
  23. Hey, you still have time to sign up for the BEST rally around. REALLY BIG NEWS to be announced at the rally this year but I can't reveal it now...sorry..... Give aways, bbq, banquet, mystery ride, games, live band, 2 movies, free hot dogs , campfires, ice cream, fun times and much more..So set those dates aside in August.. .....free camping ! Go to the rally section, check out the itinerary then sign up on the calendar page and let us know your attending..you'll be glad you did... we'll be looking for ya. Safe riding. p.s. ... Cages welcome and bring your friends...
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