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  1. I will have to see the dash (has the computer to show consumption). We have roughly the same sized tanks and she can go longer than I can...substantially.
  2. Check J&M Corp. See email string below, starting at bottom: Dongle05 is around $300 I believe ,,,, harness for the Venture probably around $240 ,,,, J&M Bluetooth headsets are $300 each for the standard models ,,,,,, Passenger can use wired headsets but this may cause some noise and delay over the intercom when they do ,,,,,, John Lazzeroni J&MR Corporation 1415 South Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85713 800-358-0881 Audio@Jmcorp.com http://www.Jmcorp.com http://www.facebook.com/pages/JM-Corporation/101134489945663?ref=ts http://www.youtube.com/user/JMcorpMotorcyclAudio?feature=mhum -----Original Message----- From: Trevor Storey [mailto:trevor.storey@rogers.com] Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 8:50 AM To: audio@jmcorp.com Subject: Re: bluetooth inquiry Thanks John, Any idea on pricing? Would the passenger still be able to hook into the wired bike system for the intercom / radio / cb or would they need bluetooth headsets as well? Just wondering seeing as my son does not ride with us that often. Thanks! Trevor Storey 416 953 2940 Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network -----Original Message----- From: "J&M Corporation" Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 06:01:39 To: 'Trevor Storey' Reply-To: Subject: RE: bluetooth inquiry Trevor ,,,,,, Yes ,,, you would still use the CB PTT button to talk on either system ,,,,,, BluHub harness for the Yamaha Venture is probably only 3 weeks away ,,,,,,, Harness for the Victory Vision system a couple of months away ,,,,,, We are just now getting production ramped up for the BluHub dongles and harnesses ,,,,(((see attached)) ,,,,,, John Lazzeroni J&MR Corporation 1415 South Cherry Avenue Tucson AZ 85713 800-358-0881 Audio@Jmcorp.com http://www.Jmcorp.com -----Original Message----- From: Trevor Storey [mailto:trevor.storey@rogers.com] Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 9:10 PM To: audio@jmcorp.com Subject: bluetooth inquiry Hello, My wife has a 2008 Victory Vision & I have a 2003 Yamaha Royal Star Venture (5 pin corded system). Wondering if the bluetooth system you have for the Goldwing would work on our bikes so we can integrate our blackberries, CB and stereo systems....take calls while riding and listening to music, etc. Would you still use your PTT button on the stock motorcycle equipment to talk on CB? Thanks
  3. She is in being checked at the shop. I will report back with what they found, what they did and how it works out after I get it back....will be a few days though. I greatly appreciate all the feedback from everyone.
  4. Hello, Looking for some input from all you knowledgeable Venture riders. My 2003 RSV has just turned over 95,000 km. Last year I put on Barons Bag Slash pipes - was told no need to re-jet, so I didn't. Prior to this I had noticed a slight reduction in fuel economy but nothing I worried about...but it continued to worsen to the point of only getting about 300 km to a tank, some days 269, depending on the riding I was doing. No backfiring or performance issues noted. I put back the stock pipes this year and am on my second or third tank of gas after storage for the winter. The plugs were replaced prior to winter storage. While in storage I cleaned and re-oiled both K&N filters. I went through 15 litres of fuel going about 169 km on the way to work at speeds around 120 - 130 km/h. On the way home, I went through 11.4 litres of fuel for about 159 km on the way home travelling more like 130-140 km/h. I rode faster home, which is predmonintley up hill and went through less fuel on the way home than I did going downhill to work. So, doing the math, I got about 26.58 mpg on the way to work (downhill and in the sunshine) and 32.73 mpg on the way home (raining in part of the way, going uphill and faster after through the rain. These are far cries from 40 to 50 mpg spec'ed. I popped in to one shop....they are going to go through the Yamaha update manuals. Initially, they thought maybe I oiled the air filters too much and perhaps some of the oil plugged up the K&N's. (I did give them a good amount of oil, but didn't think it was excessive-like no puddles or dripping) I called a Yammy shop and they quoted the new estimated fuel economy saying I should be getting 51 mpg and should consider a carburetor rebuild. One other knowledgeable colleague of mine seconded that opinion. (additional question - what has changed to give such a difference in estimated fuel economy? 42 mpg to 51. Are the carbs the same? If not, can the 03 be rebuilt to the same specs as the 2011?) So, I am throwing it out there for your learned opinions. I will try some seafoam tomorrow after my night shift - can't hurt... $19 on the way to work, $17 on the way home foe 370 km...for economy, I may as well drive my Ford Escape, the way it is now. Thanks for your guidance.
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