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Everything posted by juggler

  1. And free ones at that. Plus I have the cigars for Pork in the Pines sitting in my humidor.
  2. My thoughts exactly - thinking something the bikes in Delta Force [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTPjWrDmsZ0]YouTube - The delta force dirtbike.[/ame]
  3. Ooh a gun, that would be a nice raffle item.
  4. You learned that from me. Now if we could just get you Southern folk to come up North sometime when we're roasting a pig.
  5. Wouldn't it be a bit more useful to post the link to the Rally site in your posts about the Rally?
  6. Enough arm twisting already - I just bought 3 tickets. sheesh.....:stickpoke: Just ship the trailer to my house.
  7. 4-2-4!!! I'd like them if they were not loud. BTW: These Bubs use the standard mounting locations at stock - no extra hardware needed.
  8. How much would you pay for a set of used BuBs? They are still shiny. No damage to to chrome and no rust. They were just fine when they came off the bike to be replaced with stock pipes. The only damage to them is near the tips on the bottoms where they would sometimes get scraped in the hard leaning corners. You have to lay under the bike to see the scrapes. So how much would you pay for these?
  9. Strobes as it the light goes completely off then on again? If so then your looking for trouble.
  10. He's dead wrong - Federal law says modulated head lights on motorcycles are legal in all states. Check with ABATE on this.
  11. Barons has passenger floorboards that are raised. Diamond R has passenger highway pegs that are at a higher position than the stock floor boards. I've had both on my bike and both are high quality products and worth the money as long as you want the foot position to be higher. (We need lower.) The Barons also has the added ability to move the floorboard forward or backwards of stock by an inch or so.
  12. Dang - we need two new sections here. Funny Back fire stories - Most the office is wondering what I'm laughing about (combine story) VR Members that used to be Corvair owners - Who knew there were so many of us? I guess it's because we don't drive the popular vehicles.
  13. It wasn't easy. I have fairly big paws. I can only wear XL or larger gloves. Once I got my hand wet and forced it inside the opening I did everything by feel. It took several tries but I did get the new bulb back in place with only a little cussing. And I did so without ever touching the glass on the bulb. My hand did hurt for a day afterward and it was cut up a bit.
  14. BTW: for future reference, it is possible to change the head light bulb without splitting the fairing. I just changed mine a couple of weeks ago. I swear the access opening was designed for the hand of Japanese school girls, after sweating in the heat for an hour I was finally able to complete the bulb change. I put in a PIAA 135/125w SuperPlasmaGT-X Bulb. http://www.bikerhiway.com/h4-135125w-superplasma-gtx-antivibration-piaa-motorcycle-headlight-bulb-p-256.html
  15. Absolutely the best in a tunnel. It takes my backfire which normally sounds like a gunshot and amplifies it to sounds like a cannon!
  16. I had a '63 Corvair. Fun little car.
  17. In MN of course. http://thepatriotride.org
  18. Just be sure to check the VR Calendar. The VR International is in August, Pork in the Pines is Labor Day weekend and VR West is the week after that.
  19. The LED turn signals that you mention are attached to my lower rail of my saddle bag rails with some aluminum sheet metal that I cut and polished. The LEDs themselves are nothing more than standard auto LED mark lights that were designed to stick onto peoples side mirrors. I think I bought them at auto zone for a few dollars. These are not very bright in the day time, but at night they sure do show. I'm finding that your better off not skimping on the LED lights themselves. The cheap ones just are not that bright in daylight.
  20. Already have those on. Saved my backside a few times.
  21. Only 1000 miles? Never a drop of rain? That's insane! Your not a biker if you don't ride in the rain. I just passed 80,000 miles on my '99 RSV this weekend. I also washed it for the second time this year. Well, more like rinsed the worst of the road crud and bugs off with a little soap and water.
  22. I've been practicing for the Ride to Work day by riding to work everyday since mid April. I just looked at the brake rotors on my car, they're rusted!
  23. Never been around the top, but we've been from Thunder Bay, to Duluth to Sault St. Marie. There are loads of places in the Twin Ports of Duluth/Superior. Beyond that many may not realize these places. I would recommend these places if you have the extra time. MN Betty's Pies - eat to ride, ride to eat http://www.bettyspies.com/ Gooseberry Falls - walk and play in the falls and river, great place to chill your feet http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_parks/gooseberry_falls/index.html Split Rock Lighthouse - Tourist stop and lighthouse tour http://www.mnhs.org/places/sites/srl/index.htm Castle Danger, MN Food and Lodging http://www.northshoreinfo.com/city/castledanger/index.html WI Bayfield, WI food, lodging, spend a day on a boat touring the islands and lighthouses Apostle Islands http://www.superiortrails.com/apostle-island.html MI Copper Peak Ski Jump - Tallest ski jump in North America. When open you can climb the hill and ski jump. IT'S REAL TALL - I've see the tops of airplanes as they fly by. http://www.copperpeak.org/ White Fish Point - if you ain't been, go. http://www.exploringthenorth.com/whitefish/whitefish.html I'll let others talk about Thunder Bay, they have amethyst mines you can tour, or other places along the loop route. The only problem with a ride like this is having enough time to see it all.
  24. Couple Thrown From Motorcycle After Bike Hits Mattress GRAND FORKS, N.D. — A man and woman were thrown from the motorcycle they were riding after it hit a mattress that flew off a pontoon trailer on a Grand Forks County road. The Highway Patrol says 48-year-old Wesley Thompson and 45-year-old Cheryl Thompson, both of Thompson, were taken to a Grand Forks hospital. Authorities say the mattress flew off a pontoon trailer pulled by a pickup on Grand Forks County Road 18 between Thompson and Grand Forks. The pickup driver, Dean Drees of Thompson, was cited for operating a vehicle with a leaking or shifting load. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,523367,00.html They are out there and they are trying to kill us.
  25. This commercial IS running in MN. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xMfk1msw9A]YouTube - Look twice for motorcycles US version[/ame]
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