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Everything posted by juggler

  1. This has been known for at least a decade and was warned about by the gas refineries. Yet the politicians refused to listen. Refineries have the same problem you do with gasoline in your car or bike tank. It goes stale fast and thus can only produce limited amounts and can not store large tanks full of gasoline anymore. This is a big reason why fuel prices spike faster than they used to when a refinery has production problems or demand suddenly increases like over a big travel weekend. Black Owl has been telling me about this stuff - he uses it all the time for the work he does. We've had this sort of gasoline in MN since about 1998 or 1999. We've been reading and reporting all sorts of these problems with these fuel mixes since then, but the politicians ignore us. In addition to the new gasoline formulations going bad faster, these formulations reduce the overall BTU rating of the gasoline thus producing less power when burned. This means you will get lower MPG. I've tested this in a car back in 2001 when I drove across several mid-west states. I took careful notes and behaved myself on the gas pedal. My MPG always fell dramatically when running the various oxygenated fuel mixes. In the end my MPG was reduced so much I burned more raw gasoline when running the mixed gasoline than if I had just used pure gasoline.
  2. HD added a 6th gear to help with that in 2008 or was it this year?
  3. Where are the photos?
  4. Nada, nothing, crapola - still about 35mpg.
  5. We did another day trip today. 310 miles to the Jeffers Petroglyphs Historic Site in Southwest MN. This is a place where Indians carved stuff into the bedrock. It's kind of hard to see the carvings, but some were clearly visible. Google Map of our route. Place: Jeffers Petroglyphs Historic Site Address: 27160 County Road 2, Comfrey MN 56019 Cost: $6 adults 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 507-628-5591 Website: www.mnhs.org/jefferspetroglyphs Supper: George's Fine Steaks & Spirits (Order the prime rib!) 301 N Minnesota St New Ulm, MN 56073 (507) 354-7440
  6. My brother has an '03 FJR. It's a wicked fast bike. I've ridden it and the way I describe the acceleration is twist the throttle today and it leaves yesterday!!!!! That is the only bike that I've ever had the front wheel up in the air and I wasn't even trying. I will never ride an FJR again, I'd rather live.
  7. Hey Black Owl, I bought Ride Like a Pro V this year. We can have a viewing party or I can loan my copy to you.
  8. This is actually a known problem on the '99 RSV. Yamaha had to change the mounting brackets to prevent the cracking in later years. Dig around these forums, I think known issues in the tech library, for a description of this and what was done to fix/prevent the cracking.
  9. In MN the penalty is you get to keep $10, they take everything else. They will impound your vehicle and can put you in jail.
  10. There he is, I knew he was somewhere. That little piggy is on his way to Pork in the Pines. Better register now so you know your piece of the pig will be there when you get there.
  11. White walls and chrome wire spoke wheels. This is a nice looking ride. If I ever need to trike it that may be the way to go.
  12. Iowa Motorcyclist Caught Traveling 123 MPH in 30-MPH Zone http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,534080,00.html
  13. I forgot to mention that near Hansen's Hold-Up (http://www.hansensholdup.com) we passed a couple of RSV's headed the other direction. Was that anyone from here?
  14. Plus, it's only 46 days until we roast a pig!! According to the official rally website.
  15. This year, the Pork in the Pines Rally is held over Labor Day weekend which in certain years is also the last weekend of August. Plus two rallies back to back is still forces people to choose one or the other.
  16. Black Owl and I synced the carbs today to see if that makes any difference. They really didn't need much adjustment. Only 1 & 2 were a little off. After syncing those the rest just lined up fine. Saturday's riding didn't show any improvements in MPG (35 mpg), but the gas smell from the exhaust was gone. And there was only one backfire the whole day, normally it backfires all the time. Someone else post a thread about how they get 40mpg and a riding partner saw close to 50mpg. There has got to something really whacked out on these carbs to be off that much.
  17. My guess is patches are strategically placed. Plus, do they have a large supply of Monkey Butt powder on hand? All that riding in the buff on leather or worse vinyl seats has to hurt. :moon:
  18. Look around the forms, some here took the tips off and powder coated them black. Looks great like that. My BuBs are the old ones with brushed aluminum tips. Those look good also.
  19. Personally I am loving my new Tour Master Pivot II jacket. It's great for warm to slightly hot weather with out the liner and with the liner it's great for the cold weather. Plus it's water proof. I bought mine here. http://www.bobscycle.com/browse.cfm/4,100236.html I also use Tour Master Venture Air (http://www.bobscycle.com/browse.cfm/4,100403.html) mesh riding pants that have liners for rain and wind protection and a thermal lining for colder weather. When it's really cold I also have Tour Master Caliber Weather Proof Overpants (http://www.bobscycle.com/browse.cfm/4,91997.html ). If our local to the Twin Cites area on Minnesota you'll want to shop at Bob's Cycle store. They have a large inventory and they will work with you and let you try on everything in the store.
  20. They don't make them like this any more. The car or the 90 year old owner. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,533803,00.html
  21. This is excellent riding country. It would be nice to get the VR International Rally held in that area some year.
  22. We rode close to 300 miles today over 9 hours in the hills and valleys and twisties of South West Wisconsin. It was a cool July day, but it was a great ride. Google Map link http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=729+Dodd+Rd,+St+Paul,+MN+55107&daddr=State+Rd+35%2FWI-35+to:Alma,+Wi+to:Tell,+WI+to:State+Rd+37%2FWI-37+to:WI-37+to:Praag,+Wi+to:Cream,+WI+to:Czechville,+WI+to:Shore+Dr%2FWI-35+to:State+Rd+93%2FWI-93+to:Independence,+Wi+to:W+Mondovi+St%2FUS-10+to:Mondovi,+Wi+to:318+W+MAIN+ST++DURAND,+WI+54736+to:Plum+City,+WI+to:Ellsworth,+WI+to:Lake+St%2FUS-10%2FWI-29%2FWI-35+to:729+Dodd+Rd,+St+Paul,+MN+55107&geocode=%3BFeRbqQIdGoB6-g%3B%3B%3BFUaTpgId8FWI-g%3BFQ5rpwIdTMyI-g%3B%3B%3B%3BFUBioQIdXICI-g%3BFd41owIdEjqM-g%3B%3BFfYsqAIdzkGM-g%3B%3B%3B%3B%3BFYLUqgIdzu93-g%3B&hl=en&mra=ls&via=1&sll=44.62854,-91.96238&sspn=0.043614,0.076647&ie=UTF8&ll=44.627924,-91.968355&spn=1.168915,2.765808&t=h&z=9
  23. My RSV is only 10 years old. You first geners have proven we can ride these forever. Maybe that's Harley's "advantage", you need to replace them more often . If I ever need to replace this bike there are plenty more used RSV's to be had. It would be nice to see a revised RSV, bit I am not holding my breath for that to happen. If I had the cash to have a stable of bikes, I'd buy a Stratoliner and the new V-Max. But that ain't happening either.
  24. How about Sunday afternoon? say around 2 or 3 pm?
  25. I run K&N air filters and clean them every spring. With less that 10k of riding per year that is good enough. I wish I was getting that good of mileage. 34-35 mpg on the highway no stops with the cruise on and little to no wind. Same for in town driving. Black Owl has the carb tune and we've done this bike at least once last year with no effect on the mileage. We are planning another time soon. What are mountains, do have those in Minnesota? I've never drained the tank. I think the fuel filter was replaced at the dealer two years ago. So they claimed. I've suspected the coils after reading what Freebird has writing about this similar issue with his bike. The bike has 81k miles on it now. Doesn't Seafoam do the same thing as HEET plus cleaning the fuel system?
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