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Everything posted by juggler

  1. Posted one day too last - Yesterday is the last time I buy motorcycle specific oil. From now on it's a good synthetic.
  2. I have Masters Formula Metal polish. This stuff will put a chrome like shine on the bottom of a pop can. I'll post more when I get home.
  3. Many of you are always looking for the perfect cup holder. Well post them here. Here is one I saw online today. Functional and affordable. http://www.bmcycles.com/accessories/accessories.htm
  4. Great post and write up. Now Black Owl needs to do the same thing for used oil filters. The post would be called Oil Filter Autopsy Files. For those that don't know this is something the he does professionally.
  5. This happened a few months ago. When leaving work one day I found my boss sitting in the parking lot with a dead car. He left his lights on all day. Since he had cables I said sure, I'd try to give his car a jump. I mean after all both are 12 volt systems. Well after leaving the cables hooked up for about 5-10 minutes (yes the bike was running and reving) we couldn't get enough juice to flow to the car battery. I guess there just isn't enough juice to really do a jump start. Maybe I could have trickle charged his battery for an hour then maybe it would start. Anyways, another co-worker came out and we used his car to jump start the bosses car. It started right up then. Nothing fried on any vehicle, so lessoned learned the easy way.
  6. You need to repost this in the lessons learned area. WOW, I've never seen tires on a bike that were worn that far. You had darn near nothing but air between you and the ground. Glad you survived to tell your tale.
  7. I just put the stock size Dulop 404 WWW on this spring and I like them. I love the look and hadling is just fine for me. No problems with stearing even in parking lots. I've heard about all the other brands and smaller sizes. I'm not sure about them. I like what I have.
  8. I'm might have to try a pair of these. A lot less expensive than riding over pants.
  9. I seem to remember some pre-crash posts about excessive noise in the system being caused by loose and or dirty connectors. Some suggested that splitting the faring and unplugging, cleaning and replugging all the connectors helped. Same for the radio. Some suggested using dielectric gel to protect the connectors. Don't forget the connectors under the seats.
  10. Another nice trip in Minnesota is going to Duluth and the North Shore. This year from St. Paul we went up I-35 a bit then we cut off on some two laners and made our way to hwy 23. Another little two lane road. We took that the rest of the way to Duluth. I was nice getting off the super slab, especially since they had that down to one lane each way for construction. Once in Duluth you should go out on the point. You have to cross the Historic lift bridge to get out there. The bridge has a metal grate deck and makes for a fun crossing. Once out on the point take the nice drive until you get to the park. This is a great place to picnic. Look for the trail to the sand dunes. Cross the dune and get out onto the north beach of the point. This is a favorite swimming beach for the locals. Kick off your boots and get your feet wet and frozen. Lake Superior water never warms up. Once your back on the road head north on 61 a very short ways. Actually until you see the turn for the scenic route. This is actually old highway 61, and this way keeps you right next to the lake and lets you have wonderful views. There are many resorts, cabins and B&B's along the way. Stop in at The Castle Inn for a good bite to eat. Keep going north and you'll pull into Two Harbors. In addition to all the stuff this town offers on the main street pull off to the right and go down o the light house. There you'll see a little area history with a historic tug boat and light house. They offer tours of the light house and if you plan in advance you can spend the night at the B&B in the light house. The next great place on this rip in Gooseberry Falls State Park. This is a fun place to wade or swim in the rapids and pools of the falls. It's also a very well visited place. Further up the road is Split Rock Light House. This is a good tour to take. There is a lot of history in that light. Ask how the got the crane, that they used to haul everything up the 100+ foot cliff, up the cliff with no crane. North of there is Beaver Bay, Silver Bay and may other little towns. We need to spend more time up there. It's been a long time since we've been past Split Rock Light house. We can usually do the trip from St. Paul to Split Rock and back in a day. To go further and see more you really need to take several days.
  11. Does that mean the 06 RK exhausts purrrrr?
  12. Doh! How could I forget. I put the Diamond R Back rest on his spring. My back hasn't hurt since then.
  13. We like running the Mississippi river from St. Paul down Hwy 61 through Hastings, Redwing, Lake City, Wabasha, Winona then back up the other side of the river in Wisconsin on hwy 35. You can cross the river at Red Wing, Wabash and Winona so you can adjust the length of your trip quite easily. Some of the cities on the WI side are (heading back North) Fountain City, Nelson, Pepin, Maiden Rock, Bay City, Prescott. Points of interest along the way: The river - I never get tired of the river. I'd live on the river if I could afford the house boat and my house. Bald Eagles (this is a major migratory route and in the spring there are hundreds of them with their young), Locks and Dams - Some have visitor platforms were you can watch boats and barges moving through the locks. L&D #2 in Hastings is one. Red Wing has many places to eat include the Historic St. James Hotel. Good food there. (Spendy but worthy) In the fall you MUST stop in at Pepin Heights Orchards just past Lake City. Good fresh apples, pies and other wonderful snacks. Wabasha - The Historic Anderson House B&B - good food and very interesting sleeping arrangements. Minnesota's only legal 'Cat House'. They have numerous cats and you can pick one to have in your room. Fountain City - Rock in the House, A while back a GIANT 55 ton boulder fell from the cliff and rolled into this house coming to rest on the couples unoccupied bed. It's a cheap walking tour and a site to see. If you shoot into WI on 95 from Fountain City you'll make your way to Hanson's Hold-up. A very unique place to eat. Pepin - Check out The Pickle Factory. They have great food and if you and yours are trying to slim down get one meal and split it, the servings are large. Prescott - You gotta eat at Muddy Waters! Food, music (sometimes live jazzz and blues) large outdoor seating overlooking the joining of the St. Croix and Mississippi rivers. There's plenty more to be had along this route and there are plenty of reasons to do this trip again and again taking in something different each time. Check out the Hwy 60 side route in MN. A short little jaunt of twisties that will get your heart pounding and you can get back to with ease to continue your river journey.
  14. juggler

    Carb cover

    I went to Barrons Custom Accessories wesite - the real vendor for this product. They claim the mini teardrop covers with the V-four engraving fits teh 1996-2001 Royal Stars. Those are not the RSV's. When you search Barrons site by model and select the Venture this part does not show up. The picture posted by Eric is from Barrons. That engine is a Yamaha V-four, but it's a slightly different version than the one on the RSV and Tour Deluxe. So, this won't fit our bikes. That sux, but I save $150 by not buying them.
  15. I'm looking and full armored overpants. First Gear, Tour Master, and Mosse make them. Other make them also I'm sure. Check out http://www.newenough.com or check out Bob's Cycle Supply. If your local to the Twin Cities, MN then stop in to Bob's. Bob's has a full show room and usually has large amounts of brands and sizes on hand. Their prices are better than most as well.
  16. juggler

    Carb cover

    The Royal Star Tour Deluxe has the choke knob in the same place according to the photos on Yamaha's website. So I guess the question is how the heck are these supposed to work on the v-4 engine?
  17. We would have been totally lost on our trip last fall with out these bags. Yamaha sells these as well, but they cost more from Yamaha. Cruiser Backrest has aftermarket saddlebag liners, trunk liners and trunk rack bags that fit the RSV to perfection. The prices are good and their service is great. I broke a zipper the first day our on our trip. When we got back the replaced the bag right away without question. http://cruiserbackrest.com/yamaha-yamaha-royal-star-venture-c-22_48.html
  18. juggler

    Carb cover

    Dang your right. I forgot about the choke knob. See the photo.
  19. Lets get this place rocking again by posting how we've added to the best bikes ever made. Report your accessories, mods, add-ons. If you made it yourself post a picture. I'll start! I have installed in my 99 RSV the following: (I bought this bike used so many of these things came with the bike) Hopnel Tank bib Chrome Master cylinder cover Chrome choke knob cover Chrome front fender rail Chrome Kuryakan highway pegs (http://www.kuryakyn.com/) Chrome clutch and brake cylinder covers etched with Royal Star Venture Chrome tail light cover from Cruisercustomizing.com Chrome bag rails - came with the bike Chrome HitchDoc hitch - came with the bike Chrome light hoods - came with the bike Chrome trunk rack - came with the bike Carolina Leather tool pouch for the front Hopnel trunk bib - not installed yet Highway Lights - came with the bike LED light bar under the trunk - wired for running and brake lights LED license plate lights - wired for running and brake lights Purple LED accent lights to show off the best bike on this site. Saddlebum sheep skin seat covers I think that's all. There may be more that I'm forgetting. I know. I need to add pictures. I need new pictures! Here's a few.
  20. juggler

    Carb cover

    That has to fit. We have the only V-fours out there that are Royal Stars. The V four version is sold in pairs for $150! Maybe I'll wait on these, but dang it I want a set.
  21. OK, I checked - the tool pouch will not hit the fender. If it did there would be other serious damage that I would be much more concerned about.
  22. Welcome backwelcome back welcome back .... this is starting to sounds like a bad 70's sit-com. See my sig to see my ride!
  23. juggler

    Carb cover

    That looks nice - Does it fit the RSV? That might be the ticket to add a little extra zing to the engine area.
  24. The tool pouch is small enough to prevent hitting the fender. (I think) I didn't actually test, but it is about 6 inches above the fender now. I've only driven once with it on (this morning to work). I'll have to give it a full test later to make sure.
  25. [quote=RoadKill;1596 Broke every rib on the right side at least once, most twice, punctured lung (chest tubes s--k). If I hadn't just pushed my sleeves up, I wouldn't have had any roadrash. Now we know why you call yourself RoadKill!!!! Ouch!!!!!!
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