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Everything posted by juggler

  1. Owl, is this http://domsoutdoor.com/product.asp?pn=1-009338 the tent your talking about?
  2. We just got in the door 10 minutes ago from doing the Mississippi River ride. We started in St. Paul, MN on Thursday evening and went down to Keokuk, Ia and then meandered our way back up the river till we got home. We hit by ways and "Great River Road" in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. We also stopped at most of the lock and dams along the way. It was a great ride. We'll start a thread with pictures later or tommorow.
  3. juggler

    Mesh Gear

    Ok, I've had my Mossi mesh leather jacket for about a month or two. I love it. The mesh allows me to stay cool in the warmer months and it provides good safety and armor. However, I did find it's low temp limit last night. Riding from St. Paul, MN to Winona, MN(110 miles) the temps dropped down into the upper 40's. I had the thinsulate liner in and my leather vest on over the top. That was not enough. My arms were freezing. We stopped in Redwing to pick-up food and I put a sweat shirt on underneath the jacket. That worked for about 20 miles, then I was back to freezing. When we head out today I am going to find a motorcycle shop and see what I can find. Even a vinyl rain jacket to wear over the top would help since that would block all the wind from getting through the mesh. The leason here is Mesh is cool not warm. No matter how much stuff you put under it. This jacket is still a winner in my book. I don't normally ride when it this cold.
  4. I also doesn't help that we have more illegals and non-english reading people driving our roads causing accidents. We've seend more accidents in general involving these groups of people. I too would love to see a break down of the numbers. The report seems skewed against all bikers by the way they drivel out a few random stats with nothing to back them up. This report leads me to believe that some stupid lawmakers are going to try to make our live harder with stupid laws to protect ourselve from ourselves. I want to see the year to year break downs of each catagory also. sport bikes: training y/n helmet y/n Alcohol y/n cruisers: training y/n helmet y/n Alchohal y/n Touring: training y/n helmet y/n Alcohol y/n Accidents caused by cages Alchohal y/n Accidents cause by bikes Alchohal y/n
  5. This has happened to most of us. It happened last night again. I sat in a left turn lane for two full cycles of the lights and I never got the green arrow. So after the second time of not getting the green arrow I waited until it was safe to proceed and went through on the red. Sure as heck some cop was watching and pulled me over. He gets out and says "Do you know why I stopped ya?". I said I do know, but I did wait for two cycles of the lights and since they never gave me the green I waited until it was safe to proceed through the intersection as required by MN state law. His response was that MN does not have a law that allows that, but since he also rides we knows why I went through the light and didn't write me a ticket. He did run my name and plates to make sure I was a nice guy. So when we got home my wonderful wife had to look up the law since I was sure that two years ago MN added a provision for this. Here is what she found. ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.dps.state.mn.us/mmsc/latest/MMSCHomeSecondary.asp?cid=5&mid=153 Sec. 42. Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 169.06, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 9. [AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE RELATING TO UNCHANGING TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL.] (a) A person operating a motorcycle who violates subdivision 4 by entering or crossing an intersection controlled by a traffic-control signal against a red light has an affirmative defense to that charge if the person establishes all of the following conditions: (1) the motorcycle has been brought to a complete stop; (2) the traffic-control signal continues to show a red light for an unreasonable time; (3) the traffic-control signal is apparently malfunctioning or, if programmed or engineered to change to a green light only after detecting the approach of a motor vehicle, the signal has apparently failed to detect the arrival of the motorcycle; and (4) no motor vehicle or person is approaching on the street or highway to be crossed or entered or is so far away from the intersection that it does not constitute an immediate hazard. (b) The affirmative defense in this subdivision applies only to a violation for entering or crossing an intersection controlled by a traffic-control signal against a red light and does not provide a defense to any other civil or criminal action. ----------------------------------------------- So, they didn't make it truly legal, but they did write into law that it is excusable under the proper conditions. What is the law on this in your state?
  6. This coming week we are going to extend this run all the down to Missouri. We are taking our annual Anniversary trip along the river from St. Paul to Missouri and back. From Thursday to Monday.
  7. These new riding pants are WARM. I took the thermal liner out today so I could wear them while riding. It was around 70 degrees here today. We were out late and rode home around midnight witht he temp below 50. After spending all evening outside and then riding home they were still warm enough to make me sweat. I can't imagine how warm they will be with the thermal liner. They do restrict movment a little, but they are still comfortable enought to wear for a few hours. Once on the bike and riding they are great. THe wind and raod debris was kept off my legs and I was very warm.
  8. I just bought and received my Tour Master Caliber Pants. My first impressions are they're great. There are several pluses here. 1. Even though I have alarge waist they had a pair that fit and had legs short enough. I bought the 42-44 waist with 33 inch inseam. This means They don't drag on the ground like other brands I tried on at that waist size. 2. They have adjustable position knee armor. I was able to adjust the knee armor up a few inches and they are now positioned perfectly on my knees. Other brands that I tried the knee armor was around my ankles. 3. The zipper in the back for attaching the pants to your jacket matches up to my Mossi jacket. 4. With the thermal liners in there is no way I will be cold. 5. They are waterproof. I bought them from http://www.newenough.com for a steal plus free shipping! http://www.newenough.com/tour_master_caliber_pants_page.htm I'll report back after I actually get to ride with them. Next weekend we are doing a 900 mile trip and it may get real cold.
  9. I got mine for about $120.
  10. juggler

    Need warm gear

    I just ordered a pair of Tourmaster Caliber pants from NewEnough. http://www.newenough.com/tour_master_caliber_pants_page.htm Great price, free shipping and they made a donation to Venturerider.org. ($1 on every order can go to an organization you select from a list of afiiliates. Venturerider.org is on the list.) These look like they are warm and very adjustable for us wider type guys.
  11. I use the Hopnel tank bib. It has a large pocket that my sunglasses fit into very easily. I've removed my sunglasses and stuck them in there while riding many times. Dennis kirk and JC Whitney has them.
  12. I have the trunk rack bag and it's great and it's great. You don't have to buy the one from Yahama. You can get exact replica's at Cruiser Backrest http://cruiserbackrest.com/yamaha-yamaha-royal-star-venture-c-22_48.html We have the saddle bag and trunk liners also. These are must haves on long trips. Most passenger seat bags are meant to attach to a sissy bar. We don't have any sissy's on an RSV. You may be able to get one to stay in place by attaching it the the truck rack and passenger grab bars with bungie cords.
  13. Neither - Why pay for radio? I just get my tunes over the free air waves. Besides, too many gadgets leaves you looking at gadgets more than the road. That is a bad thing.
  14. Another mounting option. I simple used RTV Sealant to adhear the light bar to the bottom on the trunk and up against the trunk mount cross bar.
  15. All I know is that the more numbers and the larger the numbers the more they cost.
  16. How long have you had the Venture? It takes a bit of practice to get used to the weight and the way it handles at slow speeds. Check your front shocks air pressure. Pump them up to 7 pounds each. Pump up your rear shock to around 50 psi. Then practice in an empty parking lot. You may want to switch to a narrower front tire if all else fails. But only as a last resort.
  17. It's simple math guys. Just follow Ohm's Law. Watts = Volts x Amps. Your 12VDC cig outlet is on a 5 amp circuit. So you simply multply 12v x 5a to get 60watts. That is the max rating for the circuit. Next question.
  18. Darn good tips. I'll be refering to this tonight or tomorrow when I add more lights.
  19. The Clearview wind shield is an option. Here is a thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=898&highlight=clearview Other members had put in their own vents, cut down the height of the wind shield, added their own winglets and more. We have options for all levels of skill and $$$.
  20. I'm not replacing my normal lights. I'm just adding additional lights. I have the Pilot LED light bar under my trunk and two LED light strips on my license plates. I wired them right into the normal brake/running/turn lights. I also have a large number of purple LED accent lights on their own ciruit and switch so I can have them on when the bike is off. Now I am adding these new lights. I'm not completly sure where I'll tie these into the system. I'll post more when I figure that out.
  21. Yup he's right - those LED's barely pull any amperage. I have the same number of LED's on their own circuit and I have a small 2 amp fuse in place. The real point is to protect things if there is a short and not to prevent the LED's from pulling too much amperage. They really can't. The newest LED marker lights that I'm about to install are 13.5v and 1.35w. This equals .1 amps.
  22. We witnessed the need for a long screw driver when Black Owl was carb tuning some bikes at a meet and eat. He was able to do 1st gens with a normal length screw driver and had a heck of a time on the 2nd gen without a longer screw driver.
  23. Here is the oil page from our owners manual.
  24. Well, maybe not late. I didn't actuall open the oil I bought. I think I'll return it and get some Mobil 1 Synthetic.
  25. Send me the original document and I'll format it to work and provide you with a nice PDF.
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