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Everything posted by juggler

  1. Yeah, what he said. Manuals are posted in the Tech Libraries. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3384
  2. Chances are she won't need any adjustment to the passenger floor boards. Many of us are trying to find ways to lower the floor boards because the stock ones are too high for our wives. Let her try it out a bit back there and let her decide if she wants them higher. If she does, buy the passenger highway pegs from DiamondR. They are very good quality.
  3. Clearview all the way. The best windshield I've ever had on a bike.
  4. Get the Diamond R Accessories backrest. It has saved my back! http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=RSV%20Overstuffed%20Backrest
  5. Just about any 4 1/2" lamp will work. I bought some from atlantalightbulbs.com. Or are they 3 1/2? I can't remember right now.
  6. I do most of those things as well. I commute in heavy rush hour traffic and I always do what it takes to make sure I OWN MY LANE. In multi-lane traffic I ride the left track in the right lane, the right track in the left lane. I've done this just to make sure some moron doesn't think he can share my lane. In the center lane I tend to center and drift a little towards right track then to left track. More lights always helps. I've always ridden with this in mind. No matter how RIGHT you are, you still lose.
  7. It's a special feature that is built in with most of our bikes. If your ride is still under warranty you can try to convince the dealer to replace the clutch basket with the I-basket. This has helped some people.
  8. Don't worry Sherry, I told them off.
  9. I know, I was reading some of those comments and I had to respond. BTW: One person did post this link. http://www.amadirectlink.com/justice/index.asp
  10. Are you sure about that? I know that my speedometer reads slower than I am going, but I have also verified that the odometer was off by the same percentage. My odometer actually shows about 5-6k more miles than it should based on my calculations.
  11. I found this news story about Tom today. http://www.lodinews.com/articles/2007/05/01/news/7_crash_070501.txt I still can't believe this is happening.
  12. For those that don't know, Sherry, (LadyRider), has called members in the past that have suffered a loss of a loved one. Sherry is an RN/BSN, Tom was an RN, and she has done hospice care. Tom and Sherry also in the last year took in a trouble young teen and was helping turn his life around. This is such a terrible thing to happen. I think Sherry is going to need our help.
  13. Oh no! I don't know what to say. I'm devastated. Sherry we're praying for you and your kids.
  14. One thing to remember is that ALL the car builders are building cars that can run on 100% ethanol is mass production for sale in Brazil. Brazil turns sugar cane in to ethanol. So we can not blame car makers for not making the cars. They do make them. So why are we not using them. The real reason has been pointed out above. It takes more energy to make ethanol out or corn than the ethanol can produce. The millage sucks and there is a net loss of power. Ethanol laws are nothing more than a subsidy for corn farmers. Add on top of that the rising cost of corn do to diminished corn for food supply. This will cause all products that use corn, corn sugar, corn starch and other corn by products to increase in price. Over time the ethanol will cost us more at the pumps, cost us more in subsidies, and cost us more in corn products. The overall effect will be to hurt our economy. This is what the Liberals want. Their belief is we are too wealthy and we must be brought down to the level of the remaining 2nd and 3rd world countries. Do we really want to go back to the 'Good 'ol Days' of no cars, no electricity and no clean water?
  15. I bought mine from Cruiser Backrest. http://cruiserbackrest.com/yamaha-royal-star-venture-saddlebag-trunk-liners-p-182.html They sell from their site and on eBay at http://search.stores.ebay.com/CruiserBackrest_saddle-bag-liner_W0QQfciZ9QQfclZ3QQfsnZCruiserBackrestQQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQftsZ2QQsaselZ89250311QQsofpZ0 I like their bags. We've used them for two seasons now. I had to return the trunk rack bag because the main zipper broke the second time I pulled it. They replaced it no questions asked. Real easy to deal with these people.
  16. Then lick it off in the morning?
  17. "COVINGTON, La. — A boxed bathtub fell from the bed of a pickup truck and slid into a motorcyclist's path Saturday, critically injuring the 72-year-old rider, Louisiana State Police said." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,264846,00.html I'm just posting this as a reminder that you have to watch everything. Even the loose stuff in the back of people's trucks. I've more than once been pelted by gravel, dirt ans sand from a dump truck up to 1/4 mile in front of me. I also saw a pickup truck loose his entire load of aluminum cans on a major interstate bridge. Luckily I was in my car at the time. I've seen mattresses, sofa's, lounge chairs and more fall off of peoples cars and trucks. Peoples loose loads can be far more dangerous than the idiot behind the wheel.
  18. My car was running poorly last month and I had noticed that my mileage had dropped off a few MPG. I added a full can of Seafoam and by the end of that tank I improved my mileage by 4 mpg. I dump a can in the RSV tank about twice a year now. I figure I shouldn't give the crud time to build up.
  19. Congrats on doing your carbs. I was too afraid to take mine apart and paid to have it done last spring. That was an expensive lesson for not pouring in Seafoam to store the bike for the winter. Now that you've done a set your an expert. You could make rebuilding carbs. Then you have Chrome Cash!
  20. Seafoam make a product just for this. Seafoam Deep Creep. http://www.seafoamsales.com/deepCreepTech.htm This stuff is supposed to cut through just about anything.
  21. juggler


    The correct address is http://www.raskcycle.com
  22. Welcome to the Nanny State! This is the crap we put up with all the time. These morons that run the news media here are always looking for the next thing to "warn" us against. Most of us don't actually watch these news shows.
  23. I have the Bubs and I love the sound. Although sometimes I think they are too loud.
  24. I haven't tried that one at all. I did buy a Mossi mesh jacket. I wrote a review here. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=205 I had been a pure leather junkie, but that stuff gets dang hot in the summer. This new generation a ballistic nylon mesh with padding and armor just make way too much sense. Jacket fit is such a personal thing for me that I had to try them all on before I bought one. Luckily we have a very good motorcycle shop, Bob's Cycle (http://www.bobscycle.com), that has darn near ever brand and size in stock.
  25. You got that right. My driveway is uphill all the way. I usually back out and turn side ways across the driveway then take off down the driveway. I wish I could use this, but I just don't have the room to spin the bike.
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