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Everything posted by juggler

  1. Get the one from DiamondR - I love mine. They have a nice one that matches the pillow top seats perfectly.
  2. Just thinking here (and that is dangerous). If I put the Vmax rear end on my '99 second gen and then somehow swap out the trans for a first gen trans. Then put on HD Road King pipes. And maybe a possible cam swap for a VMax? And I already upgraded my clutch plates to the full VMax plates. What the heck am I riding? Maybe Yamaha can learn from these mods and make a few changes for their stock production bikes. What other parts can we swap out for performance?
  3. Yeah what he said. I have the Dunlop 404 WWW. This is season two with them. I have about 14k miles on them so far. I will have to replace the rear this winter. And people around here say "Shop at South West Moto Tires online." http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=9132&highlight=swmoto http://www.swmototires.com/
  4. \ Simply import all your music into iTunes then sync iTunes with your iPod. If taht fails there are a few iPod/iTunes books for the technically challenged people.
  5. I can put anything from my computer on my iPod as well. I don't need to buy music from iTunes. My wife has a tape deck plugged into her computer and she's been converting cassettes to mp3's for a few months now. CD's rip to the iPod in seconds.
  6. A note on iPod's and Vibration. Our iPods are the larger video iPod version and they have a tiny little computer hard drive spinning away inside. That's why that can hold 30 or 80 Gigs of music. The problem is the vibration of the bike causes these little buggers to lockup every so often. On our trip to Chicago mine locked up about 5 times in one day. The iPod Nano and Shuffles are different. They use flash memory and they may not be affected by vibration. So, mounting the iPod to the handle bars is a BAD idea. I thought that putting it in the tank bib pouch with a little cushion under it would help, but no such luck. I bought a 6' cord at Radio Shack so my wife could run the iPod from her seat, but the cord is about a foot too short when you run it under the seats to get it out of the way. I'm going to look for a short extension cord to make this work. Another option is maybe buying an armband and mounting it to your arm at an angle that you can then use the controls. I also noticed that the tank bib pouch on the Hopnel tank bib isn't sewn down all the around the base of the pouch. An iPod arm band would fit wrapped around the pouch and that might give it more protection from vibration. I have not tried that yet. I really do not see anyway other way to mount the large iPods to the bike with out shaking it to death.
  7. We did that with Blueses Virago at last years Pork in the Pines. Her Virago was barley running due to all the rust in the system. We took the tank off drained it (thanks Kantonado aka Ron for disposing of the bad gas in the bonfire) and dumped in a can of seafoam, some chain or nut and bolts and plugged up all the ports and cap. We then took turns shaking the crap out of her (tank). We also took turns signing our names on her backside (of her seat.) The bike ran better after us goof balls got done working on it. :whistling: :confused24:
  8. I really have no clue, but I have read many times here that it is a good idea and many times required to split the fairing and re-seat all the audio system connects. Clean the and use dielectric grease. Many have cleared up their audio this way. I probable should do the same thing, but I don't have the time.
  9. You can download the manual here. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1828 There's no difference in the years from 99-07 except colors and seats and those are interchangeable.
  10. Oh, I've done that several times over the years. I've been known to twist lug bolts right off the car with just my hands and a standard tire iron. I've busted head bolts off on and old outboard motor ages ago. I rely on the torque wrench to keep me from breaking things and keeping my life simpler.
  11. I like your setup. Very nicely placed and easy to see gauges. So, what is the HI/LO switch? And where did you get the triple digital gauge setup?
  12. I bought a low range Torque wrench from Harbor Freight when I did my clutch rebuild. It measures in inch pounds. Take another look, they were right next to each other in the store I went too.
  13. I didn't read this thread before now since your thread title said your were in Sault St. Marie. There are a few 1st gen riders here in the Twin Cities. Black Owl being one that has torn his bike apart and rebuilt it a few times. He may even have a few parts left over. Not sure though.
  14. Hmmm... keep this discussion going. I'm reading, taking notes and learning new stuff. That's why I like this place. I sure wouldn't mind losing a few miles per hour off the top speed. I've never been to top speed and I don't ever plan to get there. I do however like to travel at the legal speed and most of the time I'm running right at the bottom range for 5th gear and feeling little power if I try to accelerate until the RPM's reach a certain point.
  15. Ok, so the end result here is the engine RPM's will be higher in each gear before you need to shift? From what I know about these V-4's is that they like higher RPM's. Sounds like a good idea. It will be interesting to see if you feel more power. It would be real nice if you could bench mark your performance numbers on a dyno before you change out the rear end and then check your performance increase afterwards.
  16. OK, I admit I'm not a real gear head. How does the VMax rear end differ from the RSV rear end? And, wouldn't changing the gearing in the transmission be a better option? If even possible. :think::confused24:
  17. As far as I can tell they only come in black. I have not seen and other options. I bought the largest size they make. In order for them to one size bigger I need to loose a few pounds. However, that still doesn't change the fact that the liners don't zip up the sides and that leg zippers on the shell don't go high enough. I didn't buy these to wear with the liners. I wanted cool protective riding pants.
  18. I bought a pair of Tour Master Venture Air Pants for summer riding. As some of you may remember I purchased a pair of Tour Master Caliber Pants [Read my review] last fall. Those were great pants and I love them, but they are not meant for above 70 degrees. I'll be wearing them again this fall. Now these Venture Air Pants are cool in the heat. I bought the largest waist size they make (4XL) to fit my girth and to fit over my normal clothes. The Armor-link Mesh shell with 1680 Denier Ballistic protective panels to protect knees and your backside make these pants feel like they will protect you if you happen to go "slab surfing". The soft padded hips are not even noticeable while riding. At that says a lot considering the size of my hips. They have hard knee armor for maximum protection and with Tour Masters adjustable height kneepad system they stay on your knees. However, for me the kneepads sit off the outside of my kneecaps while riding. I'm not sure why, I've tried twisting the pant legs to move the kneepads but that does not work. I'm not happy about the knee pad location. I'm not sure if this is normal or if I have a mis-sewn pair of pants. These pants do fit over my jeans, but they are a bit tight and that is mainly my fault. I just need to loose some weight. They also come with a two stage AquaTherm liner system. The first stage is a waterproof/windproof liner and the second stage is a thermal liner. Here's the deal with this system. The two liners nest inside of each other. To me they just add extra bulk that makes the pants harder to fit. If you need to protect your self in weather swings then I suppose these will be good. The liners only go down to about the top of your boots, which may leave your ankles a little unprotected in rain and cold. I personally think the two stage liners are cumbersome. The liners do not have side zippers so if you plan to use them you will need to take off your boots. That is a negative in my book. I don't plan on using the liners with these pants. The mesh shell itself has thigh length side zippers to allow you to put the pants on while your wearing your boots. If they would have made the zipper go two inches higher it would even be easy do put on the pants. As it is I have to sit down and wrestle my boots through the thigh openings. Maybe they think we all have small feet. My boots are only a size 10 wide. Overall the fit of the pants are comfortable. I gave them a workout over the weekend of 6/29/07-7/1/07. We rode from St. Paul to Chicago and back in two days with one day spent with family just south of the Windy City. The total miles were 1,100. 500 miles was ridden on the way down via US Highways and Byways. We stayed clear of the interstates for most of the trip south. The summer sun was beating down and the pants kept me cool and protected. When it got dark the reflective side piping and panels helped make us visible. For the trip back we took the interstate the whole way for the sole purpose of making the trip fast. Even while sitting for extend times at 70mph the Venture Air pants kept their cool and comfort. To be honest I tried to exchange the Venture Air Pants for a pair of First Gear HT Airs that I had tried on when I was deciding which pants to buy. The local cycle shop that I bought them from wouldn't let me since I had worn these pants. The HT Airs from First Gear have zipper side liners and larger opening to make putting them on easier, but lack hard knee protectors. I did find that the Tour Master knee protectors fit just fine in the First Gear HT Air pants. So, since I was denied the exchange I will keep the Venture Air Pants. I'll just have to get used to the cumbersome routine of putting them on to go riding. Pluses: Good protection, extra liners if you need them. Very comfortable and they keep you cool and protected. Minuses: Hard to put on over my boots and the liners require you to take off your boots which makes side of the road or rest stop liner changes very cumbersome. Overall rating 3 out of 5 stars.
  19. This own't work for Weimeraner's. They can chase down and catch rabbits. The owner of the company I work at has one of these dogs. He brings it with his other dog to work everyday. When he gets out to the parking lot he lets the dog run. It takes off like a bullet and can change course like a super ball bouncing off a wall. I'm guessing these dogs don't have enough sense to not run head first into a wall.
  20. Cool ride. It looks like it should throw flames out the exhaust if you hit a special hidden button.
  21. Thanks for the info. I've been thinking about doing mine also. I just rebuilt the clutch and discovered how easy that was to do. I would love to quiet this thing down a bit. I keep turning up the music and now I think I'm going deaf to all but high pitched chirping sounds.
  22. The rear pads are only $25 dollars if your order from Yamaha South Seattle Sports Plaza. They always do 25% off. http://www.yamahasportsplaza.com/
  23. I went out a bought a low number (20 - 200 inch pound range) torque wrench. I bought mine at my local Harbor Freight store for $25. Most auto parts stores around here rent tools. Maybe one near you does also.
  24. Your all just jealous because it's the color of Royalty!
  25. You may be surprised. I ordered by clutch parts on a Tuesday evening and they showed up by that Friday.
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