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Everything posted by juggler

  1. I think a monthly newsletter that points out all VR events for the upcoming month would be a good idea. Sort of a ride schedule. Then of course publishing the big rallies many months in advance. In digital PDF format the newsletter can have working links back to the forums for the various event threads.
  2. I know I'm not going insane. I told ya they wanted money from me. Oh well. Like I said, I don't need their stink'n manuals.
  3. They must have different rules for different y4ears and bikes. For me they said it was a combination Owner/Service Manual therefore I had to pay. Oh well. I have the manuals anyways.
  4. I tried that ages ago and it told me I could only buy the manuals. So, I dug up my username and password and tried again. I clicked on "View Owners Manual". It opens a PDF file that says I must purchase the PDF version of the owner and service manuals.
  5. I have several of those LED touch lights. I've never had the adhesive stick long enough to be worth the effort.
  6. I was think along those same lines, only I don't do enough of my own work yet to do anything real stupid. But I am learning, so there's hope for stupid stuff.
  7. IF you can find exhaust tips, I would suggest turn outs. That should push the exhaust outside of your slipstream. Down may only reflect the exhaust off the pavement and back up into the swirl. And if you do find tips, let me know who, where and how much!
  8. :think: This is perfectly sound logic from a Socialist Liberal "Al Gore" point of view. Think about that and tell me you're not more afraid of Al Gore and friends than so called Global Warming.
  9. Well, when the farmers are guaranteed a price for crappy corn to turn into fuel they stopped growing feed corn and sweet corns. Other grains and vegetables are also being grown less because farmers are being paid to grow corn for fuel. The real truth about ethanol is we can not grow enough corn in this country if even if we turned every farm into a corn field for fuel. We need to get off of this stupid corn for fuel fad that we are on and start growing corn for food again.
  10. Ditto... However, to be taken TO the loony bin you must not already be IN the loony bin.:rotf:
  11. But claiming the windshield is your eye protection is not only foolish, but illegal in many states. Maybe even all states. I know MN requires eye protection even though helmets are optional. From the MN motorcycle handbook. Protective Eyewear Motorcyclists are required to wear protective eyewear, such as glasses, goggles or a face shield, even if the motorcycle is equipped with a windscreen. Contact lenses do not qualify as protective eyewear. My guess is most states have pretty much the same law.
  12. With all the darn environ"mental" nut jobs out there in the news media and false global warming scare you think they would be pushing huge ad campaigns not only on motorcycle awareness, but also encouraging everyone to buy a motorcycle or scooter to save the planet.
  13. We've been screaming this for years. 6. In multiple vehicle accidents, the driver of the other vehicle violated the motorcycle right-of-way and caused the accident in two-thirds of those accidents. That's 66% of the time in car/motorcycle accidents the car driver was at fault! 7. The failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic is the predominating cause of motorcycle accidents. The driver of the other vehicle involved in collision with the motorcycle did not see the motorcycle before the collision, or did not see the motorcycle until too late to avoid the collision. The I didn't see him get out of jail free card! 9.The most frequent accident configuration is the motorcycle proceeding straight then the automobile makes a left turn in front of the oncoming motorcycle. Gee, none us here would have ever guessed this! How come this isn't blasted across headlines?
  14. You are now the Resident Clutch Expert and you can charge for your consulting services.
  15. Dang - that was a heck of a mystery. I never saw that part coming.
  16. On our '99 I replaced the stock seats with the new pillow top stock seats, but I left the old passenger backrest in place. My wife wasn't complaining about it so no need to replace it. Corben makes or made a different version with slightly longer wrap-arounds that cal almost be used as armrests. I suppose if you can reupholster anything I'm sure the backrest can be redone with different padding and shape. I'm not sure anyone here has ever tried this. We have a few people on here that have redone their own seats.
  17. The Diamond R Passenger Highway Pegs should help your wife. They are meant for shorter legs. I put them on our 99 RSV hoping they would help my wife. She has long legs. They didn't help at all. Just cramped her up even more. So, for short legged passengers these should be great.
  18. Nope - those things cost way too much for me to buy and experiment. I really wish they would do something about their lousy product photography.
  19. An elephant? Did they raise the back end that much?
  20. I bought my OEM pillow top seats here http://www.yamahasportsplaza.com/ they always do 25% off and the shipping for the seats from Seattle, WA to St. Paul, MN cost only $20. The driver backrest is not OEM. However, DiamondRAccessories [http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/proddisplay.php?name=RSV%20Overstuffed%20Backrest ] has a backrest that could/should be OEM.
  21. That is an odd location. So your saying the fender trim chrome and the fender ornament are still there? My guess is there was a non-Yamaha fender rail and someone made a special mounting bracket. Just a guess. Or the previous owner had a fender light up there? Or a custom fender ornament that was much larger then the OEM one? I suggest finding a LED or something that looks good there.
  22. I wish I had your bank account BEFORE you started your spending spree ;-)
  23. A while back posters to a local news paper blog were blaming a couple for their own deaths because a drunk driver didn't see them and killed them when he hit their motorcycles. I posted a very pointed rant reply telling them they would be screaming left and right to stop the carnage if Humvees where driving around crushing their much beloved Priuses and then getting away with murder by simply saying "Opps, Sorry I didn't see you". This needs to be a national add campaign.
  24. One of my passing lamps burned out. Does any one have suggestions as to a good brand replacement and where to buy? The ones I have are el-cheapo lamps. Not very bright. I would like them a bit brighter.
  25. After adding the extra lights do you notice a charging/discharging problem? I've heard others mention that some of the higher wattage lights cause a drain on the charging system.
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