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Everything posted by juggler

  1. That is one nasty gauntlet - Time to buy an army surplus tank to use as my commuter vehicle.
  2. I am buying tires this winter and I will most likely stick with the same setup as I've had for the past two years. They rode very well and looked great. I am using Dunlop 404 Wide White Walls. This set lasted for about 14k miles and there is still good tread on the front. The rear tire is just hitting the wear indicators. I had planned to replace them next the spring. However, last weekend I tore a gash in the sidewall of the rear tire so now I really have to buy new tires. I just priced Dunlop's at Southwest Moto Tires (http://www.swmototires.com/). I may just buy from them this winter. Dunlop D404 150/80HB-16 Wide Whitewall Front $98.95 Dunlop D404 150/90HB-15 Wide White Wall Rear $92.95 Very good prices compared to my local Yamaha dealer.
  3. I am about to buy a Back-off brake light modulator and discovered that Signal Dynamics makes a large number of lighting controllers. http://www.signaldynamics.com/lighting_control.htm I found a few things to note: There are two version of the Back-off modulator. Only the XP version is made to work with Incandescent Lighting, LED Lighting or a combo of both! (MikealiasMike - this may be why your LED trailer lighting wasn't working so well when we installed the non-XP back-Off module on your bike.) The have a module to help with fast flashing LED lights. For those that want to get real fancy they have Wig-Wag module and a self-canceling turn signal module for those that do not have this feature.I was surprised to see just how many options they offer for improving motorcycle lighting.
  4. Same here. Huh? What? Is thing a 'Hallmark Holiday'? Roses or candy? Candy I'm guessing.
  5. I hear ya man. Next year will be the first time pulling a trailer for me. I am apprehensive about it, but I know I will be even more cautious than I am now.
  6. You can download the owners and service manuals here. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1828
  7. It's about time. I've been advocating second degree murder charges for drunk driving deaths for a few years now.
  8. I agree - I do however distinguish between a bad decision by a driver and criminal or willfully criminal behavior. There should be consequences for her mistake and they should be sever, but not as sever as if she was drunk.
  9. I was just thinking the same thing. I bet the jump higher than deer.
  10. This only points to very poor drivers training requirements in most if not all states. In Minnesota all I had to do to get a drivers license was to pass the written permit test and do six hours of behind the wheel training. That was all done in the tiny little town of Ely, MN where there are nothing more than small city streets and two lane highways. We only went on the highway once. To get my MC endorsement, in 1993, all I had to do was pass the written permit test and pass the state driving course. I passed the test by reading the book once and passed the driving course after riding a motorcycle for a whole 2 hours (My lifetime total since this was my first MC) before taking the test. A few years ago the State of Minnesota threatened to pull the license of a driving school because they were providing more than the required training and teaching better defensive driving tactics. No clue why the state had such a fit. 16 is too young for many kids. Some do just fine, others just can't handle driving until they get older. Heck some people never get the hang of driving and are road hazards all their lives. Gary's accident will most likely come down to the kid had an extreme lack of driving experience, very poor training and just isn't capable of making good decisions while driving.
  11. Back on June 10th a drunk driver made a left turn across Hwy 61 and killed a Bloomington, MN couple on their motorcycle. The drunk (at 0.20 BAC) is now being charged with 6 counts of vehicular manslaughter and other charges. He is looking at 10 years per homicide charge. Let's hope for the max. http://www.twincities.com/localnews/ci_7231041 It is about time that serious charges and jail time get handed down for killing people while driving drunk.
  12. That is exactly what my left ankle x-ray looks like. I had the same break from falling on an ice covered sidewalk in 1998. One plate and six screws later my ankle is better than it was before. Much better actually. I used to sprain and twist both of my ankles all the time. Since they put in the metal works, I have never hurt my left ankle again. You'll be up and running in no time at all. You should be looking forward to a much better ankle.
  13. I have just over 72k miles on my '99 RSV. I really need to get out and ride more.
  14. juggler

    Free Beer

    BEER!! Where!!! I'll take two!
  15. Another article. http://www.ohio.com/news/break_news/10655486.html
  16. That may be the difference between here and down under. Or just the difference between you and me. When in traffic court, back in my youth, I told the truth. It hurt me financially, but I did what was right.
  17. I was just a kid in the 70's, but my Dad was into CB'ing and we traveled all the states from Chicago to Florida many times a year back then. However, I did listen intently and picked up the lingo. I also still have his radio from back then and it still works. I've used it on a few car trips in the past 10 years. It is a Sears radio that only has 23 channels. It also has a built in SWR meter, upper/lower side bands, PA and a power mic. He ran big antenna's on our Suburban so we had a very large range. His handle was GrapeStomper. Maybe some of you heard of him back then. BTW: That was also the era of truck'n. The song Convoy (which I have on my iPod) and movies like Smokey and the Bandit, Gumball Rally, and the movie Convoy.
  18. But isn't the act of slamming on the brakes in order to evade being pulled over a crime in itself?
  19. South Seattle Sports Plaza does 25% off on Yamaha OEM. http://www.yamahasportsplaza.com/
  20. You'll never regret getting the extra features.
  21. If your dig into the old posts of that site you'll surely find many of my posts as I used to be a regular there. All I have to say is none of what I ever posted here is like what I posted over there.
  22. Hmm... according to Google Maps it is 665 mi – about 10 hours 34 mins to Eureka Springs from St. Paul, MN.
  23. The Venture Inn the Pines rally is planned for August 29th to September 1st, 2008 In LaPorte, MN at GrampaGak's hobby farm.
  24. It is becoming apparent that some here love to talk about gas prices and that others would like this forum to remain a friendly place with out political discourse. Since gas prices and politics go together like well gasoline and fire those threads tend to get explosive and then deleted. Well here is the perfect place for your gas talk. http://www.gasbuddy.com Cheers (A moderator should lock this thread before it explodes.)
  25. It also looks like the took the saddle bags from the RSV, changed the hinges and bolted them on to the sides.
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