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Everything posted by juggler

  1. I'll take two. I'll get payment to you soon.
  2. I'm also not sure what across the board problems your reading about with the second gens. The posting in the Tech Library of Known Problems are not problems that occur on ALL the second gens. Those are a compiled list of problems members here have had. Some of those problems are one time issues with one bike. Others are reoccurring problems and may relate to a bad dealer in the area. My 99RSV only has the chirping noise that is pretty much an issue across the board. Some whine about it, others turn up the radio. Others complain about gear whine. When you have tightly machined gears your going to have gear whine. When they are straight cut gears like we have your going to have gear whine. Gear whine is a high performance engine sound. It's the sound of power! Again, my engine has been solid and it has 72,000 miles. The frame and body are almost in like new condition. On dealers: In the Twin Cities there are many Yamaha dealers. One or two of them are good. The rest suck. If you're in a part of the country where you only have a single Yamaha dealer and he sucks. Then maybe going to other brand is a good idea. It's a sad thing to have to change brands just because the local dealer sucks, but it happens. On Wrenching: You or someone else will have to wrench on any machine you own. These things require maintenance to stay working. So, either you have a warranty and have repairs covered or you pay someone to make repairs or you do them yourself. Maintenance is always an extra cost not covered under warranty. Either you pay to have it done for you or you pay with your free time and do it yourself. That's life. Deal. And as I've always said - Ride them all and buy the one(s) you like!
  3. ...or click this link http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1828
  4. And I thought everyone had see this in our tech library. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1828
  5. Here in MN the hunting seasons are opened up and the limit was increased in high heard population zones to 6 deer total per person per season. The extra deer tags only cost a few dollars. The problem is we don't have extra hunters. I hunted two seasons out of the past three and I'm not hunting this year. I truly think there are fewer hunters due to the anti-gun crowd and the anti-hunting crowd. They've been polluting kids with their crap and fewer and fewer are taking up hunting.
  6. is to ride the bike you like the best. People come in here all the time asking why I should by a RSV. I tell them why I bought mine, but then I always leave this advice. Ride them all and buy the one you like. Best of luck in finding the one you like.
  7. The FFG's that I was on were not any better at riding a storm than those FF's were. Being the FF replacement ship, we had the same sonar bulb on the bow keel as well. I do remember it felt like half the ship was out of the water at the crest of each wave and then she came slamming down and the next wave washed over the decks. Like I said I saw that one wave wash over the 03 level. I'm sure the flight deck got a good wash down from the wave. That was a fun ride.
  8. The heck with Charlie, I can see me on one of those. That thing looks like fun!
  9. Dang, wish I had known that last month as I drove way over the limits on the tollways don there. I lucked out and wasn't detected. I'm so used to empty state trooper cars parked along the tollway that I really don't even slow down for them much.
  10. I used to live in the south burbs of Chicago as a kid. Dad would take us smelting on the lake front all the time, plus he'd fish the salmon run in the Lincoln Park Lagoon every year. We'd see some real big waves coming off that lake in the storms. When that lake gets mad she is MAD. I think only Lake Superior gets worse waves.
  11. I'm sure some other Navy guys can tell of a bigger storm and waves than I saw in the Navy. Here's what we did. In January of 1993 I was aboard the USS George Elliot (FFG-12) and we were heading back to Long Beach, CA from Seattle, WA. The ship was going into dry-dock for an overhaul and helo flight deck extension, so we had offloaded all the missiles, torpedoes, sub-tracking sonar buoy's, and all other weaponry. This made the ship about 50-75 tons lighter than normal, plus we had no aviation fuel on board. This means the ship was sitting high on the water and could run much faster than normal. We entered the Pacific from Seattle just ahead of a huge winter storm running down from Alaska. We were in 40 foot seas on our 445 foot long ship. At one point we encountered a rouge wave that towered over the 03 level of the ship which is 70 above the waterline. The wave hit the bridge windows hard and since I was on the bridge at the time I got a real close up view of the inside of the wave. We rode the front of that storm for a day or so and gained a fair amount distance on the storm. We pulled into Long Beach a full day ahead of the storm. That was a fun trip. Those were the biggest waves I've ever seen.
  12. I think they are starting to use Dodge Chargers here. I've seen many marked one, so I'm sure there are a few unmarked as well. Also, the MN State Patrol has a new fleet of Harley's. Just in case you plan to blow a Harley off the road with your 1st gen you may want to make sure it is not a maroon and gold color Harley first.
  13. Glad your ok and lived to tell about your adventure. Next time just get the plate number and call it in from a safe distance. And uh, so how come you couldn't outrun him on that 1st gen? Huh?
  14. We know what to do with Hogs at the Venture Inn the Pines rally. We roast them, send it up here.
  15. I suppose we would get two of them.
  16. That is so bad and tragic. At least our legal system is starting to get a clue. This is the second time I've heard of second degree murder being charged for this type of killing.
  17. I started collecting swords a few years ago. I only have two so far. They can be very expensive. I only buy real swords, nothing with a stainless steel blade or machine stamped. Check out Badger Blades. http://www.badgerblades.com. My two swords are from this sword smith. All of Badgers swords are real battle ready swords with a lifetime warranty against destruction and breakage.
  18. Actually, this is more like murder. This is just terrible. "Because of your recklessness, which was passing another vehicle in a no-passing zone, Todd had no choice but to run off the road to avoid hitting you head-on. You caused the crash that resulted in his death and the injury to his wife. You didn't even care enough to stop and help them." http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071020/OPINION03/710200325/1014/OPINION
  19. I didn't quit, I started living smoke free October 1998. Ok, that is a hokey way of looking at it, but since some smarty pants pointed out that no one likes a quitter I figured to twist it to I started. Anyways, it's been 9 years without cigarettes and I still get cravings once in a while. You just have to get used to that part.
  20. The founder had several past bankruptcies. He is no longer with the company. http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/06/17/the-hit-job-on-lifelock/
  21. I wasn't sure if this was some sort of twisted joke or not so I looked up a few news stories. http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/local/scn-sa-fatal3oct16,0,6009813.story?coll=stam-news-local-headlines It's tragic, but true.
  22. How come I fell that way in morning traffic? I never new it was all my fault that I was interfering with the DUMB members on their cell phone, laptops, newspapers or even those watching DVD movies on their dash board.
  23. Seeing how he tried to use the "lifta adapter", it must be the Reverse Polish version.
  24. Until I fix the passenger seat whine, I can't get too many miles on in one day. This year we did 444 miles from Joliet, IL back home to St. Paul, MN. The back seat was really whining for the last two hours.
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