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Everything posted by juggler

  1. The are slick and cool. However, I really want the larger Mac Book Pro. My wife would like the Mac Book Air. Just in case anyone is offering to give some away. Did you check out the new Mac Pro? Dual Quad Core CPU's. One of the servers I use at work has dual quad cores. That machine is a screamer!
  2. I was trying to figure out which St. Croix he was talking about. It's darn near 0 degrees on the St. Croix in MN. :snow2: :snow2: :snow2:
  3. There's been a time or two when riding with the cruise control engage and wearing heavy gloves that I have been relaxing my right hand on my leg. Then upon returning my had to the grip hit the kill switch and the bike shuts off at 70mph. The first time this happened was the day I bought it and I probably coasted 200 yards before I realized what happened and flipped the switch back on again. On the Second gen it's way too easy to hit that switch when wearing heavy gloves. I've done it a few times, but now I know to flip it back right away.
  4. Uh oh, the gremlins got his bell! This can not be good. No one knows what gremlins do with the bells the capture.
  5. If he is going to buy another, Squid only needs to shop in our very own VR Classifieds. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/928/cat/4 A nice looking bike and a decent price.
  6. So where is the VR Guardian Bell? I blew up most of the photos and I didn't see it? Did the gremlins get it?
  7. You never go back. But Charlie you can go back into your igloo :snow2:. It's time for a 06 Black Cherry!!!!
  8. Squidley wins in the bike wrecking competition. Squidley has proved he can wreck his own bike better than Charlie can wreck Squidley's bike. :rotf::rotfl::rasberry: God was with you two. May God be with us all when we ride.
  9. Your as lucky as we were. Every stop we make when riding I take a casual look at the tires. Paranoid I guess. The last ride we took last year I looked down and noticed a chunk missing from the sidewall right about where the bulge is in your tire picture. If I hadn't see that we may have had the same trip as Squid and Lonna. I'm not saying he didn't check his tires, it's just that we happened to stop (unplanned stop) to stretch a bit and the tire happened to be positioned just right for me to see the missing chunk with a casual glance at the tire. Probably how you saw your tire bulge. Just happened to be parked just right to be able to see the bulge.
  10. I knew it all along. No man like my man Fred! Except Reagan! However, this site can not be trusted. They are flat out wrong on some of the candidates view points. Be careful and research each candidate on your own before you make a choice.
  11. If you want bulbs shipped to your door then try this place. http://www.servicelighting.com Search for "rough service" and you will find lots of bulbs. This is a local MN company that I can vouch for personally. I know some of the people there.
  12. juggler

    Shift happens

    A lot of what they mention is not new. I am working for a company that did not exist when was in school doing a job that did not exist, using technology that had not been invented while I was in school and I am helping create some of the new stuff that did not exist when I was in school. But then, the same can be said for the guys that went to work making the first automobiles. Or the women who "manned" the telephone company manual switch boards in the early years of the telephone. I'm sure back then women didn't train to be the first switch board operator when they went to school. Oh wait, back then she may not have even gone to school. We live in an ever changing world. One that changes faster than the previous generation can imagine. That's life. Get on board.
  13. Lets face it, Brad just bounces better. He has more padding than Lona. But even though he bounced he still hurts. I've been there for that pain.
  14. We are both so glad your not hurt any worse than you are. Lona we wish you fast healing and prayers. Your tire blow out scares us so much. The last two rear tires that we've replaced had chunks missing from them even with decent thread left. I was lucky enough to see the missing chunks before the tires blew out. We parked the bike early this year due to a missing chunk of rear tire. Again, we are both so glad your not hurt any worse than you are.
  15. Glad you two are only bruised. Squidley, I know you wanted a different color, but you didn't have to wreck this one.
  16. Big deal - he did it with a dirt bike. Not much of a challenge. He should try it with a Sportster. Besides if he didn't crash like Evil Knievel then your just a wimp.
  17. Remember that this started out as a political movement by pseudo-environmentalists. Then various Government agencies started making regulations that affected businesses. Now businesses are riding this wave of pseudo-environmentalism to keep making a profit at a time when their profits would be suffering if they didn't make changes. I don't blame business for changing tactics to keep making a profit. However, I do wish businesses had to balls to stand up to the pseudo-environmentalists, the media and Liberal politicians and collectively say "Bite-me". But then again the American public should be doing the same thing.
  18. He has a garage. I'm not sure that there is a way for even a mouse to fit into it though.
  19. In MN we've only had E10 or E85 for years. I have not found any place that sells pure gasoline. Gas mileage dropped when the switch was made. Now our Liberal Governor wants to mandate E20. The Republican (in name only) Tim Pawlenty is advocating E20 for his farmer friends and is trying to get the Federal Government to allow states to use E20 blended fuels. This can and will affect all states if this guy gets his way. I did a math study on this back in 2001 using my real world data from a road trip my wife and I did in the car. Back in 2001 we drove from MN to South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa and back home. This was a week+ long trip. I had the chance to use many different blends of gasoline and pure gasoline along the way. I no longer have the exact data, but when I done with my math I found that burning E10 caused my gas mileage to drop enough that I actually burned more gasoline than if I had been using pure gasoline. The math was basically this. Since E10 is 10% ETOH + 90% gas. I calculated my mileage while using E10 and then calculated how much actual gasoline I burned (ethanol blend minus the 10% ETOH). I also calculated my mileage while burning pure gasoline. When you calculate how much actual gasoline you burned per mile you realize that you burn less gasoline per mile when you burn pure gasoline than when you burn E10. Many will ask how can that be? Well E10 is actually contaminated gasoline and does not burn as hot (lower BTU's per gallon) and therefore burns less efficiently. A less efficient burn means more pollutants and more raw gasoline goes unburned and thus you have less power. Less power means your engine has to work harder to do the same amount of work and thus your gas mileage is lower. The conclusion is that E10 has INCREASED our gasoline usage which means we have INCREASED our need for crude oil which means we have INCREASED our dependency on foreign crude oil. (Remember that the one of the main arguments for ethanol is to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.) The same is not true for E85 since so little gasoline is in the blend that even though your miles per gallon are so greatly reduced you still burn more gasoline with pure gasoline than you do with E85. This however does not make E85 the better fuel to use. We cannot grow enough corn in this country, even if we stop all corn exports and stop all corn for food production, to make enough E85 fuel to run our country. In the mean time we drive up the cost of our food because so much of our food requires corn. Corn syrup, corn starch, corn alcohol, and many more ingredients are made from corn that are used to make the base of our food that we eat. Not to mention the wonderful corn on the cob in the summer time. That will be gone or so expensive that only the Wealthy Liberals can afford to have such a luxury. Ethanol will lead to higher food prices and food rationing. It is one more straw on the back of our economy. The economy that is under attack by the Liberals in our country. This is a internal war against America and people like you and me that make up the True America. Fight back and vote out the Liberals that believe in the policies of burning food for fuel; the Liberals that want to destroy our economy; the Liberals that want to destroy the America we know and love.
  20. Geez Russ, I think I 'd better pay for that trailer soon so you can afford to buy a cover for the Virago.
  21. I've used so many various Linux flavors it ain't funny. I've tried most of them at one time or another. I run 3 versions currently. Slackware, Centos and FreeBSD. Ok, the last isn't Linux but it is a *nix. Mac OS X is by far and away the best end user *nix OS ever made.
  22. I couldn't answer all the questions. Some didn't have answers that fit me. If I had a pile of cash I'd take time off work and ride not add stuff to the bike.
  23. Well at least improve it's performance a bit. Turn off all the animated visual effects and drop shadows and transparencies. This will help with the overall system performance. Other than that there isn't much else I can offer to help. Vista is such a bad OS that Dell and other PC makers are offering new PC's with Windows XP again. I will not touch Vista period. If you really want a good computer buy a Mac. My wife uses a Mac. I've work with the new OS X and it is great. Apple restricts who can make the Mac hardware so quality control is much higher. I have decided I will not buy another Widows computer again. I plan to switch to Mac. I already converted all of my PC based servers to Linux and Free BSD OS's years ago. Now it's time to ditch Windows on the desktop. Cheers.
  24. Buy a map - end the confusion. /:backinmyday:
  25. I thought that was the witches hat?
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