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Everything posted by juggler

  1. Hmmm... These numbers look like numbers I've read before. Check out my blog at http://www.wilgeno.com/index.cfm/2007/11/4/Motorcycle-Deaths-by-the-Numbers I post links to the actual studies. Many of the numbers in articles like this one are reported out of context. And they ignore other numbers that don't jive with their message. Such as more motorcyclist that wear helmets die that those that don't. They also don't mention that their numbers are most likely from the report of single vehicle motorcycle crashes. When you get into the multi-vehicle crashes you find more motorcyclist are killed here by passenger car drivers that 'just didn't see you'.
  2. Wow! The misinformation is flowing today. Fact: Using cruise control on slippery surfaces (rain, snow, ice) can lead to loss of control due to hydroplaning. This is true for our venture's cruise control as well. However, with proper training you can learn how to respond to hydroplaning (with or without cruise control) and prevent the loss of control. Most cars today have steering wheel controls for the CC. Hitting the cancel or off button for the CC will get you under control real fast without the dangerous side effects of slamming on the breaks. Tapping the brake pedal enough to trigger the brake light and cancel the CC but not enough to apply braking pressure is also a good way to safely turn off the CC when you need to do so quickly. Most people jump on the brake pedal when something goes wrong and many times that is exactly the WRONG thing to do. Fact: Some newer cars with traction control systems can (not always) prevent this. I don't rely on this. Fact: Cars do NOT fly. (Unless your diving the old Aerocar). But they do slide and hydroplane real nice. It's kind of fun and can lead to a flying like sensation until you hit that dry spot and then "You've lost that flying feeling". (It's real fun sliding sideways in a 1978 Dodge van at 70 mph on black ice. Then I hit that dry patch of road. WOW! That brought me back to earth real fast. And due to proper counter steering, controlled braking and throttle control the van straightened out without flipping, swerving or leaving my traffic lane.) The real key is NEVER PANIC! Panicking leads to mistakes. And wear your seatbelt. When our car goes sliding or spinning your seat belt keeps you behind the wheel, which is where you need to be to regain control. Fact: Most drivers do not have the training and driving experience needed to properly handle their vehicle's when something goes wrong. The only good driving classes I've seen are private performance driving and LEO/EMS driving classes. None of these classes are required or even suggested in order for you to get your DL. Here is a training class you can give yourself. Take your car to an empty parking lot in the middle of the night when it's raining or when it's snow covered. Then drive your car. Spin it, slide it, get out of control then recover it back in control. Learn how your car handles. My father showed me how to do this and taught me how to drive. (He had military, racing and LEO/EMS drivers training.) I've done this with every vehicle I've owned and I can always handle it when the road surface is against me. AND SLOW DOWN.
  3. I have heated seats in my LHS. They are great in the winter. I have no clue why you would need them on the motorcycle. I mean your not driving in the winter snow and ice. However, we can all have heated motorcycle seats if we just eat beans.
  4. Yeah there are. She is an illegal alien and she was speeding, she did not have a drivers license or insurance. She sped though a railroad crossing and then though a stop sign broadsiding a school bus and flipping it onto it's side. She is still lying about who she is, where she is from and is claiming the bus hit her. There are plenty of witnesses to claim and prove otherwise. What more do you need?
  5. This is something that I've written about on my website in the past. I'm advocating second degree murder charges for someone that kills a person while committing a criminal offense while driving. Ie Kill someone while committing DUI then it should be second degree murder. Driving recklessly and kill someone? Second degree murder. in Minnesota the most anyone here gets charged with is vehicular homicide which carries a minimum of a $6,000 fine and up to 10 years in jail. http://www.wilgeno.com
  6. I've lost many wing nuts and lock washers already. (and I tighten them down with pliers) I also do not like the feel of the seat when it is not bolted down. I can feel the seat move. I need something
  7. I'd like a patch with that picture on it.
  8. Same here, if only I had the I'd buy it outright. You can never have too many toys.
  9. Check out this really custom RSV trike. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&sspagename=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A1123&viewitem=&item=330212387556
  10. I disagree JT. Our Liberties are protect by three boxes: The Ballot Box The Jury Box and The Cartridge Box If we use those thee properly, we have all that say in the world about what our country does.
  11. I the world of computer security I always say "In God we trust" everyone else is suspect.
  12. The only Venture better than any of your Ventures is MY Venture. Because that is the only Venture I get to ride.
  13. All I know is that after he did that a few times on board a US Navy ship we'd be doing a "MAN OVERBOARD DRILL'. And I'm not sure we'd try hard to recover him.
  14. Dang - I've lived through some cold temps in Northern MN. I've seen plenty of -40F days and even saw a -50F once. I had a warm log house to live in with a wood stove. I even camped out in the winter once sleeping in a snow hut we built. I can not imagine trying to live in a tent in these temps. Build yourself an igloo - those are warmer than tents.
  15. Heck that's warm. Today it finally warmed up to -5 degrees with a -30 or so wind chill. Tonight it's back down into the deep freeze. :snow2::snow2:
  16. I know everyone is giving you a hard time or think you fell though the ice on your pond and are suffering from a massive brain freeze, but depending on what you come up with I might want a one. Die cast would be nice or something along the lines of what HD does for each of it's bikes. The most expensive part could very well be creating the mold. Nothing much more difficult to die cast that a motorcycle with handle bars and details.
  17. I finally replaced my Windows XP Laptop with an upgrade. I went to the Apple store and found a much better laptop and operating system. I am very happy with my new Mac Book Pro.
  18. I've said this from the very first time I sat on a Stratoliner. I think Yamaha put the Strato out there as test to see if it would work and be accepted. It has the size needed to get full fairing and become a full dress tourer. If I had the money I would by a Strato and use it as my daily commuter bike. I would prefer to have the V4 in the Venture for pure long distance, long life performance. The V4 is pretty much bullet proof. The new VMax V4 would be awesome if not a bit scary on the RSV.
  19. Is this dealer a reputable source for this inside info? I/we've all heard rumors about redesign and upgrades and such. So far none have been true. We have at least 10 months to sit and wonder about the 09 RSV.
  20. Squid, That was a very nice setup. I am working on something similar. I already have the tool pouch and found that on bumpy roads it hits the front fender. I need something like what you did to prevent that. Seeing taht bracket you made gives me ideas.
  21. Looks like our local leather tooler (Beer30) may have an opportunity to fill a gap in the market.
  22. Squid, Sorry to hear your going to be without a ride this year. That's a bummer. However, I do understand the debt paying issue. We both wish you and Lonna well. I'll help you on the way to financial freedom by taking the trailer mod light and the green LED's. My wife will love those on her green trike. Items #8 & 9.
  23. Go with the PCW. Those guys build super high horsepower VMax racing engines. The clutch for the RSV is the exact same clutch for the VMax racing engines.
  24. The chat room is filling up and rocking out! Hop on in!
  25. Congrats girl. That is a wonderful house. I love all the wood work inside. Now your going to have to host a "House Signing" meet and eat.
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