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Everything posted by juggler

  1. It relates to her "guy friend" who is known as Crow. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20079
  2. Which dealers in MN did you try? I know the Yamaha dealer near Still Water will let you test drive if they have one. Tousley Motor sports in White Bear Lake usually has a RSV in stock. As far as test rides in MN, it is illegal for a dealer to sell you a vehicle that you did not test drive. It's to help make sure you don't get ripped off.
  3. I suspect it could be dyed black.
  4. I bought my 2nd Gen pillow top seats from them last spring. Great prices.
  5. My '99 burgundy and silver has wide white walls. I use Dunlop 404 WWW. I got about 12k miles on my last set and they were not loud.
  6. Here is one. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=821
  7. Every butt is different. Corbin's are rock hard and some people swear by them and others curse them. There are a few threads here where people have reshaped the seats to fit them better. They've used different density foams. I have used sheep skins and those helped on the old style rock hard RSV seats. I also used the Butt Buffer on the old seats and that helped. The Butt Buffer gel pad can be installed internally also. And then there are the bead riders. You're going to have to do what the rest of us do and try stuff until something works. For us we bought the pillow top seats that the new RSV come with and have looked back.
  8. I've seen plenty of 30-35 pound Pikes when I lived in Ely, MN. I've never seen one that big in person. What a monster. I have seen a pike hit a fish that was being reeled in. My father was reeling in a walleye when it was hit by a pike.
  9. My first car was a '63 Corvair (in 1984). I had some fun with that car.
  10. All I'll say is that every butt is different. We tried the butt buffers on our '99 RSV. We rode a week long vacation on them and while they did help we still bought the pillow top seats. We also rode for a year on sheepskin. Again it helped, but we still like the pillow top seats better. I tried to find a deal, but so many people kept bidding up the price for used seats to darn near the price of new. So, I bought new seats at a big discount. http://www.yamahasportsplaza.com/ does 25% off all the time on Yamaha OEM parts. I ordered my seats from them and for about $10 shipping they had them to me for far less than normal prices.
  11. Yeah, but Democrats would use that term for drug dealers if they had thought of it. And maybe a rapist is an undocumented lover?
  12. Wow Brandi - you disappear for months at a time and return like a whirlwind. And with great news too. Congrats on all the good that has come into your life. BTW: has he ever seen your special necklace?
  13. The solution is simple. We have plenty of our own oil if we would just allow the oil companies to drill for it. Also, we get more of our oil from Canada than anywhere else. http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petroleum/data_publications/company_level_imports/current/import.html We should produce more of our own. Here is a break down of our own oil production. http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/dnav/pet/pet_crd_crpdn_adc_mbbl_m.htm
  14. Your obviously confused about what is "Public" and "Private". A simple rule to follow is if t is Government owned then it is Public. if it is privately owned then it is Private. WalMart is a private company as in not owned by the Government. This makes their parking lot private property. This is pretty much true for all businesses parking lots with a few notable exceptions. In MN we have some Municipal Liquor stores. Since they are owned and run by the municipality their parking lots are Public property. Since streets are built and owned by the Government they are public. There are private gated communities that have paid for and built their own streets and therefore those streets would be private and typical not patrolled by the local police unless paid to do so by the owners of the gate community. What you and so many others (including many Government officials) fail to understand is that just because I own a business and I allow members of the public to enter my store to conduct business with me this does not make my store PUBLIC. Many Local, State and Federal regulations and laws trample this fact including the latest rash of smoking bans. Now back to your regularly schedule thread. Dang glad your not hurt and congrats on not spilling the beer.
  15. My guess is that there was no air in the rear shock on the new 08 you sat on. Airing up the shock can lift the rear a couple of inches.
  16. or anything ever sung by Yoko Ono.
  17. I just partial to the dry rub method. That and some good vinegar base slop sauce for basting to spice things up a bit.
  18. That's what people kept telling my Mom.
  19. Nice cooking rig, but you NEVER NEVER use a wet sauce to marinate and cook ribs. Dry rub is the only way. Also, you have your heat all wrong - way too hot, you need low heat and lots of smoke. 225˚ and cook for a few hours. With a larger portion of meat such as a pork should I BBQ for at least 8 hours.
  20. Since I first started this thread we've stretched our legs a bit further down the river. We did a vacation along the river down to the Iowa/Missouri border and back again. All along the way we zig-zagged across the river between the various states (IL,IA,WI,MN). That was a nice week along the river. Also, the Venture In the Pines Rally is held near the Mississippi headwaters and many of us have visited that portion of the river. I would really love to ride to the Gulf some year.
  21. Thank you for added to this. I had forgotten about this post, but as riding season approaches it's good to refresh it with new information. Nelson's Cheese factory is a must stop. We've been there many time's. A few weeks ago we 'discovered' Liberty's, good food great prices. We do this run many times a year. We need to connect sometime.
  22. When you do let us know and we'll ride with you. I bet you could even stay at our place.
  23. No, I meant first gen since Hipshot owns a first gen and is always talking smack out second gens and was talking smack again.
  24. 2 amps at 12 volts is 24 watts. That's warm enough when put inside a seat with you butt planted on top.
  25. Now that's funny - He said he has a real motorcycle and your equate real motorcycles to any bike EXCEPT a 1st gen!
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