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Everything posted by juggler

  1. Has anyone tried or at least looked into the K&N OIL filter? Are they better than any other oil filter?
  2. Try the CB first. I've had this happen to me and it's far easier to resolver than tearing the front fairing apart.
  3. It looks like it also function as a wheelie bar with those little wheels on the bottom.
  4. My guess is that if they had the title they would have posted the correct info about the bike.
  5. Not to hi-jack this thread, but for those interested, Lasik's has improved greatly. I've been researching corrective eye surgery procedures since 1994 and have seen the improvements. The new lasers can cover a larger area of your cornea to greatly reduce the side effect. You will have side effects at least until your eyes heal (around 6 months). There is no question about that. I do not have any sight issues that I did not already have. I always had blurry night vision. Now it's much better. I still have small halo and star bursting effects. However, my vision is far better than before I had surgery. If you want more details PM me or we can take this to a new thread. Cheers,
  6. What do you expect, the owners are crooks (you know, the Government).
  7. I have pretty much the max full coverage I can get with Progressive on my 1999 RSV. They just dropped my rates to $460 this year. I am going to call them and see if there is anything left that I can increase or add. Can't have too much coverage.
  8. All I want to know is can I keep the paint job? Maybe I'll get some respect from cagers while riding.
  9. I did the Lasik route a few years ago. I've had the best vision I've ever had. However, I still can't find decent sunglasses to wear under the helmet.
  10. I have seen plenty of video of the LEO's engaging in reckless driving by crossing the center lines in corners. I also seen plenty of videos of car and trucks and semi's running bikers off the road on the Dragon. Any of these situations could have happened. Maybe you should get facts first then think about what you about to say before saying it.
  11. I have found all of my wire tube needs at my local RadioShack. They still have 'some' electronic components and the stuff to work with them.
  12. I missed it - I just got back to the computer again.
  13. For one you need Win XP Pro, Vista, or Windows Server one your remote computers. You can not access a Win XP Home machine via RDC.
  14. Personally I used a KVM for that kind of setup. Since it was so hot in our home office last summer I moved all the servers downstairs and now I use remote logins to administer them. Oh, the servers all run Linux. My desktop is a Dell, my laptop is a Mac Book Pro and my wife has a Mac Pro. I think we have enough computers for this month. (plus I have an old Sun Ultra Spark server sitting in a box in the basement)
  15. For the enlightened users out there (MAC Users) there is http://www.apple.com/downloads/. They have a large amount of freeware/shareware listed. If your a programmer then you may find some of what I use helpful. These all run on PC/OS X/Linux: Eclipse (http://www.eclipse.org) It's a full featured Java based IDE that has plug ins for programming is darn near every language. It runs on PC/OSX/LinuX/FreeBSD and more. It's free. FireFox web browser Thunderbird Email client FileZilla FTP client TightVNC Viewer - Lets you remote login to VNC enabled computers. PG Admin - Admin and SQL interface for the PostgreSQL data base server. PostgreSQL server SubVersion server GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program (http://www.gimp.org)OS X: Deeper - lets you set secret OS X preferences iPhoney - lets you view websites as you would see them on the iPhone RDC beta - lets you connect to Windows Servers using RDC logins SimplyBurns - cool fast CD/DVD burning software. Menu Meters - give you dashboard CPU, memory network stats on your OSX menu bar. LiquidMac - If you have a Macbook (Pro) then you have the motion sensor and this program will work. It give you simulated water and it sloshes around as you tilt your Mac Book. Startup Sound Preference Panel - Lets you lower the volume or even mute the Mac start up *BONG*. AP Grapher - a Wi-fi signal analyzer VisiMass - let you keep track of your weight with a graph that plots your weight trend as well as peaks and valley's. Use with the free book 'The Hacker's Diet'.That's all for now.
  16. Actually Open Office 2.4 is out for the PC and the 3.0 beta for the Mac is darn near production ready. I use both versions all the time.
  17. How come I get the idea that hanging out with you would be a blast. And possibly dangerous?
  18. Good to know. Thanks for reporting the DOH!.
  19. I hit that link and found that IKEA won't sell them online. You have to stop in the store to buy one.
  20. Well, heck you've gone that far to add the trunk. Just get the Venture sound systems from a wrecked bike and install it on yours.
  21. One man with courage makes a majority. -Andrew Jackson http://www.quotedb.com/quotes/3387
  22. Those 4-2-4's look really great. Are they really loud?
  23. Now that's what I want to see parked in my driveway. Which one of them you ask? All of those!
  24. It's "Cake" and I want to ride (or is that drive it?) at least once.
  25. Don, Another possibility. If you only have 1 phone line for your house you will still have four wires. All POTS have 4 wires even though only two are used for your phones. The DSL can be filtered off of the main line and put onto the two unused wires and then you run that line to your DSL modem. Then no other phone jack can interfere. This is how my DSL is hooked up. The phone tech did the install for me since he had to climb the pole to replace the wires that a furry critter chewed up. He decided to hook it up right (his words). I know it is a better way than most peoples setup. Most people have to install a line filter at ever phone jack in the house. Cheers
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