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Everything posted by juggler

  1. Hi All, The Pork In The Pines website is pretty much done and fully operational. Please use the website to pre-register (no requirement to pre-pay, but it is appreciated) so we know how big a pig to buy. Plus we need to make sure we have enough other food and drinks on hand. (If no one pre-registers we'll just have a rack of ribs and a 6 pack of beer for us.) The website has a very simple registration form and it also has more (and correct) information about Pork In The Pines including area hotel/motels, campgrounds, local businesses (including liquor stores), directions and maps and a contact form to email the planners. Soon we'll get photos up from previous years events. So please check out the web site, register if your coming up to party with a pig!
  2. Storms blew through the Twin Cities today. No real major damage but it did take out a tree in our back yard. It landed up against a pine tree and power pole, but missed the house and my new fence (so far). The power company said they will come out sometime next week. Worthless deadbeats. The full story is the tree spit down the trunk vertically and we noticed it a few weeks ago. I took down one half (half not near the power lines) and that stabilized it a bit. It had been widening the split in minor breezes. We called a tree service to remove the rest of the tree and they said they couldn't do anything until the power company came out and trimmed it back from the power lines. Well, the power company never showed up and today the storm did show up. Now they still won't show up for a week. Like I said worthless deadbeats.
  3. Are you coming up to the Pork in the Pines rally?
  4. Well, you start with several 10 to 20 thousands dollars to buy the equipment, shop, chemicals and metals needed. Actually, I've never heard of a small scale home electroplating setup.
  5. Ouch!!! Be glad it was just being built and not full of your stuff already. BTW: You coming up to Pork in the Pines? I need to practice up on my wiring skills again
  6. Just buy it and worry about fixing it up later. We have several people in MN that love to work on the 1st Gens. If you bring it up to the Pork in the Pines Rally we'll even work on it for you. We always need a project bike for the Sunday Maintenance day at the rally.
  7. I was thinking the same thing! Between the Macs and my Linux servers the only virus I have to worry about are the ones my co-works are spreading by coughing in my general direction.:rasberry:
  8. I've like the pillow tops, but before I had those I used sheepskin. Rick Butler doe the Butlermod on these seats. He will take your see and reshape it, put in new padding and recover it so it looks like new. The price is pretty good also. I would like to see one of his Butler Mod seats in person. Actually, I want to sit on one.
  9. I just filled out the survey. I ripped MN for it's love affair with toys trains while neglecting roads. I pointed out the dangerous potholes on I-94 that continue to go unrepaired. However, as all forms of Government goes, I'm sure nothing will happen.
  10. http://www.alekspowersports.com/map_hours.asp Sorry, nothing I found is open on Sunday. However, I spent a few days in Erie 15 some years ago. They had nice beaches back then.
  11. that I can find in Erie, PA via the net. It isn't looking good. BTW: almost nothing comes up for Yamaha dealers in that area. Except this one. http://www.streettrackntrailinc.com/ http://www.cyclecity1.com/aboutus.asp http://local.yahoo.com/PA/Erie/Automotive/Motorcycles/Motorcycle+Dealers Dennis Kirk will ship overnight if you pay the bucks. If ya have to order a cheap tire and overnight it to the hotel or near by cycle shop. http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/common/Frontpage.jsp http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/tpl/tire/product.jsp?store=Main&catId=404&leafCatId=40402&skuId=642333&productId=p542537&mmyId= At Dennis Kirk the Dunlop 404 is 86.99 + 123 to overnight Fed Ex to Erie, meaning it will be there Tuesday afternoon. Lets hope we can find a better faster, less expensive solution. BTW: the tire size for the rear on a 2nd gen is 150/90 15 I wish there was more I could do.
  12. Bring it to Pork in the Pines and the First Gen'ers will fix it up for you. They just love having a project bike to tear into on Sunday maintenance day. http://www.porkinthepines.com Register now!
  13. Yup, that's the point. BTW: You coming to Pork in the Pines this year? Register at http://www.porkinthepines.com if you are.
  14. I just replaced my Dunlop 404 WWW. I had about 12k miles on them when I hit a pothole and tore a chunk of rubber out of the rear. I replaced them with another set of 404's. And I did find the ones with the B identifier. My local cycle shop had them in stock.
  15. Well, the work is done. The fill dirt is about 4 to 5 feet deep. The hole auger I used was a 12" dia. All I wanted was to be darn sure it was not going to move.
  16. juggler

    this was close

    Heck, that was close. But close is ok. Too many people have hit deer lately. The good news is your safe and able to come to Pork in the Pines this year, right?
  17. juggler

    this was close

    I've heard of that happening before. Moose will also do that. Up in Northern MN moose have stopped highways completely and not let anyone pass. If you try to pass it charges at you. 1200 pounds of mad critter with an attitude and antlers will mess up you car, your day and heck your whole week.
  18. You need Adobe's Acrobat Reader. It's free. It's the industry standard. Download from Adobe http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
  19. I don't need to think about how much it would have cost. I was quoted somewhere near $10k to have the fence built. Like I said the ground is soft back fill behind a new retaining wall. So I went deep and filled the holes with lots of concrete. I don't want this thing blowing over in a storm.
  20. Heck no, I rented the 4 bag mixer from Home Depot and put 5 to 6 bags in at a time.
  21. Glad your OK. I know we requested help in locating a deal on a pig for the Pork in the Pines Rally, but you didn't have to go out and get one for us. Especially with your bike!!! But hey, now that you got the pig, just ship it to Black Owl. Don't worry about cold packing it or rush shipping. I'm sure it'll be fine.
  22. The file name on my server is 8385servicemanual.pdf. I'm not sure what your computer may have named it.
  23. How much does that weigh? We're heading to Duluth August 2nd to see the tall ships that are coming in. http://www.startribune.com/16217507.html
  24. I just drove through there last weekend. Your coming up to the Pork in the Pines Rally? http://www.porkinthepines.com If so register now.
  25. I am planning to do one. Not a camping version, but a smaller utility trailer version. Plans and photos are all over the internet for these. I have a home built trailer with a sears cargo box on it at the moment. I hope to build the tear drop body for it someday. I have downloaded many photos for these including one where a guy made the whole thing out of cardboard. Then he used the cardboard as his template to make the real trailer. My initial thoughts are: 1. use foam board for the walls with wood framing in certain places to reinforce areas for hinges and hardware. Then fiberglass the whole thing. - or - 2. use 1/4 plywood to build the whole thing and use fiberglass to smooth off the corners, strengthen the joints and water proof the seems. - or - 3. Black Owl suggested I could carve the whole thing out a Styrofoam block and use that as a mold to make the fiberglass shell. Cheers,
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