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Everything posted by juggler

  1. The website has directions. http://Http://www.porkinthepines.com
  2. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2011/08/10/british-plumber-builds-worlds-longest-motorcycle/
  3. There's the largest ski jump in North America at Copper Peek. Usually you can purchase a ticket to imb up to the top. Greatview from the top.
  4. I've supplied cigars for Pork in the Pines a couple years. My current favorite is hoyo de Monterey repesado.
  5. There's Nothing Less Dangerous Than Canadians ???? I'm not sure about that. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/19/funniest-police-blotters-ever_n_837942.html?ref=fb&src=sp#s255076&title=Theres_Nothing_Less
  6. Dunlop 404 white walls? Is that the price for each? I hope not. That should be the price for both together.
  7. Guys - I know more tech than motorcycles. I've been studying the iPad and Apple rumors. for a long time. It looks like Apple is about 2 months away from announcing the next version of the iPad. I want an iPad, no I NEED and iPad. I could use it for my job. However, I wanted certain other features which according to the Apple rumor sites the iPad 2 just might have. If you want the best Apple product news check out http://www.macrumors.com/ and http://news.worldofapple.com/ and http://www.tuaw.com/
  8. Anyone of you guys with a DVR have the ability to save and upload the commercial to Youtube?
  9. They are going to make bikes in India to sell in India. Japan makes car in America to sell in America. Ford makes cars in Europe to sell in Europe. Global companies make products around the world to sell in the local economies.
  10. I have an iPhone. In my opinion the iPhone is much better hardware and software then the Android. However, AT&T can be less than desirable depending on where you are located. Rural coverage just plain sucks, unless you are tethered to your job by the darn thing then taking a rural vacation lets you enjoy it without being disturbed by work . However, AT&T is busy upgrading their network and will be rolling out 4G service soon according to a recent press release. Cross our fingers and hope they don't f this up also. So, if you need coverage all the time every place no matter how rural then anything but AT&T. If you don not leave the main interstates much then AT&T should have you covered.
  11. Hey all - Trust me on this - this site and FaceBook are the least of your worries. Over the years in my career as a programmer / systems & security administrator I've had the need to 'research' a person or two on the internet. I recently ran a series of background checks on a few people and recovered documents from the internet that were over 20 years old. Other items were of older paper archives that had been digitized. The amount of information that our Government has on each of us is amazingly scary and more so when you realize that a large amount of that information is classified as PUBLIC. In researching myself, being who I am I never post anything online that I don't want public, I can still find an amazing amount of information that I didn't put online. This information is provided by our Government and possibly marketing companies, or other companies that I had done business with. Thank you very little. Things I can find out about a person may or may not include and may not be limited to the following; current and past addresses, birth certificates, death certificates, SSN's, names of spouse(s), children, siblings, locations of birth/death, family history (trees), criminal records, court records, news articles, aerial imagery of your house, if your house was on the real estate market it might even be possible to find interior photos or virtual tours. If your car was in your drive way when the aerial photo was taken then I know the basic color and size of your car. In my own case the photos were old, but my cars and old boat could be seen. Other info may include email addresses, phone numbers, organizations you belong to, employers, bank name(s), classmates etc. Remember you may have never posted anything online about yourself, but you cannot be sure that a classmate, co-worker or friend did not. Do you know of any embarrassing photos from a high school or college party? Did a friend take that photo? If so it could be online and you don't even know it. (side note: Boomer you old shell-back, I'll bet there are some interesting photos of you on a ship during a crossing the line ceremony. Many Navy ships have or had websites and posted those photos online for family and friends back home to see. ) This is not meant to scare you, but just to remind you that you are not anonymous in this day an age. Cheers and sleep well
  12. I guess I'm pretty boring. Nothing much to report although I've had a car or two and my RSV airborne a few times, but nothing too impressive. About the most stupid was when I had a 1979 Dodge B200 extended van. It was carpeted through out (walls, ceiling etc. ) and the back seat folded down into a bed. On one of my monthly trips to the Naval Reserve center in Duluth, MN my cooler full of pop and stuff had slid to the back of the van. I tried to slam the brakes and make it slide back forward but it was caught on something. So on a straight stretch of road I set the cruise control, got up and walked to the back of the van and dragged the cooler back up front. Then I just sat back down and started driving again. Oh, the cruise was set at 75mph.
  13. I was thinking the same thing.
  14. Looks like the car spun to the left and rolled so that the passenger side and bottom took the brunt of the hit on the overpass. If that car had spun the other way he'd be a wet spot on the overpass. I've had a car or two and my RSV airborne a few times, but nothing that impressive.
  15. PGR "Colors": The National PGR has banned the PGR flag and ALL PGR materials, even car window stickers, in the state of Oklahoma unless on an actual mission. The local 1% clubs have vowed to confront and possible even kill anyone they find flying rival PGR "Colors". Always check with your State Road Captain as to the correct rules for displaying any and all PGR material. If you ride in multiple states or plan to, contact those states RC's to find out the rules.
  16. I had corrective laser eye surgery about 5 years ago. I go to watch the whole thing. I saw the cutter cut the flap in my cornea and I saw the little hook tool pull the cornea flap out of the way and saw the laser light zap my eye. Then I saw the little hook tool place and smooth the cornea flap back in place. I think the second eye was worse than the first because I knew what was coming next. The neat thing was that I instantly could see better than I had ever seen even though than my eyes hurting and being very watery. Eye surgery has come a long way, however it is still very scary looking from the patients perspective.
  17. I might have to sell my '99 RSV. It's the purple and silver color. My photo gallery has photos of it. it's in good condition, no damage just 10+ years of riding. 89k miles, runs great. extras: chrome saddle bag rails chrome front fender rail chrome trunk rack hopnel tank bib and trunk bib chrome kuryakin highway pegs LED tail light chrome trailer hitch by hitch doctor back-off light module trailer light module 4-wire trailer lights old custom trailer included (Built by blackowl) passing lights clearview wide/tall tinted windshield with vent stock exhaust - extra set of Bubs included Purple LED accent lights DiamondR Rope light on trunk under passenger backrest custom LED light bar under trunk newer pillow tops seats and more I'm sure. I've been unemployed since mid-May and programming jobs for ColdFusion are very rare right now. Most companies are not even employing full time people right now. I've had several interviews, mostly get told I'm over qualified or they want someone with exact experience in a certain industry. I have more interviews, but I have to start thinking about selling this. $6,000 firm considering the condition, extras and trailer.
  18. Was following a Harley on I35W South in Minneapolis yesterday and the front of my car got covered in oil. Dudes bike was pouring oil out bad. His passengers right leg and foot was soaked in oil. Best part, they were clueless about the massive oil leak. I supposed I could have let them keep riding till the engine seized up, but then they could have wrecked. So we alerted them to the oil spill they were creating and they pulled off the road. How do you not notice that your leg is getting soaked in hot oil? I'm glad I was not on the bike. I didn't feeling like changing the oil in my hair just yet.
  19. Is this HF trailer bolted together or welded? I've seen many HF trailers in their stores and the ones that are just bolted together look like the bolts could vibrate loose and then the whole trailer gets out of square. So even though was was tight and square when assembled, many miles down the road it may not be. Just a guess on my part and one thing to double check.
  20. The vibration could be due to the shocks being too stiff and or the tires being over inflated. The wear of the tires makes me think they are over inflated.
  21. Well it sounds like the possible 'rubbing' issue has been put to bed. A very easy way to confirm this would be to use chalk dust and chalk up the tire on both sides and take it for a short ride. Then inspect the tire to see if any of the chalk was rubbed off. Did you grease the axle shaft itself? I think the assembly calls for lithium grease on the axle. It's an easy thing to forget when you start putting everything back together. I could not see anything in the pictures that looked like there was grease where the axle goes. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/TDiaq32wt0I/AAAAAAAADuU/Z3RI035dqLk/s640/IMG00143.jpg If it isn't the tire and not the assembly then check to make sure the rear brake disc is not warped.
  22. The light shines light like any other headlight. I suppose if it shown a different colored light like purple or blue I might get stopped. The light is bright white.
  23. I looked at my options last year and bought this from Biker Highway for $43. H4 135/125W SuperPlasma GT-X Anti-Vibration PIAA Motorcycle Headlight Bulb (70476) (70476) http://www.bikerhiway.com/h4-135125w-superplasma-gtx-antivibration-piaa-motorcycle-headlight-bulb-p-256.html I like it. It's far brighter than what I had and in high beam it really lights up the road.
  24. Take a look at the Garmin Nuviphone. http://www8.garmin.com/nuvifone/
  25. I use Progressive and I have the max PIP I can get $25,000/person. If you do not have any other health insurance it's a good idea to get the max PIP you can get. This costs me about $400 per year.
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