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Everything posted by juggler

  1. I'd buy it if I had the money. I bought a Mac Book Pro this spring and I almost never use my PC anymore. You'll never go back!
  2. Thanks for the humor. I needed that.
  3. That's why us normal everyday working people need to run for local office. It all starts at the local level. If we keep the career type out then we really do control our own fate. In addition, the reason why Federal elected positions were only to be paid a pittance was to prevent career politicians. Now that the are elected to become wealthy and build a career we cannot get rid of them. I've been thinking about running for local office. I think we need a few of us computer geeks in office to help our Government officials make intelligent decisions on technology laws and technology spending.
  4. Damn your a prick! The Supreme Court just ruled on the Second Amendment and it they re-confirmed that the right to bear arms means individuals and not a state run militia. I provided links to the data which is in raw numbers. The fact of the matter is more people are dieing while wearing helmets than not. Does this mean that helmets never save lives? No. Just as the claim that all these deaths could be prevented if you only wore a helmet is false. Again, I provided the links to the reports with the raw data so you could read it yourself, instead of launching a personal attack against me. When you have 21 non helmeted riders dieing as compared to 140 who died wearing helmets (in TN) there is nothing to skew. The raw data speaks for itself. Helmets are not the life saving miracle that they claim them to be. Yes, some lives may have been saved. All? No. The fact that so many die while wearing helmets is proof of that. Just like the old campaign from the 70's-80's when the Government claimed that you never unbuckled a dead person from a car. That was a load of B.S. also. This is why it should be my choice, not the Governments. BTW: My choice has always been to wear a helmet. That's not even my point. My whole point is that the Government should not be mandating helmet usage and that their arguments for helmet usage are flawed at best and outright lies at worst. "I've gotta doubt the statistical analysis ability of a guy who uses "whore" instead of wore." Well excuse the hell out of me. I'm a dyslexic. I do my best and run many spell and grammar checks before posting longer posts. Even those programs make mistakes. As far as my ability to analysis statistics. I'm a computer programmer. I've been trained in computing, reading and analyzing stats. Again, my whole point is that the Government has no right to mandate helmet usage and that their arguments are B.S.
  5. My wife picked up a stronger wire fur brush today. It's for large dogs. I sprinkled some baby powder on the sheep skin and started brushing. My old matted down sheep skin is now like new. I have a large black Saddle Bum fitted sheep skin. After brushing it out and then shaking it a bit you would never know I put white baby powder on it. The powder lubricates the fur so it brushes easier and the mattes and tangles come out easier. BTW: Saddle Bum vanished from the world a year ago or more.
  6. Glad your traveling restrictions have been lifted. See you when you get to pork in the pines.
  7. Actually this is not a new idea. Early Harley Davidson's had only a straight pipe (one cylinder), noise complaints by towns folk were numerous and eventually Harley made a manually operated valve that would port the exhaust through a muffler. When a ride came into town he could flip the valve and quietly rumble through. Then open it up when he hit the open road.
  8. Then explain permits for handguns? Or the complete banning of hand guns? The right to keep and bear arms is a Constitutional Right as well. So is the freedom of Religion. Both of those are infringed upon by our Government. All I'm saying is we are facing the same type of tyrannical government in out local cities and states we fought to overthrow and are overthrowing in other countries. Now back to helmet vs no helmet. http://www.wilgeno.com/index.cfm/2007/11/4/Motorcycle-Deaths-by-the-Numbers Last year I did some research on the deaths of motorcyclists Nation wide. When you review the raw data you find that more motorcyclist that wore helmets died than those that didn't were a helmet. The margin was only a few percentage points, but more is more. NHTSA reports I found for 2000 and 2001 showed an overall increase in motorcycle fatalities AND and overall increase in helmet usage. Over 50% of motorcyclists killed were wearing helmets. Again this is not a shining example of "Helmets Saves Lives" like so many claim. Now based on claims made by people that oppose freedom in Michigan I need to research Tennessee and Florida MC fatalities. It would not surprise me any to find that opponents to freedom are lying about the MC deaths in those two states. Why those two states? The opponents claim that since both states recently removed the mandatory helmet laws MC deaths increase. There are questions that need to be asked and answer in order to provided an accurate analysis of MC deaths before and after the change in the law. Did deaths increase because of the law change? The opponents would have you believe that is the case. However, Nation MC deaths did increase at the same time helmet usage increased. At the first glance at the raw data for Tennessee I see that motorcycle registrations increased at a much greater rate than motorcycle fatalities. other gem from the report is that in 2006 21 of the 140 riders killed were not wearing helmets. So, with just a 5 minute read of a transportation department report I can prove the people opposing the removal of the helmet law in Michigan are lying to us. Read the report yourself.www.naghsr.org/html/publications/survey/motorcycle/tn.pdf http://www.tennessee.gov/safety/newsreleases/2008/Motorcycle%20Fatals%201998-2007.pdf Florida needs help. In 2006, 244 of the 562 riders fatally injured in crashes weren’t wearing helmets. That's a lot of dead motorcyclists. However more than 56% were wearing helmets. http://www.naghsr.org/html/publications/survey/motorcycle/fl.pdf
  9. Which dealer in the Seattle area did you go to? A lot of us have been buying OEM parts from South Seattle Yamaha Sports Plaza. They have been great for parts. Maybe their service is good also. http://www.yamahasportsplaza.com/
  10. Diamond R Accessories has Passenger highway pegs. They position the passengers foot a few inches higher and a little more forward. I just ordered Barons Adjustable Passenger floorboards that are supposed to lower the foot board and move it forward a bit. I have not seen floorboards that are higher than the normal position.
  11. I'm still working on that. The light weight cat fur brush we have is not working to revive my old sheep skin. I'll have to find a course wire fur brush. Also, our local Alpaca fur shop suggests using baby powder to help clean and refresh Alpaca furs. My guess is that would work for sheep skins as well.
  12. Yeah, before my wife bought me the Carbon One lift adapter I used a piece of wood, of just raised one end of the bike at a time. That was so long ago, that I can't remember exactly how I did it.
  13. Knowing the Government the permit will be shaped like a dunce cap and you must where that on our head.
  14. It looks like Michigan might have or already have a new helmet law, depending on if the MI House overrides the Governors Veto. It basically looks like this if it is passed. Michigan House Bill 4749 allows for "adult helmet choice for Michigan motorcycle operators 21 years of age or older who have completed a motorcycle safety course, have had a motorcycle endorsement for at least 2 years, and have at least $20,000 in first-party medical benefits." The law requires a valid "no helmet" permit, costing $100 for one year or $200 for three years. Non-residents are exempt. The bill was delivered to Governor, Jennifer Granholm for signature into law. Talk about a load of B.S. Allowing you to pay $100 or $200 for the freedom to not wear a helmet if you so choose. Of course they will claim that they are allowing you to choose your own fate, but they are putting so many flaming hoops in the way and making the cost of freedom a burden. Next they will be making you get a permit for free speech. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1838342/posts http://www.michiganvotes.org/Legislation.aspx?ID=53461
  15. Come on up, we'll be glad to have ya. There's plenty of food and plenty of free camping space. We've taken a group to the Mississippi headwaters each year.
  16. Yeah I know - my mail server has been kicking that message out of the spool for a few days. Yesterday and today I've been fighting a SQL injection attack at work and on my own servers. I won the fight. It seems that all I've done for the past few days is combat hackers.
  17. We won't laugh, but we will take photos and maybe videos. We are allowed to drink in this state, but only if you buy your beer before 10pm. Otherwise you have to go to a bar to drink and then drive home drunk.
  18. Dang, talk about being blind-sided. If you have a pastor or priest I would suggest meeting with him about this and try to get Jess there as well. Otherwise, it's time to change you forum name to 'justjack' and change your password.
  19. Saturday August 2nd we had an impromptu M&E with Bubber and his wife. We met up in Duluth, MN during the Maritime Festival which feature 3 wooden tall ships. My wife took a few photos and posted them on her photo blog. http://elisabethviola.blogspot.com/2008/08/duluth-tall-ship-trip.html Cheers,
  20. Your just going to have to organize a Venture Rider Black Forest Rally and Ride.
  21. .. so it's like being on vacation while he is gone.
  22. The manual says replace the plugs every 8k miles. See page 7-3 of the owners manual.
  23. Perfect timing. I'm about to do the same thing. I know Vgoose's thoughts on spark plugs, now what do others recommend for plug type?
  24. I am loosely calling this a Rally Schedule. For those that have been to the Pork in the Pines in the past you know we do not stick to a strict plan. We just have a general idea of things we want to do and then we go off and have fun. Friday: Arrive (anytime through out the day) Setup camp Enjoy a free chili feed Meet old friends and make new ones Saturday: Breakfast at nearby casino Embark on a ride to where ever your ride leader takes you Stop for lunch on ride (where ever you land) Ride some more Return to camp and get ready to eat pig Ohh and ahh over the pig as it is pulled from the cooker and presented Dig in and eat! Recover from eating Evening bonfire and cigar smoker (I am providing 2 dozen cigars), B.S. story telling and drinking (BYOB-Bring your own beverage) crash for the night Sunday: Maintenance day (we work on one or more bikes if needed) Breakfast a nearby place Return to camp for maintenance day OR for those that want to ride we can ride Lunch - BBQ Pulled Pork sandwiches More maintenance day work OR continue riding for those that wish Dinner Evening bonfire B.S. story telling and drinking (BYOB-Bring your own beverage) and if there are any cigars left we can smoke them as well. crash for the night Monday: Departure day break camp and head home full of good food and memories Register now to avoid missing the fun and pig.
  25. This year I took off my BUB's slip ons and went back to stock. Now I am enjoying the peace and quiet while riding.
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