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Everything posted by juggler

  1. When I bought my 99 RSV it had custom painted images on the tank and trunk lid. The dealer used easy-off oven cleaner to remove the custom paint without hurting the clear coat.
  2. We did make it to Petoskey and I even found a Petoskey stone on a beach, but it was raining so much we didn't stick around long. We did make it down to Charlevoix where we had lunch and Elisabeth photographed the harbor light house. On Tuesday we tried to get over to Cross Village, but again the rain and cold ended up be too much. Later
  3. Mackinaw City has been rainy and cold. We did make it up to Whitefish Point and Tahquamenon Falls yesterday. But today we're off to the island. Too much rain at Sleeping Bear dunes for them to be any fun.
  4. We're in Mackinaw City right now. Been here since Sunday evening and we're leving riday morning to head back across the UP to Escanaba then home. It sure would have been fun to meet some of the Michigan crew. BTW: The weather up here is :250: and :cold::cold:
  5. Yup, that is the definition of "too much free time". Creative though.
  6. Well congrats to you and Linda. I had been following the your house listing and noticed it sold. Congrats on the job. Now I know which casino to "hit" when I get in town. (Not yours .) "I want a 60 inch plasma but the NAVIGATOR keeps telling me to think smaller." Huh? and for years she's been telling you size really does matter and bigger is better! Again congrats to you and Linda for getting your life back to "normal".
  7. We'll be in Mackinaw City Sunday evening. Let the vacation begin!!!
  8. I've keep forgetting to mention this also. I think the last major software upgrade left the sigs a bit whacked.
  9. I have the XXL Tinted Vented Clearview windshield. You could not pay me to give up my vent. I have no issues with keeping bugs out of it. Every once in a great while I'll get a bug that comes through the vent. To clean I just spay down my windshield and vent with plexus and give a short soak then wipe it clean. All the bugs just wipe away.
  10. In my final email to John "Baron" I mention that many of us are looking to lower the passenger floorboards. He responded with "I appreciate your further thoughts on the need for the extended legroom and we will consider it. We’d first have to determine just what the demand would be and the reasonable cost expected to make the product viable as a solution that would sell in qty enough to pay for development, tooling, production etc… etc…" My suggestion is to create some demand. And then if they do come up with a new mounting bracket spend the money to prove the demand. I know I will (again) if they ever make the correct mounting bracket. Cheers,
  11. Well, it's been 7 weeks since I ordered these Baron's floorboards from Cruisercustomizing.com (08/01/208) and 3 weeks since I received the first set of floorboards. After the first set did not mount in the manner in which Baron's marketing clearly states, John "Baron" got on the phone with me and sent me different boards no charge. The problem is these new boards while more adjustable still use the same mounting brackets as the first set. The issue is the mounting brackets and not the boards. They mount the boards about an inch or more higher than stock. For you short legged women this may be fine, but for my wife with her longer legs this is the exact opposite direction she needed. LOWER, LOWER, LOWER is where the boards need to move. Maybe by about an inch or two. If you wanted to make your own brackets then I bet you could easily put these boards in any position you wanted. I might still have the machining skills (it's been a long time), but I certainly do not have the tools to make my own brackets. So the final answer is everything is boxed up ready for shipping back to Baron's. They are sending me shipping info so I do not have to pay for return shipping and they will have Cruiser Customizing credit my card when they get the boards. Both companies have been very helpful and responsive. I've purchased many things from Cruiser Customizing and will continue to do so. While Baron's has treated me well, I am more concerned about their claims of part fitment. They told me the mounting bracket changed at some point in time and they didn't know when or that it change the mounting position. To me that says they lack quality control. The new bracket should have been tested to see if it still met the marketing claims then adjusted one of the two to match the other. I think at this point Baron's is going to modify their marketing for this product as it relates to the RSTD and RSV. John said in his email to me today that they were not going to make a different mounting bracket. So I will get my money back and I (my wife) is still stuck with the stock floorboards.
  12. My wife sent me this video of a new report on old tires today. http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=4826897 She got it from the Brothers of the Third Wheel website. (yeah she rides a 1981 VW Trike). This is kind of scary.
  13. "The shield has the same form and slant as the stock shield." Well that is also a problem for me. Well my wife. The shape of the Clearview with the little wind kicker at the top keeps the wind from buffeting my wife's head. This has let her ride without neck pain. So since everyone has different needs I'm sure many will like your wind shield. It just won't work for us. Cheers,
  14. Thanks for the info. One negative against you is not installing the vent. I have the XXL with vent and tint from Clearview. I will not buy another without the GW style vent. So as best as I can tell the only thing you have over Clearview is that your shield does not scratch as easy. While that is a good thing, not having the vent is a show stopper for me.
  15. I've been having issues with Baron's Passenger floor boards not fitting as advertised. I've been email with and talking directly to the Baron himself. So far they are doing everything they can to get something that works for me. John "Baron" told me the mounting bracket design had been changed at some point. I wonder if they lost track of the bolt sizes needed for mounting your mufflers? Also, as I see it they have very little excuse for not having their parts fit the RSV and RSTD since John "baron" has his very own RSTD. He's one of us. Not a member here that I know of, but he rides a Yamaha.
  16. I have essentially the same module install on my bike. It was real easy to install. I bought some wire wrap at Radio Shack and wrapped the wires that run back under the trunk. I did the rear wire run a little different than in that tech article. I already have run extra wires running into the tail light/license plate areas and there isn't enough extra room to squeeze yet another set through the hole in the fender, so I kept my wires snug up to the bottom of the trunk and us a Velcro strap to keep the plug tucked up out of sight when not in use. I simply strapped the wires to the chrome that hold the trunk. When not is use you can not see the wire plug and when in use I loop the wire from the trailer over my right antenna mount and plug it in. Then none of the wiring ever rubs on my paint. Cheers,
  17. I've been posting links to that gas map for several days. If you setup a free account on gasbuddy's you can post all your gas related rants and no one ever cares how vile you get. I quit posting over there due to the nasty nature of the posts on that site.
  18. Mr Baron sent me a different set of passenger floorboards to try out. These are the "short Boards". http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/795/index.html But don't let the name fool you. They are longer by 1/2 inch than the stock passenger boards. These still use the same mounting bracket as the first set I tried so these are still positioned higher than the stock boards. However, these are adjustable forward and backwards. When moved completely forward they are a a full 3 inches forward from stock. The photos sort of show the difference. My wife still isn't happy. She really does not want any board that moves her feet higher. She keeps muttering something about feeling like she's in the doctor's office. I have put them on the bike for now and I hope to get her out on a short ride one evening this week to decide if these will work. Mr. Baron has been great, but I think I will ask about different mounting brackets. I think if they had brackets that mounted these at the same height as the stock boards we might have a winner. If they moved the boards 1 inch lower then we'd have a jackpot. As far as the forward position they do get in the way of my legs when down, but folded up they're ok. Now the see how the fit when my wife's feet are on them.
  19. Well Condor, if you had not run into it, it would not be on Crashed Toys.
  20. That is purrrrrrfect! Now you have to finder her a Kitt'N biker patch and put it on a little girls leather biker vest.
  21. I have a hitch by Hitch Doc. http://www.hitchdoc.com/ http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=big&p=859
  22. Well that's a rude 'Welcome Back" to riding. I bet that Wing didn't have side-impact air-bags. You and Black Owl will fit in perfectly at Venture-ins, he drives his Ford Venture-Ranger towing his Virago on the trailer. If your so damn blind or distracted that you can not see a bike as big as a damn Goldwing then you deserve to have your license suspended.
  23. I also have one of these. The ATC2K version. Yeah, the sound blows. But this image is pretty good. About the only thing I see they added for the ATC3K version is I can now use a 4Gb card. With mine and a 2Gb card I can get about 1 to 1.5 hours of video in 648x480@30fps. I shot several ride videos at Pork in the Pines. I have to site down and learn iMovie and make the videos available online. And then create a YouTube account. Or some other video sharing site account.
  24. Ok, this thread has me interested. I never looked at brake fluids before and their differences. I know my lines have not been flushed in a long time. So I figure I'll have to do them sooner than later. One question, I was told about the wonders of speed bleeders at Pork in the Pines. I had never heard of such things. What size do I buy for the RSV? They sure do sound like it will make flushing my brake and clutch lines much easier.
  25. Again, to talk and rant gas. Check out http://www.gasbuddy.com http://www.gasbuddy.com/gb_gastemperaturemap.aspx
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