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Everything posted by juggler

  1. Well the the Barons Short Boards would most likely help you out. The really raise the foot position by 1.5 inches and the adjustable short boards move forward and backwards.
  2. I had to pull up Google Earth. Palo Duro Canyon just south of Amarillo along I-27 south. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Palo+Duro+Canyon,tx&ie=UTF8&ll=34.994848,-101.675034&spn=0.152438,0.322037&t=h&z=12&iwloc=F
  3. I've only been to Texas a few times, but once we where in Amarillo. Darn good steak. But just south of there is a massive canyon. The largest in Texas I think. That was a great place to visit and take in the sights. And try to chase a road runner so we could get a photograph. We lost. I've also spent time down in Corpus. Go visit the island.
  4. I wish I got that much mileage out of my 99 rsv. However, I've never put in more that 5.5 gallons. My tank fuel valve is always in the reserve position. I got tired of turning it to reserve at 70mph on the highway when the engine sputtered. Also, my low fuel warning lights never come on. I've never seen the low fuel trip meter either. I have no clue if they work or if I never get the fuel level low enough.
  5. That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I've had similar issues with my wireless connection dropping every few minutes. I had to replace the router. Make sure your using the proper DVDs. Your drive is a DVD+RW that is different than DVD-RW. http://www.webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Hardware_Software/2003/DVDFormatsExplained.asp
  7. I'm not sure what type of zipper it is. I've done the re-toothing and pliers trick a few times. This zipper is so lame it has absolutely nothing to due with how hard you pull the zipper. After the first one just broke we've been nothing but super gentle with this one. Like I said the zipper pull is just cheap thin metal. I'm tempted to just send you the bag (if you'd like) then you could use it as a pattern and make a good bag.
  8. That is how it's breaking. The problem is the metal on the bottom of the zipper in not much thicker than tin foil and bends down or out so it does not force the teeth together. One the first bag this metal bottom broke off completely.
  9. If you wanna gripe about gas prices do it somewhere else. I just paid $2.96 per gallon. Our gas prices are going down. Only gas prices in certain areas are going up. Check out http://www.GasBuddy.com Nation wide gas price map. http://www.gasbuddy.com/gb_gastemperaturemap.aspx
  10. If only he made a trunk rack bag. I have liners from another supplier a few year ago. The main zipper on my trunk rack bag keeps breaking. The first one broke the first time I used it and the company replaced in no problem, now it's breaking again and their out of business.
  11. I'd like to help, but I do not have the ability or shop to fabricate parts. I really wish I did have a machine shop. I've tried several options and as you may have read, nothing has worked. We really need someone to design a new mounting bracket for the stock boards.
  12. I had plenty of wind also. Most days we were up there there were high wind warnings for the bridge. Also, I used to live in the south burbs of Chicago. I know those highways inside and out. Given the choice I'll cross the bridge everyday instead of driving in Chicago traffic.
  13. It really was not that hard to ride the grate. I used visualization to help me. I kept visualizing myself as a block of cheese and the grate and a cheese grater. Then I visualized myself if I hit the cheese grater. That thought was all I needed to keep me upright. Real easy. Actually my wife (Tigeress) has total faith in my riding skills. One of us has to right? One thing for sure. I used BOTH hands on the grips at ALL times.
  14. It sits securely strapped to my right master cylinder cover. It shoots just to the right of the vent on my Clearview windshield. Every now and then a bug will splat in view of the camera. Yuk. I also have plenty of footage with rain on the windshield.
  15. No ships at the time, but we did see them going under from shore during our stay in Mackinaw City. We visited White Fish Point and the Tahquamenon Falls.
  16. Just passing by and overhearing that conversation could give you a different impression of what was really happening. The boss opens the bathroom door calling for his secretary to come in and help him and to bring a ho. If ones wife overheard that it could get you into a lot of trouble.
  17. On our return trip we crossed the bridge again. This time they had the outside lanes closed for maintenance. This meant I had to drive the inside lanes which are all metal grate for the entire length of the suspension span. That distance is 1.6 miles. So for 1.6 miles I rode with bike wiggling under me. The front wanted to one way and the back wanted to go the other way. All while pulling a trailer. At the middle of the span the outside lane opens again, but the lip between the asphalt and the grate was so large that I didn't want to try to change lanes. Then they closed the outside lane again and all the traffic had to merge back onto the grate again. Fun! One courteous Michigan drive had to pull out from behind me and pass me then cut me off to get back into my lane. Nice! This video is just of the grate portion of the ride. Run time 3:36 minutes. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBjEs5h6dK8]YouTube - Mackinac Bridge the Hard Way[/ame]
  18. On our vacation we went to Mackinaw City, Mi. To get there we crossed the Mighty Mac. This bridge is impressive. To get all the details on the bridge visit it's web site [/url]http://www.mackinacbridge.org/. It is 5 miles long and is the third longest suspension bridge in the world and the longest suspension bridge in the western hemisphere. First trip across, the video run time is 6:05 minutes. This is how long it took us to cross the bridge doing the speed limit of 45mph. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpaaFCTYZOY]YouTube - Crossing the Mackinac Bridge[/ame]
  19. juggler

    Quick Stop

    I've had my Action Cam since June and I've been using it to make videos while riding. I have Gigabytes of video. However, I really do not know how to process the videos and publish them. So I am learning iMovie (on the Mac) and Youtube. (And learn how to post videos here also.) This is the first movie clip I've published. I was recording my commute to work on I-94 West bound between St. Paul and Minneapolis when a car cuts off a FedEx truck. The truck has to quick stop which forces me to quick stop and lock up my rear brake. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRN-xDPeMcI]YouTube - Quick Stop - Yamaha Royal Star Venture[/ame] If this works I will be processing other videos including rides from Pork in the Pines and our trip to Mackinaw City, MI including crossing the Mighty Mac for the first time and then crossing it while riding on the metal grates the whole way due to the outside lanes being closed. Fun! Cheers,
  20. Nice looking. I saw a side car similar to that up here a few years ago. Completely enclosed. This one looks like it was bigger that the bike.
  21. I figured out the brake drag ages ago on my own. Who knew I was doing something the pros do? I can't wait to get my turn at the DVD so I can learn what else I already know and to learn new things. I'm sure there are things that I am doing that are totally wrong that I need to correct.
  22. We've been burning shredded junk mail and anything else we want to keep out of ID thieves hands for years. Actually I think I going to light a fire in the fire place now since it's getting cold in the house and I don't feel like turning on the heat yet. Gotta save $$$ on the gas bill.
  23. And we're back home. Yeah. Sort of. Now that the weather is getting better I wish I was back in Michigan. Oh well. We do a vacation this time every year and most years it's been good. So one cloudy and rainy trip isn't so bad. This is the way we went. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=729+Dodd+Rd,+St+Paul,+MN+55107&daddr=I-35+N+%4045.730520,+-92.991720+to:WI-70+%4045.821550,+-91.018200+to:WI-70+to:1609+Stephenson,+Iron+Mountain,+MI+49801+(Days+Inn+of+Iron+Mountain)+to:45.769184,-84.731047+to:2180+Roosevelt+Rd.,+Marinette,+WI+54143+(Comfort+Inn-Marinette)+to:729+Dodd+Rd,+St+Paul,+MN+55107&hl=en&geocode=%3BFdjKuQIdGA91-g%3BFW4uuwIdKCyT-g%3BFdqTvAIdeFSs-g%3BFUr9ugIdOHLA-g%3B%3BFRkEsAIdLGbG-g%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=1,2&mrsp=5&sz=16&via=1,2,3&sll=45.769604,-84.729288&sspn=0.008816,0.020192&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=45.77351,-84.723816&spn=0.034483,0.061111&z=14 This is the day trip route to White Fish Point. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=Old+US+Hwy+31&daddr=Deerfoot+Rd%2FN+M+123+to:Upper+Falls+Dr+to:Whitefish+Point,+MI+to:Old+US+Highway+31,+Mackinaw+City,+Cheboygan,+Michigan+49701,+United+States&hl=en&geocode=FepiugId1hjz-g%3BFbJ4wwIdfIHu-g%3BFSK_xgIdJibr-g%3B%3B&mra=pe&mrcr=2&via=1&sll=46.267696,-84.991674&sspn=1.093653,1.955566&ie=UTF8&ll=45.766565,-84.739265&spn=0.13795,0.244446&t=h&z=12 Our attempted rained out day trip. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=Old+US+Hwy+31&daddr=W+Central+Ave+to:E+Wilderness+Park+Dr+to:N+Lake+Shore+Dr%2FM-119+to:Cecil+Bay+Rd+to:E+Wilderness+Park+Dr+to:45.769574,-84.731455&hl=en&geocode=FepiugId1hjz-g%3BFeiSugIdNn_y-g%3BFawFugIdoarx-g%3BFY9luAIdBSju-g%3BFYz-uQIdEZ_x-g%3BFd6QugIdrnXy-g%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=1&mrsp=6&sz=16&via=1,2,4,5&sll=45.769723,-84.734437&sspn=0.008621,0.015278&ie=UTF8&ll=45.638947,-85.042162&spn=0.034566,0.061111&t=h&z=14 Our day trip to Charlevoix, MI that ended up rained out. We were hoping to get down to the Sleeping Bear dunes that day. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=Old+US+Hwy+31&daddr=Charlevoix,+MI+to:Old+US+Highway+31,+Mackinaw+City,+Cheboygan,+Michigan+49701,+United+States&hl=en&geocode=FepiugId1hjz-g%3B%3B&mra=ls&sll=45.350215,-84.699097&sspn=1.111807,1.955566&ie=UTF8&ll=45.41002,-84.892731&spn=0.555316,0.977783&t=h&z=10 Cheers,
  24. I have Red Wing boots on right now. I wear them almost everyday summer and winter. They hold up well. Mostly comfortable. Now that Red Wing moved their motorcycle boot productions to China I will be looking for a different brand when I wear these out. They used to make them here in Red Wind, MN. But I guess they didn't like paying MN workers anymore.
  25. We had a good day on the island. The ferry ride was fun. BIG waves! 5 foot plus! I love boat rides like that. We spent the day on the island and took a carriage ride. As we came back it got COLD again. So now we're sitting in our room, having eaten dinner, snacking on island fudge and drinking hot chocolate. We leave in the morning to head across the U.P. to spend the night then back home on Saturday. Warm home. Comfortable bed home. and then work (yuk).
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