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Everything posted by juggler

  1. For the bolts vibrating loose use lock-tite.
  2. Not enough. 5 or 6 thousand.
  3. The city code for St. Paul, MN explicitly prohibits barbed wire and/or electric fences. I checked. I think they also included razor wire. Now to mount the gun turrets.
  4. Here are the pictures. http://elisabethviola.blogspot.com/2008/10/fence-post-4.html
  5. Actually I did use the bathroom scale. Take the scale out to the garage and weigh each wheel separately then rest the tongue on the scale and get that weight. when you add all three together you get total weight.
  6. Yup, got three of them. I wonder though if someone cranked the bolt way too tight if it would reduce the wheels ability to spin freely?
  7. Or maybe a recall and free or minimal cost replacement.
  8. I'm not sure about that. I wouldn't want to push it that hard.
  9. Well, I don't want to over work myself. BTW: The fence is 170 feet long and covers only two sides of our yard. When we get more money I have to extend the retaining walls around the last side and the front of the house. Then I can continue the fence on top of the retaining wall.
  10. I had no clue we had that photo feature here. Looks like you had a nice trip. You've seen a few things we haven't seen. When we were in that part of Iowa (two years ago) we skipped the car ferry and crossed into Wisconsin further north at Prairie Du Chien. Also which ski jumps were those? I've been on many ski jumps. I jumped the small jumps when I was a teen, but the ski coach wouldn't train me because I was too old when I started. However, my sister started training at 7 and was rated 3rd best female ski jumper in the world back in the early 90's. It's a darn good possibility she's skied those jumps. Also, since I was to old to be trained I worked many of the hills. This sport is pretty much volunteer supported only and it's the families of jumpers doing the volunteering. Looks like you had a great trip. We love riding I that area also. I was hoping to get enough people together to plan the next Venture Rider International in this area. But someone got the planning rolling faster for the Hub. Maybe the next one. I think we could really have a good rally near the junctions of MN, IA and WI. As you saw there are lots of roads to ride, sights to see and things to do.
  11. juggler

    View Balltown

    Been there saw that same view. Always wonderful.
  12. juggler

    Cool place

    Home of the worlds ???? What?
  13. juggler


    Home of the worlds ???? What?
  14. I finally finished my fence. It only took me since May until today to get all of it put up. Of course I started three years ago when I drilled the holes and started putting posts in the ground. My neighbors have never looked so good as they do now. I have some trim work to do on the top of the posts and landscaping along the bottom to do, but that won't happen until spring.
  15. Glad you walked or um hobbled away from this one.
  16. Congrats Pitbull!!! It's darn good feeling to finally get the promotion you've worked hard to get. Now you can easily buy some more safety chrome!! :mo money:
  17. Nope not me, but if I had the money I'd buy the Strato from ya. But I have other bills to pay off. Welcome to site.
  18. Mackinac Vacation Photos My wife was able to take many photographs on this trip. It helped that I bought my laptop along so we could off load the photos from her camera to my laptop then to one of our servers at home for safe storage. (Just in case disaster happened on the trip.) Anyways, she posted some of the photos on her photography blog. UP Day trip to Whitefish points http://elisabethviola.blogspot.com/2008/10/cold-day-in-up.html Various light houses http://elisabethviola.blogspot.com/2008/10/beacons-of-light.html Mighty Mac (The first shot is from 4 miles away and the last shot is from 5.5 miles) http://elisabethviola.blogspot.com/2008/10/mackinac-bridge.html
  19. Isn't Don still on vacation at a secret location?
  20. Col beans Bubber! Roll on 18 wheeler Roll on!
  21. "obviously photoshopped" - show me where you see the evidence of that? I've dug into the photo and I don't see signs of editing.
  22. It even has ABS braking (optional?) As much as I like the looks, I don't want a non-shaft drive bike. However, I think Kawasaki proved you can add certain new features to a bike such was a water-cooled V-Twin. I'd be tempted to give up my V-4 for that. Also the integrated iPod port. They are lacking a CB though. I think Yamaha could look at this bike and say 'We could do that on the RSV.' Upgraded audio/electronics (ditch the Cassette and put in integrated iPod and mp3 ports.) Larger displacement engine EFI ABS (optional) Ya know, after thinking about it those are the only things I would really want to see improved or changed on my RSV. The rest I like. I'd like more color options, but then they would have to sell more bikes to really offer that. I like the looks, the ride, the physical size and handling of the RSV. On second thought I'm keeping my RSV for a long time.
  23. Map of gas prices. Down is the trend. Also remember this downward trend started right after President Bush lifted the ban on new drilling in the Gulf. And since the National uproar about drill here drill now forced to Dems in Congress to go along the markets are responding to the real threat that the USA will once again drill for it's own oil in significant amounts. http://www.gasbuddy.com/gb_gastemperaturemap.aspx Keep the fire on the politicians of all parties to drill here drill now.
  24. In the Tech Library. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1067
  25. I must be an odd ball or something because I do like the looks of the front fairing. But Yama Mama you make some good points. I would like to see one in person and even test drive one. I don't like the belt drive idea. However that is a water cooled V-Twin. And my RSV is paid for as well. No matter how good a deal they have they can not beat bought and paid for.
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