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Red Rocket

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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 venture tc
  • Bike Customizations
    No baffle exhaust and re-tuned


  • Occupation
    City of Houston

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  1. I have a 2018 SVTC and my tire pressure light stays on even though my tires are aired up to 41 psi. The infotainment system shows the tires to be at F35 and R37. Obviously the infotainment system is wrong, so I would like to just completely deactivate the TPMS. Can someone tell me a step by step on how to do this. Thanks in advance
  2. https://youtu.be/oIT316tsuhE
  3. That is very convenient. I am located in Houston, TX. So it would be easier to ship it. Although, I saw a video on YouTube on how to remove the ECM and wow it looked like a lot of work. Do you have any tricks on how to get it out easier?
  4. Sold! I can't wait to do mine. Looking at Ivan's website. It looks like he will be on vacation until early September. But I will definitely send mine to him next month. I will keep you posted. Thank you for the quick response.
  5. I want to do the Ivan's flash also. How do you like your throttle response? Ivans advertises that the reflash will make your throttle response smoother. Also, have you noticed a heat reduction?
  6. Hi I am new to this forum and this will be my first post. I am interested in your results with the dyno chip. I also have drilled out exhaust with a K&N air filter. I also did a little modification to the air box so that it can get more fresh air induced into it. How do you like your dyno chip?
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