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Everything posted by 1BigDog

  1. Pitbull, if you make it over to the east coast of FL give a shout. However, next Mon/Wed ill be somewhere riding down the center of the state on some of the backroads. Dont know where we will be staying. It all depends on where we feel like stopping..LOL.
  2. Im running the Avon 130's up front for the first time this year. It took a little getting used to since I was used to wrestling the bike into turns. I almost dropped it a few times since it now steered so easily. My only complaint is that it does not seem to be as stable as the 150 over 95 mph. Now, I dont usually ride that fast but on occasion...well...you know... I had no problems going over the century mark with the 150's though. When these need replacement I just might go with the leveling links and a 150 Avon again. AND NO METZELERS EITHER!!!
  3. I have hit the 120 mark for a few seconds before reality hit. This last year though the bike has been really sluggish climbing hills..(ok, bridges in FL). I had to drop a gear or two and I was going full throttle. Since Muffy colortuned it the beast now pulls a steep bridge here in town in 5th with no problems and it accelerates like a dream. I have also hit 100 in 4th gear. One thing I have noticed is that since switching to a 130 tire I dont feel as stable at speeds over 95. I just may go to the leveling links and a 150 tire when they need replacement.
  4. Dang, you guys are quick!!! I thought i had the lawyer thing down but you all beat me to it....
  5. Sounds like a call to a lawyer is needed........We all had one or more of those issues dealt with through the warranty. Maybe some members can locate some Yamaha TSB's for ya.
  6. Liar, Liar pants on fire......
  7. Stay on their case and good luck.
  8. And just who would take care of the Pond Monster if you sell ????
  9. I tried it several years ago. I saw no difference other than a rougher idle. Its back to stock now.
  10. Ahem...just a friendly reminder..... http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i251/rella_photo/100_1846-1.jpg
  11. The original filter was a real PIA to remove but once I removed it I replaced it with a slightly thinner filter which slid into that rubber sleeve with ease. Now all I do is pull upward on the hose to remove and install a new one. The hoses hold it in place just fine. You still have to remove the battery box covers and do some wiggling but it sure is easier now.
  12. Oh yea..tell Jeffy I still didnt forget those pegs. Ill get them out this week...
  13. Well, it sure took ya long enough. I just dont know what the heck you was doing all winter but you sure as heck slacked off or something. Glad to see you finally up and running.
  14. Lets see..I rode to work and back, THEN spent 2 hours cutting my lawn before the rains came.......
  15. E-Coli.....and you thought that you might be eating healthy, huh? Seems that the so called "healthy foods" are loaded with some type of bacteria/virus/salmonella/e-coli....whatever. So Bobo, first order of business is to put you on a strict diet of lasagna with meat and good old steak and potatos. No veggies for ya..LOL Seriously, I hope you get to feeling better soon. Hmmm, maybe that e-coli is coming off the hidden recessess of that 1st gen....:stirthepot:
  16. Last time I rode up Mt Washington was in 1979. Parts of it was paved but overall it was ok. Im sure by now its much improved. I did it on a Honda 750. One thing I noticed was the air is real thin above the timberline and those 4 carbs sure sucked air. We went the first part of June and it was 55 on the ground, but 29 at the top. Yes, it was a 2 way road then, single lane each way and narrow. But that was also 29 years ago. It was great though. Enjoy!
  17. Lowell, I just saw this post today. Im so sorry for your loss. Since I saw you in Ohio I can see your handling it well. Sending another prayer to you and your family anyway.
  18. Glad your not hurt badly, Todd. However, those first gen parts are becoming a rarity these days. You canyon carvers are eating up the few parts left over....Pretty soon you all will be riding "Naked VR's"...:rotf::stirthepot:
  19. OH NO...Funky Thom440 Green!!! :rotf: Hey Thom, maybe you should call piggybacker and see if they can make a painting recommendation for ya!
  20. So much for supporting a fellow worker. Remember her answer when your company gives one of their Rah Rah Rah go team! motivational speeches. She should be ashamed of herself to even suggest going after the security guard who was only doing the right thing. Sounds like maybe she has a wee bit too much power.
  21. Here kitty kitty kitty....
  22. Hmm, I wonder if its the AlbinoRhino....
  23. Sure hope it works out for you. I just wonder if the redneck boyfriend can be charged with impeding an investigation when he lied to the LEO as well as hit and run and impeding against the g/f.
  24. Maybe its the "Katrina" version of the RSV. Could have been a flood repair gone bad too....unless its April 1st and I slept through the past year......
  25. Hope all goes well, Steve. Ill be following you soon with a knee replacement, maybe next year if all goes according to plan. Good luck!!
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