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Everything posted by 1BigDog

  1. Saw a 2005 silver RSV heading north on I-95 in Jacksonville about 8 AM......ON A TRAILER!!!!! :yikes:...Looks like the tow vehicle was a maroon F-150. I think. Anyone from here willing to fess up??
  2. Good grief....you did it in one day?? I made a week out of it.....kept me away from housework for a while.....one day you guys will learn the tricks of the trade so to speak.... Glad it worked out well for ya.
  3. Yes, the 1st gens ARE a PITA.....................:duck:
  4. 1BigDog


    When im not riding or eating, you can usually find me mountain climbing in the Alps.....
  5. Joopster..I PM'ed you a link for a step by step guide to replacement. Maybe one day ill make up a tech article on the procedure. I took enough pictures of mine.......
  6. I had the same problem too....a gentle tap with the 4 lb dead blow hammer sends it right home.....
  7. Sorry to hear about this, Thom. At least you werent on the bike. Im sure things will work out soon for ya. Hmmm, maybe its time to upgrade to a 2nd gen.....
  8. There was a span of a few years where I didnt have a bike. Once I moved to Florida from NY I decided that its time to find another bike. I bought an 83 wing but I just couldnt get comfy on it and it needed too much work. A friend said that some old guy down in Palatka FL had a stroke and couldnt ride his bike anymore and was selling it for a song. I drove down there and there sat a black standard 83 Venture. It reminded me of someone from work up in NY who bought an 83 when they were new. The left side fairing was cracked where he dropped it while trying to ride it after his stroke. I struck a deal and bought the bike really cheap. It needed some TLC and after several weeks it was back on the road. Had a great time on that bike until 2nd gear took a dump. By then Yamaha had come out with the 99 and I was bitten all over again.
  9. After reading the post about snowing and money I was reminded of an incident way back in the 70's at Kennedy Airport. I used to pick up freight from various air cargo buildings at Kennedy. Two of my most frequent stops were shared in the same hangar. Air lift International and Al Italia Airways. Now, we were supposed to walk around the front of each hangar area to access one from the other but there was a doorway in a small vestibule that was covered in a thick layer of dust and the door was propped open with this dust covered brick. We poor slobs who made $2.00 an hour driving the "big rigs" back then, passed thru this doorway for years. One day the area was closed off, the dust all cleaned up and the door closed. We had to follow the rules and go around to the front from now on. What prompted this change was someone decided to clean up the area and seal off the door. Well, remember that brick? It turned out to be a full sized gold bar, which was lost from a shipment several years before. One of the dock people had to pass through the door and used a gold bar to temporarily prop it open. Somehow the bar was forgotten about and there was an investigation about the theft of a gold bar from the shipment later on. Literally hundreds passed right by that "brick" over time. God, I wish I had that "brick" now....... Yep, true story......:bawling:
  10. Thats cold......
  11. Florida my a**....its gonna be 17 in the am........
  12. Ken, you may want to check with Hannigan Trikes to see if they ever had this issue with any other conversion. If adding a trike kit causes this type of failure im sure that you arent the only one then. They just might be able to help you prove that the trike kit did not contribute to the piston failure. Also, that trailer hitch issue is usually up to the discretion of the dealer. I had my RSV in for warranty work several times with the hitch and there was no mention of it. Legal terms require specifics. If the warranty ONLY says no trailer hitches but does NOT say trike kits specifically then the dealer is SOL.
  13. Somehow I think the Pond Monster WILL get an extra serving of "Freebird" this year.......
  14. Dan, I havent done much riding because of the pain in my legs. Hopefully my knee surgery will take care of some of that. I just cant get comfortable on the bike for any long length of time. That being said, while the low speed handling has improved, I do most of my riding on Interstates or mostly straight stretches. I never felt comfy with the handling at speeds above 85. The bike felt better planted with the 150. I have an e-mail from Jonesy, a member from Mass at 1:34 pm so he gets first dibs. Al, your #2. It will be at least 1 week before I can get the bike up in the air and the wheel off. Ill let you know when thats done. Thanks......
  15. I have an Avon 130 front tire that I installed a little over a year ago and it only has about 2000 miles on it, maybe a little less. I havent done much riding here. I am pulling the front forks off to replace the bearings and while im doing this im considering going back to the 150 front tire. If I decide to do so, im just wondering if anyone here would be interested in buying the 130 Avon from me. I was thinking in the 50.00 range since you would still get at least another 15k out of it. Any interest?
  16. Filed with Turbo Tax. Since I live in FL we only have Federal tax. Filed last Monday and will have the money in the bank this Tuesday.
  17. Look, im sorry, but that green V suit just does it for me.....:doh::rotfl::rotf:
  18. If Lonna teaches Squid to make cheesecake then I just might consider marrying him......
  19. I say next election we elect Don for prez, Squid for VP, Lowell for Secretary of State, Beer30 for the Chairman of Entertainment, Yama Mama for welcoming the foreign dignitaries/toga party hostess and Mini for CIA director...........
  20. I had absolutely no problem with Comp Acc. I too ordered the 3x jacket and it was shipped within 2 days and arrived within 5 days. Comp acc had some issues several years ago and almost went out of business, but I have ordered stuff from them before :confused24:and never had any problems. I guess issues can crop up with any company at any time though.
  21. Chris, if you can make it to Jax I can sync them for ya.......
  22. I really dont understand the problem here. I got one of those letters recently and I sent in the requested info and soon thereafter several million dollars was deposited into my off-shore account in the Cayman Islands........ :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling:
  23. I just got the transition 2 jacket for Christmas and I love it. Got mine from www.competitionaccessories.com We paid 152.99 with free shipping but the price is 166.99 now. Still a great bargain.
  24. I dunno Eck.....im still waiting for some extra "upkeep" funds from ya.....
  25. Actually, it was LetHimRides wife, Georgia who took most of the shots. I took some around the table with his camera. He has the custom muraled bike. But you do notice where we were headed in the first shot...right??
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