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Everything posted by 1BigDog

  1. Nope, didnt go in with an attitude....I never do, but when you deal with ignorant sales comments I can develop one real fast. Almost as bad as walking into Daytona HD and the first words out of the sales staffs mouths are "do I want to fulfill my dreams"? I prefer dealing with "real" people. I just hate the pitches I guess. But then again, im Brooklyn born and raised.....
  2. Do it right and rebuild your calipers and rear master cylinder. And add new bleeder screws too. The bike is 26 years old. Use DOT4 for a higher boiling point. Its also possible that your brake line is deteriorating on the inside, causing lock-up. If you now have no pedal then you definitely have air in your system as well. And dont ride wasted....eat the steak first....
  3. I thought the fairing and trunk was very flimsy. I wasnt impressed at all. What really got me pi***d off was the salesman. As soon as I walked into the dealership the first words out of his mouth after looking at my RSV was "looking to upgrade from your Venture?" It was on after that. I pointed out the flaws on the Voyager to his dismay. Upgrade?? NO WAY!!
  4. Better body plastic then her own body parts. Glad shes relatively ok. Prayers sent.....
  5. Hmmm, I just might go for one myself...
  6. They gave you a room?? Is it padded??
  7. Thats a sharp looking bike Dick. Love the color scheme and stripes. 6 months, huh? I guess we can make you a member of the procrastinators club....
  8. Oh god, seeing this at 4:30 AM just before going to bed brought tears to my eyes. I cant stop laughing.....
  9. I had the same problem with mine. I just cut a slot in the head with a dremel and used an impact driver on it. Worked fine for me.
  10. Glad the surgery went well. Its amazing what they can replace these days.Hope Charlene heals fast...
  11. You dont know when the shock will take a dump on you. Some newer years have had their shocks replaced several times while others still have the original. My 99's shock lasted 10 years and 60k before it went south. Look under the shock and you will see a rubber boot. Pry up under that boot a bit and see if its wet or dry. If its wet, the shocks gone. The oil will have a slightly hydraulic smell to it. Sometimes the outside of the boot may have some engine oil on it from those 4 hoses in front of it. Its what inside the boot that counts. Enjoy your trip to Savannah but......Stay off River St with that RSV. The cobblestones and train tracks make for a really stressful ride on it.
  12. Good to hear the surgery went well. Now rest up and GET well.....
  13. I would think he would have sent you some instructions for the install. Troy is probably the best one to give advice...maybe sending him an email. By the way, how much did he charge for the saddlebag lid covers. I had considerd them but I heard he takes way too long to respond.
  14. Sounds like your suffering from the dreaded disease...."Noassatol"
  15. The shaft is pressed into the pumpkin. While my way of seperating may be a bit unorthodox it worked fine on my bike and another RSV. I removed the pumpkin and shaft as one. (drained of course) I then laid something thick and soft (like an old sofa pillow) on the floor. While seated and holding the shaft with the pumpkin just off the pillow I jerked on the shaft up and down hard, keeping the pumpkin close to the pillow (no more than 1 ft above). On the downswing, just as the pumpkin touches the pillow, give the shaft a hard upward pull with one swift jerk and the pumpkin should seperate, safely dropping into said pillow. There will be a small spring between the pumpkin end of the shaft and the pumpkin itself. This dampens any slop. DO NOT FORGET TO REINSTALL THIS SPRING!!!! DONT ASK HOW I KNOW THIS. Also, reinstall the properly greased shaft seperate fronm the pumpkin up into the yoke. Makes handling the shaft much easier. Now, for all of you pervs...no jerk and shaft jokes please.......
  16. Yep, thats a good price for their labor included. You probably wont find much better then that.
  17. I find the 150 handles the grooves and irregularities much better than the 130. Since you get that squirrily feeling most of the time you may need to tighten your steering neck bearings. (fork bearings). I run 45 lbs in shock one up or two. But then im a big guy anyway. 5 lbs up front too.
  18. Yes, the Acc/drier both need to be replaced. In a nutshell it keeps debris from floating through the system. I had a compressor replaced on an older car years ago and the mechanic insisted that those two parts dont need replacing. The compressor failed within 8 months. Torn up from the debris in the charging coolant. A really good AC shop here in town went ahead and replaced all three parts and the compressor worked fine for another 7 years until I sold it. I also believe he changed out some of the lines too.
  19. Rob, go to your local Honda car or acura dealer and pick up one or two tubes of Honda Moly 60 lube. Best stuff you can buy. Wear nitrile gloves when using this stuff though.....unless you want to change the color of your hands to a nasty dark grey....LOL
  20. Hey Rob, I tried the 130 tire and I personally wasnt happy with it. Too much "squirreliness" at speeds over 80. I wasnt happy with its high speed stability. And the bike felt too loose for me at low speeds as well. Within 2000 miles I went back to the Avon 150 front. Since I dont have the leveling links I really cant comment on them but my bike handles fine as it is. From what I understand the leveling links are better used with the 150 front. A combination of the LL and the 130 tire supposedly makes for a real loose ride. Im sure you will get varying opinions on this matter. Just remember that here in FL were not riding twisties all day. But then im an A1A kind of guy myself....
  21. Muffin who??? The kids miss you and Xena cant wait to meet you.
  22. Ill second that. A set of Barons risers and the backrest makes a world of difference. No more shoulder pain here since adding the risers.
  23. Good luck with the check-up. Hope all goes well. And while your in Boston, if your in the downtown area and if its still in business, check out Whiskeys Pub....best St Louis ribs I have ever eaten. But that was back in 1997. But the taste still lingers on in my mind....
  24. Thats great news Annie!!! Your one tuff bird!! Prayers that the healing process goes well and fast for you.
  25. Oh Sqiddy Poo...just wait till Jeffy comes home......
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