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Everything posted by 1BigDog

  1. Yep, I do the same thing too. I use a good quality black moly lube along with the needle tip. its a great way to get grease in there without disturbing the seals.
  2. Mini, check the dates of availability in August.....slim pickins for those cottages then.
  3. Me too, Me too!!!!
  4. Just make sure you wire in a relay.
  5. Where in GA is the bike? One thing to look into is to make sure the bike wasnt involved in a wreck or other mishap.
  6. From what I remember, Tripmaster is no longer in business. Too bad, thats a nice gauge set-up. Maybe another sensor/thermo/thingy from another type of gauge will work.
  7. The biggest problem with seating on a bike is finding one that fits you properly. When I bought my RSV it already had the Hartco seat on it and it fit me very nicely. I tried RSV's with the Corbin seat and I felt that it pushed me too far forward. Pillowtop was ok, but I didnt ride it for any large length of time. You really cant judge a seat until you have ridden in it for at least 500 miles in my opinion. Unfortunately, most seat mfg's dont have loaners..LOL. One size does NOT fit all.......
  8. www.hartcoseats.com They have 2 piece seats also for the RSV.
  9. Thanks Squeeze. Ill pick up a DMM this week and give it a try. It took most of the night to get a full green on the B/T. The battery was supposed to have been charged by the dealer before I picked it up and worked flawlessly until the bike sat for about 6 days (unhooked to the B/T). If it is a bad cell, the dealer should exchange it.
  10. The only lights that run off of it are the passing lights and a led light strip on the rear. I hooked up the bike to the Battery Tender when I got home and 3 hours later it still shows red, but the bike did fire right up.
  11. Thanks, but will it apply to a second gen as well? I was just browsing the H/F site and they have a battery/charger tester like the ones at the auto parts store that hook up to the battery and test the charging system. It costs 20 bucks......Think it'll work?
  12. On my 1999 RSV I replaced my 4 year old Yuasa, which died while on vacation, with a new Yuasa. Bike ran fine for a few days then it sat for about a week before I took it out today. Fired right up. We rode about 15 miles then went to eat. When we returned the bike was dead. Luckily I was parked downhill and was able to roll/bump start it. It fired up on the first bump. Rode it home and it was dead when I tried to start it again in the garage. Any suggestions on checking out the charging system? I sure dont want to give the dealer 2-3 hours labor just checking out a charging system. Headlights didnt dim when I was firing up the bike, but they did dim a bit when I couldnt start it. I have the factory manual, just looks a bit confusing. Any special tools/gauges that I need? Procedures? Etc? Thanks.....
  13. Good grief.......now I need another 300.00 bucks for another upgrade!!! It never ends.....:rotf::rotf::confused24::confused24:
  14. Dang, Craig..I was gonna say that!!!!
  15. Depends on the amount of ear wax on it, I would think..........
  16. The pictures made me feel like I was there, honoring Tom. Thanks for posting them.
  17. Ya know something?? The Avons on my bike also wore down to the white cords and held air. The cords just appeared out of nowhere, about 1 week after I checked them. Now, the Metz 880's left me a sample of rubber somewhere so, that being said, I just might go back to Avons this summer.
  18. So sorry for your loss. Those Irish Catholics are a tough lot. I should know, I married one. In our prayers and our thoughts........Jeff& Jean
  19. I had ordered mine from Discount auto parts for about 26.00 maybe 3 years ago.I spliced it into the wires behind the battery, ran the harness along the fender, up under the trunk and finally zip-tied it to the trunk support just in front/LS of the trunk, out of sight. I was also able to wire my Pilot light bar to the Hoppy harness under the trunk, which made it easier.
  20. Ron, more prayers coming your way from Florida.....
  21. Allen, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. We will keep you and Debbie in our thoughts and prayers.
  22. WOW. Looks Very Nice. I like the way it looks from the rear too. Kinda wraps around the bottom of the bag. So, now I have something ELSE to do to the bike............it never ends.
  23. Let me toss this out to ya. While I wholeheartedly agree with doing as much of the work as possible, the dealer may see it a bit differently when being asked to perform warranty work. One example: The dealer had to split my fairing to install a new speedo. When I took the bike home I noticed the windshield shook a bit, so I removed the chrome strip and saw the shield was only tightened by one bolt....the others were loose. Where he tightened the one bolt, the fairing was cracked. I replaced the chrome and went immrdiately back to the dealer. Since I had to wait a few minutes outside I decided to help a bit by removing the chrome strip. When the manager and mechanic came out and saw the crack, the first thing out of both of their mouths was why did I remove the chrome and that I may have cracked the fairing myself. After some heated debate I got my new fairing. My point is this: You have a brand new bike under warranty. Let the dealer deal with it. Anything he messes up he has to fix. If he finds that YOU attempted ANY electrical work and comes to the conclusion that YOU may have fried something, he just might challange you on the repair. I also agree that most dealer repairs leaves a lot to be desired. Many times I had to go over the dealers work myself, which is where the manual comes in handy. Let them do the repairs. Worse comes to worse, at least you will get a free part out of it, even if you have to go back over it yourself. Dont ask how I know much of this stuff..........
  24. You did the tests now make the dealer do his job. New battery and diagnose the charging system. You may want to skip the mention of the Gerbings. The dealer may claim that the Gerbings caused the battery to run down. Ya cant trust them types too much. My Yausa battery is coming up on 4 years and my Tender goes to full green in about 1 minute.
  25. Ya know....Me, Vinny and Large Louis can pay a visit to your dealer and get this issue "Ironed" out. Just another comprehensive feature of club membership...............
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