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  • Name
    Richard Whitford


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 RSTD
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  1. Road Sofa, I do understand - it's a lot more comfortable, and actually much easier to maneuver at low speeds than I expected. I'm wondering how to find out other Star owners near me on the Florida Space Coast. I can see a lot of owners have dropped off or probably bought newer bikes, but I got what I can afford. and I'd like to visit with people familiar with this bike to help me understand what needs to be done to it.
  2. I am brand new to this type of riding. I rode from 12yrs to 38, standard dirt and street bikes (they didn't have style names back then, were just motorcycles), but was away for the next 20. I rode a 90, a 125, 175, 400, then an original Z1 900. I live in Charleston SC, but don't ride there because the drivers are insane. I am working in central-east FL for the next few years and have a long simple commute, so to save on my truck miles, I'm back to riding. I ave been on a Honda CB500x for the last year+, but will need to ride more since diesel prices are ridiculous and it costs $250 to fill my F350. I just bought a 2005 RSTD with 65k miles on it (garaged the whole time) and am just getting used to a very heavy bike. I did a lot of researching this forum before I bought the bike, but don't have a picture of the bike to add yet.
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