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About Twowheelogre

  • Birthday 08/22/1968

Personal Information

  • Name
    Tony Spieker.


  • Location


  • City
    Ft Walton


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Guns, hunting, fishing, dogs, Motorcycles
  • Bike Year and Model
    2001 royal star venture
  • Bike Customizations
    Custom under glow, diamond cut engine covers, Barnett clutch,


  • Occupation

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    Tools ⚒️ and possibly a bed if your stuck

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  1. I love watching this guys videos. He presents very convincing arguments for both sides and his stories are usually interesting. I’ve been subscribed to the channel for quite awhile.
  2. I’m a little late to this. I hope all is well with you. I pray the surgery goes well if you still haven’t had it. If you have had it. I’m also praying for a quick recovery.
  3. Took her for a short ride. Clutch feels more responsive and I don’t have to slide into the gear anymore. Previously when starting from a stop I had to slowly let the clutch out and it felt like forever before I could release it now I’m in gear and rolling with clutch out in no time. It feels like a bat out hades compared to before. I’ll take it on a long ride and heat everything up tomorrow and see how it runs my guess is the bolts were my only problem and it made it feel the same as weak springs on the stock clutch setup. I know there were no responses to this but maybe this will help someone else that’s as naïve as myself one day.
  4. Hello Everyone, I have a question regarding my clutch on a 2001 Yamaha Royal star venture with 37k miles. I recently went on a 900 mile trip. On the way home I had to spend about 20 minutes in stop and go (mostly go slow) traffic on the interstate. It required a lot of clutch work. After this I noticed when I got on the throttle hard the transmission would slip. I got home and figured I just needed to do the Barnett plate and spring upgrade. I got my parts in and took off the clutch cover and SURPRISE there is already a Barnett plate and springs in. What I DID notice though is one of the bolts was backed out quite a ways. Could that be what’s causing the slippage? Well upon further inspection all the bolts were loose I retighten all of the to the specified torque and I’m putting it back together thanks in advance guys Tony
  5. Man that stinks
  6. Thanks for the information.
  7. So what makes the longhorns worth that kind of money? There are lots of different highway pegs out there. I have a horrible set that came with my bike and will soon be in the market if everything goes well with my job situation. I’ve never bought highway pegs before. I’m sure there is something that makes these worth the money. I can’t imagine all you guys buying them otherwise. Ogre
  8. Can someone take a picture of the buddy rich cable. I’d like to see if I can make one. I’ve worked in Electronics for a long time. If I could get an idea of what he did I’m sure I could whip something up.
  9. I bought a 15 dollar Bluetooth receiver on Amazon. I plug it into the auxiliary plug. I haven’t used it long enough to run the battery down. Just a few hours at a time but it works great. As for the phone mount I have an iPhone 13. I use a ram x mount and have had no problems.
  10. Sweet looking bike.
  11. That’s a beauty.
  12. Wish I could come I would love to meet all of you. Hope it’s a good and safe time for all of you.
  13. Makes me feel very lucky to live in Florida. If I could fly ya down here I would. Be patient bro the time is near. Watch riding videos on you tube. Get all your gear ready. Go over the route your gonna ride. Get some extra wax on the painted parts of your bike to protect it from the road salts before you know it, it will be a good weather ride day. Tony
  14. I agree had I seen this one before I bought mine I would have jumped on it.
  15. Thank you Earl.
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