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About Rushfandan

  • Birthday 03/12/1958

Personal Information

  • Name
    Daniel Raggio


  • Location
    Port Huron MI usa


  • City
    Port huron


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    86 royale


  • Occupation

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  1. https://www.ebay.com/itm/176425430128?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=80dw7j1eqna&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=EvzAsOsASwC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. I did try that but when I showed him how the wire unscrewed from the boot he said he ain't got nuffin like dat
  3. I searched and couldn't find an answer where could I find some new spark plug wires and caps. Thank you I have a 86 vr
  4. Hi been working on this bike on and off for over a year now, one step forward two steps back. Got a petcock rebuild kit while starting to put it back together. The screws are so tight I can't get them decided to take off the tank cause the bikes tore down still but I can't seem to get it off either. Am I missing something or I just getting to old to do this anymore frustrated beyond belief would appreciate any help. Thanks on advance 1986 vanture royale
  5. Hi been working on this bike on and off for over a year now, one step forward two steps back. Got a petcock rebuild kit while starting to put it back together. The screws are so tight I can't get them decided to take off the tank cause the bikes tore down still but I can't seem to get it off either. Am I missing something or I just getting to old to do this anymore frustrated beyond belief would appreciate any help. Thanks on advance
  6. Hello Mr Freebird Sorry you caught that bug just wanted to say hang in there you might feel worse before it's over I've been sick 5 times since it started 4 of them tested positive and the fifth time I didn't bother getting tested I feel like I've done a prison sentence of all the time in quarantine get well soon
  7. If you search YouTube for goldwing coil swap with dodge neon there's a few videos

  8. Hello fellow yamahamers thanks for letting me in, I have a 86 vr and I've been seeing on YouTube goldwing owners are doing coil swaps with dodge neon coils was wondering if it's possible to do this to my vr Tia for your answer
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