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Everything posted by noworriespete

  1. I have two things... Dick, I have a rear monoshock that I recieved when I bought my bike... I have been debating if I should save it or sell it. The other thing a painful newbie question... sorry everyone... I'm being told that the seal is going on my front forks because little bit of oil coming out the top. It doesnt sound terribly hard to fix, but I am a poor college student that would like a cheap way to "make it work" forever. Is there a way, and if not, where can I get seals?
  2. I would like one. How do you send payment through paypal like this though? Thanks for putting this together.
  3. At least they are compatable. Thats good news. Thank you all for the advice, right now the bike is void of all plastic, waiting for a paint job, so I have time to sort all this out. Thanks again, Pete
  4. I really appreciate the advice. Im sure that this is all common knowledge to everyone but me, ..... This bike just needs some time and attention... and plastic... and paint... and leather.... and foam... and wiring... ... but mostly time and attention. Pete Would I have to completely empty out the lines to put the synth oil in?
  5. These will do it, as far as being the correct clutch springs right? Where can I get the gasket I need also.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=020&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=300164495004&rd=1 Pete
  6. It only slips at full throttle... good call. I plan on changing the oil and anything else you guys recommend, and I now have a new problem: the back right blinkers are out, and aren't getting any current (the bulbs are fine). This 84 has had the 86 saddlebags installed... Is there a specific spot to start looking for a bad wire, or am I going to have to deconstruct whatever has been cobbled together in the rear end to find it? Thanks Pete The previous owner was using 10w40 Valvoline auto oil... he recommended it to me...
  7. Im glad to hear its an easy fix... I guess you guys are going to have to deal with answering some obvious questions for a while. Thanks a ton for the answers, and thanks for the welcome. Pete
  8. I just bought a 84 venture and, being young and stupid, had to take it out to *try* it out the next day (its still around freezing up here in Wisconsin). So after I got used to such a big bike, I was hammering up through the gears and, in fourth gear, the engine sped up faster than the bike. The clutch was slipping. It did this again, going up a hill shifting into second gear. I dont think I missed releasing the clutch before hitting the gas, I have driven a lot of smaller motorcycles in the past... Is my clutch going? If not, have I done so much damage to it that it will go out soon??? I know this isnt good, but how worried should I be? Also, the guy who sold me the venture insisted that everyone takes them all the way to the red line, and some beyond, no problem. Is this true???
  9. I am getting a 84 venture that needs some cosmetic help. It *was* red, before getting baked in the sun, then the saddlebags were replaced with 1986 purple saddle bags. I would like to simply get some black plastic paint, a glossy finish of some sort, and paint it. Ive heard it will work, I have heard it wont work, or it'll chip, or flake off. The plastic is pretty old and brittle. What has worked in the past? Im working on a pretty small budget, so I know I cant get it back to the shiney "new" look. Also, wheres a good place to find a replacement seat? Thanks, Pete
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