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Everything posted by seabeetom

  1. Tnx Squidley. Hmmm, doesn't much look like a "cigarette lighter type outlet" Oh well..
  2. Got the new Avon Venoms on... Went back together a whole lot easier than it came apart... And only one leftover part; The pinch bolt for the rear axle... Tried to torque it down to the 31ftlb as stated on the service data sheet and broke it off... Anyone know the specs in that bolt?? Don't need the part #, just size/length/pitch.. Oh! as an addendum to the front tire removal on the tech pages, I had to let the air completely out of the front tire to get it on/off past the caliper brackets... Tnx.
  3. The starmotorcycles.com website under 2008 RSV features, states that "Separate cigarette lighter-type DC outlets for both rider and passenger" OK, one in the fairing.. "outlets' being plural I cannot find another?? Whatupwiddat???
  4. Used Carbons' jack stand.. Removed front wheel, then rear wheel... No problem with stabilization... Did have to raise stand/bike with jack in order to get rear wheel out ... No biggy though... Tried local Acura/Honda car dealers for Moly60...blank stares... Found it at local Honda bike shop @ 9.59 for 3oz tube.
  5. Tnx 4 the info Squeeze. About 3 hrs of banging and twisting didn't work sooo I broke out the good ol WD40 and gave the axle a bath... Voila! it banged right out. Problem solved. Now if it will just go back together easier than it came apart..
  6. Got my Venom X's from SWMO. Best price found, free shipping and were on my porch in under 72hrs. Now! I got the front tire off no problem, but I can't get the rear axle out. I've followed the steps on Jeff's post upto the "remove swing arm thingy" there is a discrepancy in the order of steps.. The manual says to pull the axle first.... before removing the rear brake caliper bracket... Anyway, I can't get the axle out----- I took Naturbar's advice about the allen wrench fitting in the end of the axle, that gave me about a 1/4" play but that's as far as she'll go. I did notice while loosening the axle with the allen wrench that the wrench will turn fairly easy for abot 270* then tightens up for the other 90*. I've been turning that axle for Awhile but she no be a budging. I've taken a block of wood and rubber mallet to the threaded side and tried knocking it thru-but no luck. Yep, loosened the pinch bolt and spread it just a hair extra.. Tried it both in the air and with a touch of ground pressure. By the way, couldn't be doing this without Carbon's stand. Also, how far down do I have to disassemble the wheels to get new rubber mounted at a M/C shop?? Or can they do it just like they came off the bike?? Any help will be appreciated.
  7. A 2007 RSV and it's not under Warranty??? Am I missing something here??
  8. Guess I'll have to look into getting the carbs synced.. I get 35mpg day/night/hiway/city on my 08 RSV. Could this be considered a 'warranty' work?? Of course even then I would have to find a Dealer that would work on it.. The mentality I have found down here along the Gulfcoast is that if you didn't buy it here, the work backlog is several months, or not at all.
  9. Hey Rich,

    Tom in Gulfport here.

    Can you help me get in touch with Steve at Perry Yamaha?

    Every time I call there Bert says they can't help me and they have months worth of work backed up and that if I have a problem to contact Yamaha directly. He won't let me talk to Steve who has worked on my 08 Venture several times. He knows I didn't buy it there so he will have nothing to do with me.

    I hate to file a complaint with Yamaha USA because I like Steve and his professionalism.

    The times Steve has worked on my bike is when I snuck into the garage and talked to him personally, or was lucky enough to have him answer the phone.

    If you have a number other than 762-0280 for Steve please let me know.


    Tom T.


  10. Got the patch in the mail today. Don't know why, But Thank You Very Much..
  11. Rich, Did U get them from Perry's or did you mail order them? $$ ??
  12. Sorry, all I see R red 'x's:confused24: is there a link to view?
  13. I'm with you George, door #3. Put my rails on yesterday. Same problem with alignment, they ride high at the back. Had to use the Dremel to cut off the L/H saddlebag mounting screw(rear upper inside w/spacer). I think they used JB Weld instead of Loctite. Stripped the hexhead out of it, then used the dremel to cut slot for screwdriver and proceeded to strip that also. Ended up just cutting the head off the damn thing. Will go into town today and look for a replacement screw. As others have pointed out, don't be afraid to use Loctite.
  14. My sentiments exactly. If they can't supply it, don't take the money.. My order finally completed when the saddlebag side rails came in yesterday. Shipped thru DHL??? 3 weeks from order to receipt. But from the sounds of the crowd, this was not typical of this company.
  15. Tnx 4 the heads up. Will give a listen tomorrow. .-- -. ----. .... -. -... / ...- --.- ----. - -
  16. U know, them shiny things that wrap around them 2 boxes on the sides of the scoot. Fergot the proper nomenclature and I can't seem to locate my Funk & Wagnalls'. Still waiting on them to arrive. The other half of my order came in Friday (14th). Guess I wouldn't be as upset at the whole issue if they hadn't hit the VISA for the total amount the day I placed the order and not when they actually processed and shipped it. Oh Well, I'll survive.
  17. I'm with you DD, ordered the 4.0, a Mil Spec riding vest and riding pants. Great prices and QUICK. Free shipping and the package was on my doorstep within 72hrs. Wish all vendors were that efficient.
  18. Can't say that I'm much impressed with the shipping procedures of Yamaha Sports Plaza in WA. Ordered Side trunk rails and footpegs on 25 Feb., They emailed confirmation the next day citing a delivery date of 5-10 March. Evening of 10 March I called them to ask about shipment. WELL, as it turns out, they had to order the pegs from another dealer and had not yet received them so therefore had not shipped anything. They did promise to ship the rails ASAP then ship the pegs when they come in. The original charge for shipping was $18.00. It will be interesting to see if I get billed more for what now will be 2 shipments. I suggested to the guy on the phone that they re-evaluate their shipment notification procedures, and let him know that I was not happy with the whole transaction . In the interest of customer satisfaction and dealer reputation, I would think that most dealers in a case like this would expedite the shipment of the items (overnight/1-2day) and not charge the added shipping costs. We shall see. It is now afternoon of the 12th and I haven't received squat . At the same time I placed that order I made orders with CalifSportTouring, Custom Dynamics and Cruiser Customizing. All those orders were at my door within 4 days . So much for my venting,,, How was your day?
  19. Gotcha, file off one of the metal tits on the side of the metal bulb base. Does it matter which one ? CAN DO!
  20. OK, here's what I did, I'm sure there's other ways, but this worked on my 2008 RSV... - Unbolt signal assy bracket bolts from under fender. (I put blue painters tape all over the fender in that area to prevent scratching) - Bend the harness keeper nearest those bolts and pull signal wires out of it and push thru fender. This gave me a little slack to play with. - Disassemble lens, remove bulb(careful, don't know where to get replacements for this morphidite). - Remove two screws and metal do-dad holding light socket. - Carefully pull/tug/cuss the rubber grommet out.(careful not to pull socket off wires). - Run the kit LED wires from inside light housing thru lollipop, thru fender follow existing harness up and back thru fender behind license bracket.( I wrapped the wires thru the head of an 8" zip tie and used it as a fish tape to get thru the lollipop stem.) - Have a couple of 15amp ATC's on hand..... - Me thinks that now would be a good time to put an 1156 bulb socket in and run the wires. - To put grommet back in, grease it up or wd-40 it so it will slide back in stem. Liquid soap should work fine.. - Follow kit instructions for wiring and installation. - Reassemble. Just my dos centimos... Good Luck
  21. Got mine from casporttouring also. But be aware, no wiring kit included, just a relay and a bolt.
  22. OK, so I'm technically challenged!! I got the Electrical Connection Taillight Conversion Kit, sounded like a good and Easy idea for the 2008 RSV.. I figured out the wiring connections, but darned if I can figure out how to get the turn signal bulb grommet out of the lollipop without tearing it up. I believe this must be removed so the wiring can follow the same path as the original wiring. Also there is no slack in the wiring even after removing the lollipop from the fender so no room to play with. If it's only a matter of pull&rip, I can get the grommet out, but I'd rather not. While I'm in there I'd like to replace that FUBAR light socket with an 1157 socket. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I've had her apart for 2 days now and I've scratched a bald spot on the 'ol noggin.
  23. Dog, Seems I read on some website that windex/pledge has a tendency to soften the glazing/coating on the windshield and that it's use was not encouraged for that reason. My dos centimos...
  24. Rad, How did you run the wires through the turn signal stem and where did you make connections? I unbolted the stem from underside fender but there is no slack in wiring to get to wiring. Did U have to remove signal bulb socket to run wires thru stem? I've disassembled as far as I can without fear of breaking something. Turn Signal Conversion Kit from Electrical Connection. Appreciate any help. seabeetom 2008RSV
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