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Everything posted by seabeetom

  1. OK, I Believe!! Sold to the man in the second row!! Would I be correct in assuming P/N SB7100S, SB8125L & SB8125 for the clutch are the correct items for an 07 RSV??
  2. If it had been any other Saturday... Will be attending the Seabee Ball at the Coliseum in Biloxi that evening. Tickets and Hotel already paid for. Man, I sure wish I coulda made it. Maybe next time. Our Shriner Motorcycle Corp. are planning a day ride down to Venice on 21 March. Anyone interested can come along.
  3. Put the same one on my 08RSV. Can see over the top if I have to. Fog and rain sometimes requires it. Have noticed more buffeting than with original shield. Use chrome door edging from auto parts store for windshield trim, keeps rain from coming over top and adds a touch of bling.
  4. Rich, are you back on a Venture? What happened to the GW? I'm still running the BUBS. Like the sound but a noticeable loss of MPG. Guess I just ride it harder for the sound..
  5. Not sure if Motor Trike does Yamahas... Haven't found any info on that subject. Glad to see that they changed their suspension system.
  6. Same thing happened 2 my 03 RSMV, luckily 4 me it was still under warranty at the time. Cassette player had 2 be replaced around that time frame also.
  7. Gotta ask; What would you consider a 'long period'? Long enough for the battery to drain down to what level? I take it that this system does have an electrical draw on the battery. Any idea what that draw is? Thnx 4 the info.
  8. Tnx 4 the input folks. Think I'll just suck it up and be grateful 4 what I got. After several Quotes ( Safeco $1200, Progressive $1500, Foremost/AARP $570 ) 4 the same coverage I now have. It seems that the biggest costs here on the Coast are the Uninsured Motorist coverages. Since Katrina, the undocumented/Illegals have flooded the area because of the need 4 laborers for recovery/rebuilding, and, U guessed it, a great majority of them are unlicensed/uninsured cagers who don't have any concept of traffic laws... We've had several riders killed down here by these folks in the last couple of years and an unknown number of accidents... I guess I'd better stay friends with the lil' green gekko. I'll pays me money, learn more cusswords in spanish and hope 4 the best. OK, whining about insurance rates all done...
  9. Thanks 4 the feedback CMike, what Company was that with? My quote was 4 an 08 RSV, MSF discount and a couple of others. Waiting for a reply from Safeco (AARP). So far maybe the lil' green gekko ain't so expensive after all.
  10. For the Good 'Ol Boys down here in the South,,, I'm shopping around for a new insurance carrier and am looking for some input from this region. At present have GEICO. Just went up $90 to $459 yr. What is your premium? BIL; 100000/300,000 $50 PDL; 100,000 $17 UMBI; 25,000/50,000 $103 UMPD; 25,000 200ded $49 Comp; 250ded $53 Coll; 250ded $187 I just checked Progressive and they want $1500 for the same coverage, go figure... Anybody down here getting better rates? Why??? 'preciate ya
  11. Wow, ya'll got some atrocious insurance premiums. I think Progressive must have Mississippi listed as one of your Provinces... Got my bill from Geico today, went up $90 to $459yr. So checked out Progressive,,,,, $1509 for the same coverage. What's up with that?? Guess I'll keep on going down the list of companies till I find a Reputable and Reasonable company,, Which as all of us here on the Gulf Coast know do not exist,,, ie; Katrina.....
  12. Glad U and Bobby closed the deal and you're happy with your purchase. U got one helluva good buy. Was waiting 4 U 2 post your safe return home. I tried 2 get him 2 sell it 2 me when he first got his trike, but he wanted 2 keep it. Ended up buying a new 08 RSV instead. The bike is good as new IMHO, Bobby takes good care of his stuff. Enjoy... Tom
  13. Not just U Annie... When I was in Europe I saw lots of GW's and RSV's sans CB radio. Many Governments strictly regulate/forbid use of 2way radio communication devices. My neighbor shipped his GW into country but had to remove the CB before it would clear customs. I guess non regulation of CB radios is one of the perks of living in the Good Ol' U.S. of A.
  14. Can't make the TN. run with ya, but would like to get together on some M&E's and Maint days. Live out here in Lizana off 53 & Cable Bridge rd. Keep in touch. Tom T. seabeetom@yahoo.com
  15. Renne, I have the same ticking on my 08 w/12k on it. Hope it's not an issue.
  16. seabeetom


    I picked up the Garmin Zumo 450 last year at a good price. I've been quite satisfied with it. It's made for motorcycle use. It's pretty much the same as the Zumo 550 but without the bluetooth/xm stuff. I think it has been discontinued due to the 550, but some may still be around. Get the car mount and U can use it in your cage. Happy shopping, TT
  17. OK Scotty, I give up! What is that gizmo in the trunk of the wing??
  18. Here's a couple of ideas for rideins/M&E's; Annual Angola State Prison Rodeo, St Francisville, LA.. Every Sunday in October. (WOW!, These cowboys got nothing to lose, a day in the infirmary beats a day in the fields). angolarodeo.com Louisiana Renaissance Festival, Hammond, LA. Every weekend Nov. 7 - Dec. 13. (A large medieval village, entetainment, food, festivities. LARF.org
  19. My case exactly. That's one of the reasons some posts are so confusing... ie; "I'm 6'1" and can see over the top of an 18" shield". OK, 18", what measurement parameter is being used (refer to original post). What the distance from buttbone to eyeballbone is will make a difference.
  20. BUMP
  21. I know, this has probably been addressed on one or more of these umpteen thousand threads, but I've been reading posts here for the last 7 hours and figured I'd just come out and ask... There is apparently three(?) methods to measure your windshield. #1. The Clearview way (from dip in front of gas cap vertical). #2. From bottom edge of windshield to top edge. #3. from top edge of chrome strip to top edge of windshield(mounted). Now this has become confusing to me when I read all the posts about personal preferences in windshield heights and retailer descriptions of product. What my 08 RSV came with measures 22" (#1. above), 17" (#3. above). I don't have a measurement for #2. above since the shield is still mounted. So,,,, is this a 'stock' windshield? My intention is to procure a shorter windshield to be able to see over the top when needed. In which case the msrmnts would be; 18" (#1. above) or 11" (#3. above). Of course that's solo, when two-up the line of site thru the shield drops about an inch or so. Am considering the Showchrome 13", is that 13" #1,2,or 3 method?? Where does "4 inches shorter than stock" fit in here? It sure would be nice if there was only ([{ 1 )]} standard used. Can ya help a brother out, huh, can ya? ;-)
  22. Was it the 'Outer Limits' or 'Twilight Zone' many years ago ( I remember it was in B/W )that had an episode about homicide via an earwig?? Wow! I'd stay off my feet and definitly the bike for a few days, don't know how or if it will affect your balance..
  23. I would think that a tan colored gas cap cover would also reflect off the shield. I knocked the bottom out of a black can coozie and put it over the gas cap... voila', plus now I have a place to put little odds&ends.
  24. Pam and I had a good ride with the Dixie Thunder Run (dixiethunderrun.org) yesterday. About 400mi round trip to Meridian. Only a couple of familiar faces in the crowd, and as far as I could tell, no other Ventures??? (I did see a 2007 (?) Venture with the Voyager kit at Chunky River. Who was that??) We joined the southern group at Camp Shelby. I'm guessing about 200 bikes or so on the southern group. Hit a wall of liquid sunshine just outside Meridian, but only lasted a few minutes. The northern group from Tupelo arrived a couple of hours later after a rain delay. They supposedly had about 400 bikes at one time along the way. All in All, a good day... Rides coming up; Sept. 26 ride to the MS Pecan Festival in Richton. Meet at 'The Shed' hwy 57/I-10 at 0800. Oct. 11-18 ride to Key West. Nov ??. Sat or Sun ride to 'Renaissance Fair' near Hammond, LA. Angola State Prison Rodeo?? Let's plan for that...
  25. Rode in the Dixie Thunder to Meridian Chunky River Harley store yesterday. Had the 2010's on the floor, but as I passed the Service Dept. price chart on the wall, I made an abrupt U turn and went back outside to the music and food. Even if I could find a 'GREAT' deal on an Ultra Classic, I don't think I would pay the outrageous costs associated with Harley ownership ie; all the accessories and servicings. I was once accused of not being 'money conscious', but of being 'downright tight'.
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