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Everything posted by seabeetom

  1. Was doing some maintenance on the Trike yesterday and noticed 3 bolts missing and the fourth one hanging in there by a thread. Never noticed before, but then again, haven't looked at this spot for awhile. Better make sure this is on your pre start inspection list...
  2. Keeping in mind our definition of "Yankees" --- "Yankee"; 'Those from North of the Mason-Dixon Line that come to Visit'... "Damn Yankee"; 'Those aforementioned folks who come to Visit, but Don't LEAVE' . But keep in mind, our State Motto: "Mississippi, The Hospitality State".
  3. This is what I would call a 'Destination/Vacation Ride'. Suggest Sunday thru Friday, October. Just for the heck of it, I'm gonna throw this promo out there just in case anyone ever considered the MS. Gulf Coast: Best time of year; October, 12 CasinoResorts, rooms half price Sun-Thur. Events; Cruisinthecoast-couple thousand classic cars, second week-Biloxi. Beauvoir (last home of Jefferson Davis)-Biloxi. Biloxi Shuckers AA Baseball team and stadium-Biloxi. Camp Shelby Armed Forces Museum-Hattiesburg. Angola Prison Museum and Rodeo, N of Baton Rouge every Sunday, New Orleans 70 miles. National D-Day Museum, French Quarter/Market/Bourbon St,. River Road to mouth of MS River. Avery Island (Tabasco) near Lafayette LA. Mobile Al. 70 miles. Battleship Park, Bellingrath Gardens, Bayou La Batre (Run Forrest Run). Pensacola Naval Air Museum 145 miles. Cajun food/seafood till your buttons burst (can you spell MUDBUGS?). Much more to see and do. You can always google these places for more info. But then again, distance for many becomes a factor. OK, that's my pitch for the home team. Of course you ask if I would step up to host if the interest is there, to which I answer, "Can Do an October gathering" " Laissez Les bons temps Rouler " !! Leave Our Flag Alone !!
  4. Updated myPhoto Bucket with pix from the Rally. You can view/copy here: http://s1025.photobucket.com/user/seabeetom/library/ Enjoy! !! LEAVE OUR FLAG ALONE " ​
  5. Welcome back to the group Paul. You be less than 15 miles from me here in Lizana. When we gonna meet up? Would be nice to get the other Venture riders down south here to set up a Maintenance Day or a Meet & Eat. Maybe when the weather cools down a bit? !! Leave Our Flag Alone !!
  6. OK folks, some of the pix we took at the 2015 Rally are here; http://s1025.photobucket.com/user/seabeetom/library/ !! LEAVE OUR FLAG ALONE !!
  7. I resemble that remark..
  8. Uh,,, like this?? http://s1025.photobucket.com/user/seabeetom/library/
  9. OK, got there opened account, made an album, Now What? how do I share it to the venturerider website? Inquiring minds want to know.
  10. If I could figure out how to upload a bunch of pix that Seabeepam took at the Rally last week, I would do so. Technically challenged I guess.. We got a bunch of em! !!Leave our Flag alone!!
  11. Utopia on the 08. Can't do without it,
  12. For us, as with most, distance is a factor. 12 hrs from my pause here on the Gulf Coast is about as far as I care to go, comfort, not endurance being our preference (St Charles was 11hrs). I look forward to organized rides, sightseeing, local attractions and taking in the cultural and historical offerings that I may otherwise never see. Another big plus is being able to lounge around, relax, tell lies (embellishments), as well as meeting and swapping hints and tips amongst other Venture riders. Pam and I very much enjoyed the Guntersville and St Charles gatherings and are very happy to have met new friends. Just for the heck of it, I'm gonna throw this promo out there just in case anyone ever considered the MS. Gulf Coast: Best time of year; October, 12 CasinoResorts, rooms half price Sun-Thur. Events; Cruisinthecoast-couple thousand classic cars, second week-Biloxi. Beauvoir (last home of Jefferson Davis)-Biloxi. Biloxi Shuckers AA Baseball team and stadium-Biloxi. Camp Shelby Armed Forces Museum-Hattiesburg. Angola Prison Museum and Rodeo, N of Baton Rouge every Sunday, New Orleans 70 miles. National D-Day Museum, French Quarter/Market/Bourbon St,. River Road to mouth of MS River. Avery Island (Tabasco) near Lafayette LA. Mobile Al. 70 miles. Battleship Park, Bellingrath Gardens, Bayou La Batre (Run Forrest Run). Pensacola Naval Air Museum 145 miles. Cajun food/seafood till your buttons burst(can you spell MUDBUGS?). Much more to see and do. You can always google these places for more info. But then again, distance for many becomes a factor. OK, that's my pitch for the home team. Of course you ask if I would step up to host if the interest is there, to which I answer "If enough folks absolutely commit and swear upon a bowl of shrimp and grits to attend, I will consider it."
  13. For those who went to Grants Farm last week, the website to view/order the group photo is: http://www.PhotoGenicInc/GF. The photo number is 8830. The date was July 23 2015. Ya'll have a GR8 Seabee Day!
  14. Picked up the trike from Hannigan this morning. No more squeaks and rattles. Rear brakes are smooth. Steering is firm. Other gremlins eliminated. Jim Gooch did a gr8 job fixin it right. Not only got the trike fixed, but Bert gave the bride and I a complete tour of the facilities and introduced us to everyone in the company. It's a class act company. I AM VERY IMPRESSED. And, no charge $$. Leaving KY Sunday morn for The Rally.
  15. Got left over parts from the trike conversion to the 2008 RSV. I am bringing to the Rally in St Charles the 2 side cases (1N, 1LN), BUBS slip ons (G), OEM Mirrors (LN), and the Lift adapter w/legs. Mustang seat off a 2005 Softail. I can bring other left over parts if requested by tonight at 9PM (CDT) as I am leaving tomorrow morning for Hannigan. Text me at 228-223-1367. C U at the Rally.
  16. I was once told that a 'trike' has to have a parking brake or you will not be allowed to ride it across the border into Canada. True or false??
  17. That would be nice for a change. Will let you know when its done Cougar.
  18. Called Hannigan and made an appointment to have them go thru the Trike and fix the problems that the installer could not, or would not fix. Mainly that the Trike sounds like an old creaky hay wagon because of the fiberglass parts all rubbing together, the pulsating of the rear brakes when they are applied, and the sloppy/misaligned steering they installed. Will trailer it up to Murray the week before the Rally, and then up to St Charles on the 19th in time for Venture Rally. Don't know what the $$bill$$ will be. They have been problems since day 1. Lesson learned; Just because they are franchised installers doesn't mean they know what they're doing with a RSV conversion......
  19. Get Well soon SEABEE. OOO Rahh
  20. Hey Dave, ever know a USAF Sgt named Joe March, AFRTS Taipei 74-76?
  21. Love the Trike kit on my 2008, even though I'm still having issues from shoddy workmanship from the shop that did it. Glad that Hannigan pulled their franchise... Before u pull the trigger,,, make sure they have actually done a few RSV/Hannigan conversions... They might do great Honda/Harley conversions, but that doesn't mean they can do an RSV correctly... I should have listened to my own advice :-(.
  22. Howard, For your consideration; I have been using Purolator PL14610 for several years now. Have also used Amzoil EAOM103 and Yamaha 5GH13440 on my 08 RSV. No problems. For oil I use Mobil 1 15-50.
  23. Filled up yesterday at Sams Club in Gulfport. $2.62.
  24. Make that Tom and Pam's. lol:rotf:
  25. Personal experience; Make sure the installer has ACTUALLY done an RSTD or RSV or two, before and is not just an all brands Trike Installer. Hannigan/RSV conversion takes a bit more common sense and attention to detail than just following the directions on the side of the package.
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