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Personal Information

  • Name
    Brian Tapley


  • Location
    In The Wind


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Wind in my face
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Royal Star Venture
  • Bike Customizations
    Lowering Kit.


  • Occupation
    Retired Tool Maker

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  1. Does anyone know if the rear shock can be repaired with new seals , or does it have to be replaced? Only holds air for a day or two.
  2. Got an air leak in rear shock, holds 30 lbs for a day or 2 without riding. Is there a way to fix without replacing shock. Priced new shock at over 4 bills. Ouch!
  3. Thanks again for the info. Ride on!
  4. Thanks Squidley, I don't have the owners manual. I have a Clymers Shop Manual but I could not find the air pressures for either front or back. I put it just under 25 psi and it still hit a couple of times on today's ride. Between the wife and me we're over 400 lbs so I quess I better pump it up about 10 psi more, or go on diet.
  5. Thanks Squidley, I didn't want to over do it with the air pressure, do you know what the max pressure is, I don't want to blow the seals, if that's possible.
  6. Installed Barons rear lowering kit, now when I hit a bump bottoms out on the tire. Got score marks on the tire. Any suggestions? Thanks... Dragline
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