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About Pictonian

  • Birthday December 27

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Mississauga, Canada


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  • Home Country


  • Interests
    motorcycle camping
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royal Star Midnight Tour Deluxe
  1. Hi folks I've been missing in action for a while but found my way back,looks like I have a lot of catching up to do
  2. jus sayin if you had a SECOND GEN there isn't anyplace in the video I couldn't pull my old camper trailer lol.Great video and keep on keepin on
  3. I always wave but don't get a lot of Harley riders waving back unless they mistake my Midnight RSTD for one of theirs.I asked 3 of my friends that ride Harley's why they don't wave back and their reply in unison was "Cause my bike is vibrating so bad I'm scared to let go of the handlebars
  4. I use 87 octane as that is what was recommended by Yamaha in the owners manual.
  5. Pictonian

    just pictures

  6. Recieved my patches this aft.Thanks again
  7. I'm with State Farm for my 07 RSTD and just got my renewal at $1233.81 for full coverage which has remained relatively the same since I bought the bike in 08. It's a big expense but for the pleasure I get from my riding it's worth it to me.It's a lot but I know I'll have no problem in the event I have a claim.My buddy was with Jevco last year and had a problem and got screwed around royally
  8. I don't need 42 but sent payment via paypal for 4 .
  9. Well I guess I'm what you would call a lurker,a bit of the shy type until I know someone and I've only had the pleasure of meeting a couple from here so far.I'm a little uncomfortable chiming in on threads concerning people and things I know little about but try to gain knowledge by reading.Until such time as I stop taking my meds I'll probably remain this way.
  10. When I read the heading I thought maybe you stepped up to a real gen (meaning 2nd gen ) but then realized that you bought a 2nd old gen lol.
  11. I'm running Dyna Beads in my Michelin Commanders on my 07 RSTD and lovin them,Smooth ride and no cupping and going to reinstall on next tirechange.Never going back to the leadweights again.
  12. I have the stock ignition box out of my 07 RSTD if you want to try that.I'm in Mississauga . Steve
  13. If I was going to shoot myself it wouldn't be in the back of the head lol
  14. Thanks to the wunnerful clutch basket my 07 RSTD is fondly called Screamin Mimi
  15. I pay $1201.00 for full coverage on a 2007 Royal Star TD .
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