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Everything posted by curtisb

  1. i have a carb tune and live in winder. should be about 30 minutes or less from you. job looking right now so available most days. my phone number is on my profile. give me a call and we can tune in my garage. curtis
  2. I have just removed the khrom werks and installed rk's. You will like them much better and they sound good.
  3. Well i am trying to run the khrome werks exhaust again on the venture. I have made sure that it has no vacum leaks and no exhaust leaks. The pipes sound great , no backfires when shifting, but on decel a lot of pop,pop,pop. Not loud, more like a gurgle. Have also just done a carb sync. Is this just something that you have to live with when changing exhausts? P.s. - also have already sealed the small leak at exhaust y pipes. Any info would be great.
  4. I am running the led tailight from custom dyn. - no equalizer needed. Love it - very bright in both tailight and brake positions.
  6. As always, the responses are quick . Thanks so much for the input.
  7. Just installed new avon venom rear tire on 2007 venture. What tire pressure seems to work best with these tires?
  8. Thanks for the info.
  9. Thanks. Hate to sound stupid but thought i saw something about a snap ring, but dont see anything on my bike or on these directions.
  10. Could someone point me to a link with good directions to remove rear wheel on a 2007 venture so i can take to dealer and mount my new avon tire.
  11. My 2007 midnight venture came with dunlop d404 tires from factory. Front tire still looks like new but i have to put a new rear tire on. Can i replace the rear with same size in an avon venom without causing any problems. Need to finish using up the front tire and hate the oem tires. Only 8000 miles and it is slick. Any info would be great
  12. I have looked and do not see how the chrome trim is removed from exhaust to check for leaks. Any ideas? I am sure i have just overlooked something
  13. Does anyone know the part number for the iridium spark that would be a direct replacement for stock on a 2007 midnight venture
  14. Just installed khrom werks slipons on 2007 venture. Very good sound but just a little loud for better half. Does anyone know if you can remove baffles and add packing to tone down slightly. If so how is it supposed to be done and with what kind of packing.
  15. Removed stock slip on mufflers on 2007 midnight venture while waiting on new khrome werks slip on mufflers. Found out that i could not remove the metallic exhaust gaskets without tearing. Does anyone know if the khrome werks will come with gastkets or do i have to find locally.
  16. Ordered khrome werks slip on but have not heard in person. Heard a set of bub sleepers that had nice deep tone. The only sound clip of khrome werks that i could find did not sound as deep but i realize that i am hearing on internet. Could someone that owns khrome werks let me know is tone is close to bubs before i call and change my order.
  17. any suggestions for best place to buy kromewerks
  18. Am looking for suggestions for slip on exhaust for rsmv. Would like just a little move volume than stock with a deep sound. Know some people like the bub sleepers. Any suggestions and thoughts will help.
  19. bought 2007 rsmv from these guys 5 months ago. no service work really done yet. does anyone have any feedback on the yamaha dealer service that is on hyw 53 in braselton, ga.
  20. it was at the crimp on both sides. tried j-b weld on it last night. still setting up so have not tested it yet.
  21. cranked the scoot last night and felt for exhaust leaks. found pinhole leaks at both left and right side y pipes. would this cause the slight popping sound on decel?
  22. Thanks For A Lot Of Info. Does Not Look Like A Leak At Y Pipe And Vacum Lines Look Good. Not A Lot Of Popping (backfire) Just A Little On Decel.
  23. Bike Is Factory. No Add Ons Yet. Any Ideas On Most Logical Place For A Vacum Leak, And Would Plugging Ais Help, Also Does It Damagae Anything To Plug Or Affect Warranty. Thanks For Info
  24. Since This Is My First V Four Need To Ask Some Dumb Questions. Is It Common For The Venture To Have An Occasional Backfire. Always On The Right Cylinder Bank. Usually Only Until It Warms Up. Sometimes A Backfire When Cranking. Sometimes Slight Backfire On Decel At Low Speeds. 2500 Miles On Engine. Installed New Plugs Since Carb Float Has Stuck One Time. Thanks For Any Info.
  25. 2007 Midnight Venture. Bike Hase 1600 Miles. Always Run Quality Gasoline. On Ride Sunday Started To Backfire On Decel, And At Idle. Then Started Pouring Gas Out Carb. My Guess Was Stuck Carb Float (i Am Used To Gold Wing Fuel Inj.) . I Turned Fuel Supply Valve Off To Run Out All Gas Out Of Carbs Then Turned Back On Several Times And It Corrected Itself. Rode Another 200+ Miles On Trip With No Problems (also Put Seafoam In Tank). My Question Is Did I Make The Right Moves To Correct And Should I Be Concerned Or Is This Something That Happens Sometimes.
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