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  • Name
    David Jensen


  • Location
    Nye County


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Venture Royale


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  1. Thank you for your priceless wisdom. I did remove the carbs and completely disassemble them. The rebuild kit i got did not have enricher block gaskets and i think 1 or 2 may be creating a giant vacuum leak. So I will order 4 in the near future. The kit had idle jets and mix screws so i replaced all that with new but it did not come with emulsion tubes or a small enough main jet. 150 I believe was the smallest so I reused the 117.5. The diaphragms were relatively new but Im considering installing the ones that came with the kit. The needle was also of a different design so I stuck with the old one. I did replace its seat so im wondering if thats part of my new crappy running bike. Pops, sputters and God forbid i forget to open the garage door fully or my eyes start burning and my Carbon Monoxide detector starts screaming. Obviously first rebuild attempt was a fail. I bent a float bowl tang so that was exciting watching fuel spew out of the carb the wrong direction. I will get some clear tubing to test the actual levels. I did replace all boots and wires and it seems to be firing like its supposed to. Resistance measures low though, could that be a potential issue? I cleaned the plugs and reused them as they are a couple weeks old. Again I appreciate your input. David J 20210320_174048472_iOS.heic
  2. Thanks for the help...I did unscrew the plug caps and gave the resistors a little brush with sandpaper. I understand some folks replace them with old jets. I was wondering if welding rod would serve the same purpose. I might try that upon reassembly. I was also wondering about the choke circuit. Maybe one of those little guys is passing fuel thru. I will eyeball that as well. Then again it seems like its getting plenty of air and starving for fuel...I just cant seem to nail it down.
  3. Rear plugs look totally clean. No tan, no black, just like brand new. Front plugs have dark tan to black and look rich to me. Spits black specs out of both sides of the exhaust. Bike stumbles a bit when accelerating from a stop, kind of smooths out if i stay light on the throttle. If i grab a handful it really stumbles then takes off like a raped ape. Front cylinder temp is a round 200 the rear is almost twice that. 380-385. Im pulling out whats left of my hair on this sucker. Preignition maybe? Could the advance be bad? Have the hose hooked up to #1 venturi port. Carbs are synced. Sea foamed the crap out of it and replaced all diaphrams. Stuck an aftermarket fuel filter and changed the long hose out. Maybe clogged petcock? Weak pump? Maybe im overthinking it... Can someone give me a shove in the right direction or at least a place to start? Check timing? Carb disassemble? Thanks in advance...
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