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    2006 midnight venture


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  1. Thanks for the input. I took the cowling off, and it's an electrical plate of spaghetti under them, not gonna work. The carbs were rebuilt just before I bought the bike, but I can't be sure if they are to lean without an exhaust analysis, I'll try to find a dealer with the proper equipment to do that. I was wondering also about the deflectors that I've seen on some rad cowls, are the to deflect air inward or outward, and where can they be found ?
  2. Curious if anyone has taken off the rad cowl and re directed the air intake. Just trying to allow more air around the engine and exhaust to eliminate getting HOT feet and legs.
  3. Thanks for the reply, I've put thousands of miles on many different bikes in all weather conditions and have never experienced handling this bad.
  4. Thanks for the replies, I'll definitely do the head bearing, and check the swing arm bushing. The tires were put on by the dealer by the previous owner, seem ok. I thought the poor handling may be from a fork mounted fairing, guess not. I will try to solve the few issues I have that disappoint me before I give up on it. The bike is mint otherwise.
  5. Just bought a 2006 midnight Venture with 11,00 miles on it. At 65+ miles per hour, and especially in a head wind, the bike gets scary to ride. The wind turbulence bounces it all over the place. If have to pass a Semi, it gets VERY scary and starts to wobble, feeling like it might start a tank slapper. Very disappointed with high speed handling. It has new tires, so hopefully that isn't the problem. If I can't make it ride like the highway bike it is designed for , I will sell it and find something better. I've had lots of different bikes, never had one handle so bad as this one.
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