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Everything posted by ReinyRooster

  1. I am admitting nothing!!!!!!
  2. Trying to avoid having to keep removing the suction cup and then trying to stick it back on.....not always easy in the cold weather. Prairiehammer....thanks...that might just do it...I'll check it out. Russ....I would have come straight to you if that was the real issue......
  3. :rotf:knew that title would get some peoples attention. I bought a dashcam last week due to the large number of people out there scamming victims claiming you drove into the rear of them while they were stopped, and suddenly some "independent" witness ( their friend ) shows up to support their claim, when they actually reversed into you. Then they try and get you to cash settle without involving the police or insurance. It can also help prove that it wasn't you that went through a red light in a crash, it was the other guy...or it was him that changed lanes and hit you...not the other way around. Anyway....the attached pic shows the suction-cup mount for this dashcam...my issue is that it has a short bolt that screws into the top of the dashcam so anytime you want to remove the camera, you have to spin it a few times to unscrew it....PITA. Does anyone know of a better solution that would offer some sort of quick connect/disconnect for this thing? I have looked at the various GPS mounts that I have laying around trying to adapt but nothing that will work. Thanks
  4. Groan.......
  5. Guess so Bobby......forgot how badly the non-riding season affects most of us....myself included.
  6. You guys are all nuts!! Isn't if funny.....maybe sad.....that we are all suffering so badly through this non-riding time that a picture and discussion of a toilet seat goes on for days! Love it!!
  7. This is one way to stay a little bit warmer while we endure this deep freeze.......
  8. Sorry for your loss Dan.
  9. Well Carl.....it will hibernate in my freezer.......but I'm thinking some might just make it's way to the next Venture gathering BBQ that you host this summer!
  10. I've got it bad. Was using my bikes pics on my computer at home and at work as my wallpaper and screensavers....got too depressed and changed them.
  11. Man, that brings back memories......looks just like my very first Venture.
  12. And there's no saying I have to get that all from just one hog. I feel it's my civic duty to assist in keeping the hog population in check....
  13. Rob, that's great news! Glad to hear it.
  14. I spoke with the Canadian Border Service yesterday and was quite surprised....it would actually be more of a hassle if I was hunting with a proper hunting licence and tag.....since I'm hunting the problematic wild hog and am on private property, I do not require a licence. The meat will be butchered, deboned and wrapped and frozen. The Border Service compares it to me crossing the border and going to the butcher....the limit if 20kgs (44lbs) per person so I just need to find the cheapest shipping method from Florida to NY State and I'll pick it up there when I leave the airport. Looking forward to it.
  15. We are flying in. I am in the process of checking with the Canadian Border Services to see what they say. I'm flying from Buffalo so I'm thinking I might ship it to my cousin who is about one hour from there....he can keep if frozen for me and then when I land I can pick it up from there and take it the rest of the way in my vehicle. I guess it all hinges on what the border people have to say.
  16. That's partially why I'm looking for someone with an "in" somewhere......I wouldn't be shipping the entire pig.....just the good parts! Wild biker chicks, you say?? Hmmmmm.......
  17. Will be in Florida in about 2 1/2 weeks and am hoping to get some wild pig hunting in. The boar I shot last year was not worth the cost and time to butcher and ship back up to the Great White North, but I'm hoping to harvest something better this time. Wondering if anyone has any experience or connections in transporting/shipping that could offer some advice or assistance in getting that meat home. Thanks.
  18. This is the third bike that I have had it on, and love it.
  19. Good info guys, thanks.
  20. Will be visiting friends in Florida early February, staying in a huntcamp in The Big Cypress for 3-4 days (hopefully get in some hog hunting with the bow ), and then heading off with the warden for the remaining 3-4 days in a rented car. Not sure if we should head toward Naples or to Ft. Lauderdale area. Can anyone from the area suggest some sites to see, things to do in either of those areas? Thanks
  21. Not sure if these guys carry them but they're closer and gave me a good deal on my last few batteries that I bought from them: The Battery Shop, 1-800-467-9275 or 519-653-1193. They're in Cambridge.
  22. MartinA.....I just purchased an 06 last fall and love it....carb syncing is easy to do....and you're only couple hours from Kitchener, so we can "get er done". BTW that's about what I paid for mine with just under 45k and if you pick the 06 Black Cherry, you....and I...will have the prettiest bikes around!
  23. Or a twin that was seperated at birth!
  24. Powerful stuff.....did something to my computer screen....made the picture go all fuzzy!
  25. Must be from that fresh lake breeze down your way!! Bwahahahaha!!
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