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Everything posted by ReinyRooster

  1. So.....the bike is washed and waxed, fluid levels have all been checked, tire pressures have been checked......what packing I have to do will take about 2 minutes.......I'm ready to head out for maintenance day........Carl....what's the hold up????
  2. That is PURDY!!!
  3. My granddaughter will be born by C-section on Monday, which happens to also be my daughter's birthday! What a great birthday for her!!
  4. I hear you Carl on the rest.....but sooo looking forward to it.
  5. Our son and his wife are expecting there first child......our first grandchild.......mid-September......it's a boy and we're very excited....already found him some camo outfits!!LOL!!! Our daughter and her husband had been trying unsuccessfully for years, and even tried the in vitro route with no success. Adoption was there only option, and we got confirmation today that they are adopting a baby girl that is being born early next week!!! So I'm going to be an Opa.....twice before the summer is out!! Wooohooo!!:dancefool:
  6. Rest assured that the Rooster will be there!
  7. You guys are obviously getting the long-weekend madness, and I have to go pack for the cottage......Carl....count me in for one night.....clothed.....let me know what I owe you in cash for that.
  8. wait a minute....nobody said anything about having to get neked to sleep in Carl's room!!!! Maybe I don't need a room that badly........
  9. And for this abuse, I pay $12.00 a year....bwahahahahaha!! Carl.....I don't snore....or break wind ........or drink.............or lie...........
  10. Travelling solo.....one bed for Friday night......that's it.
  11. Carl.....I'll take the King size bed and you can have the single.....bwahahahaha!! Count me in.....PM me and let me know how much I owe you. I just laughed my butt off as I re-read the title of this post.....what I MEANT to say was "Need somewhere to sleep"
  12. Well I am attending Freebird's maintenance day and was going to camp out....just checked the tent that I was going to borrow....I find out now has been in storage for about 25 years......and is a piece of garbage. Anybody single in a room that wants to go splits on the room.....I just need one for Friday night as I will be heading out later Saturday afternoon.
  13. "make it to the Quaker Steak before all the Canucks take all the tables.".........Hey!! we're not actually TAKING the tables......we're just gonna borrow them for a while to rest our achy butts.:canada:
  14. cowpuc....spoken like a man with experience! LOL!!
  15. Congratulations. We are waiting for our first grandchild, due in mid September. My wife is already going nuts buying stuff for him!!
  16. The hard part of making the infamous Mosquito Soup is filleting those little devils.........
  17. Here is the link that touches on this repair: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?516-Repair-of-chrome-windshield-trim&highlight=windshield+trim+clip My question is: does anyone either have a few of these clips and I will buy them from you, or have the item number or details of that clip? I went to a local supplier and there are dozens of different sizes and style of those speed nut clips, and without more info, I don't know which one is the right size or style. Thanks.
  18. Sure thing Don.....I'll let you know as soon as I can confirm that I'm going.
  19. Excellent....thanks.
  20. Carl....is there a Timmie's or something similar at that exit to grab breakfast?
  21. I'm pretty sure if we all checked on pics from previous Venture gatherings, we'd find those three......
  22. Not sure of the correct terminology for the light.......installing an alarm system on the bike and, much like I had on the Wing, I want to also have the flashing small LED light to indicate that the alarm is there and on. Any suggestions as to the best place to mount that light? Any pics of you have something similar would be appreciated.
  23. Wow!! Somebody must have peed in his Cornflakes this morning! Nice attitude.
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